



  • s the solar corona has been photographed in the EUV and X-rays by many satellites (Pioneer 5, 6, 7,
  • Extreme Ultraviolet ( EUV) Imager
  • tcher using APS and Image Processing" (SWAP, an EUV imager) and the "Lyman Alpha Radiometer" (LYRA)
  • The SWAP extreme ultraviolet ( EUV) imaging telescope will operate next to LYRA on
  • A, were the prototypes for all normal-incidence EUV imaging instruments in use today, including SOH
  • yer technique to focus the difficult-to-reflect EUV light; the technique was first used for solar i
  • ctroheliograms obtained in extreme ultraviolet ( EUV) lines and the Lyman continuum indicate the pre
  • ided by an X-ray photon, an ultraviolet photon, EUV photon, or an ultraviolet photon.
  • tional) optical designs in extreme ultraviolet ( EUV) solar imaging.
  • Extreme Ultraviolet ( EUV) Spectrograph
  • There are six EUV telescopes which are arranged in three co-align
  • In the EUV, the surface of the Sun appears dark, and hot s
  • telescope to image the full disk of the Sun in EUV was flown by A.B.C. Walker and team in 1987 .