



  • Lendorian Elvish, a language unique among the other fictional l
  • imm classed the geniciales among the "daemonic elvish beings, who appeared in woman's shape and did
  • This internal history of the Elvish constructed languages was later revised by Tol
  • gainst the armies of Morgoth, fought their own Elvish kind, and eventually brought ruin upon themsel
  • The song was conceived as a bittersweet Elvish lament sung by Galadriel for those who have sa
  • Elvish language of Gael Baudino's Strands series, bas
  • Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, sung in an Elvish language
  • Elvish languages are constructed languages used by El
  • All the Elvish languages are presumed to be descendants of th
  • ter these, actual words which did exist in the Elvish languages are presented.
  • an etymological dictionary of the constructed Elvish languages written during the 1930 by J. R. R.
  • a after having worked with Tolkien's fictional Elvish languages while writing lyrics in these langua
  • Words from the following Elvish languages are presented: Danian, Doriathrin (a
  • ung in the Sindarin Language (one of Tolkien's Elvish languages): "Yarabi", "I Amar" ("I Amar presta
  • ge, from which J. R. R. Tolkien built his many Elvish languages, especially Quenya, Noldorin and Ilk
  • herent with this later internal history of the Elvish languages.
  • It also explains the Elvish names given to Men, Dwarves, and Orcs.
  • caverns ... though here they get mixed up with elvish personages."
  • would not reveal the whereabouts of the three Elvish rings.
  • Their version of the ring, also inscribed with elvish script, sold in a variety of sizes in various
  • ment was always in flux but the lexicon of the Elvish tongues remained rather stable.
  • g Steve's other talents are being able to read Elvish, use Morse code, and communicate with dolphins
  • the thing got into the bed, it turned into an elvish woman, who was clad in silk and who was the mo
  • Almost each year, new Elvish words are published and the grammar rules of t