



  • . a body established by statute or otherwise exercising a public function.
  • (1802-4) under Sailer and Zimmer, the former exercising a great and abiding influence over him.
  • ant freedom, who are doing nothing more than exercising a human right, to know the right to defend w
  • s the chapter's "Lieutenant of Information", exercising a responsibility for writing information and
  • r, the Constable of the Tower, frustrated by exercising a right (still inherent in the office) of de
  • An authorised officer exercising a power of entry under this section must, if
  • Exercising a right of return to the facility, ADC const
  • ased on the fact that the Government was not exercising a statutory power.
  • Hackl and forced Greutert on the project by exercising a "contractual clause" in his contract, much
  • the poet travels, living his life but always exercising a strong disposition to make poems from some
  • ( Exercising a Public Trust: Voting October 2008)
  • n, however, she starts to relish the idea of exercising a borrowed power of authority.
  • Exercising administrative oversight over functions of t
  • His most widely respected article is "On Exercising All-Round Dictatorship over the Bourgeoisie,
  • In May 2007 after exercising an option to buy a stake of technology start
  • 2019, however, the Red Sox began toying with exercising an early out in their contract that allowed
  • uncing that he and his limited partners were exercising an option in their partnership agreement to
  • model followed by the other public schools, exercising an unprecedented influence on the educationa
  • from her actions in "uncovering and lawfully exercising ancient rights of way and the right to roam"
  • siest, fastest and most effective methods of exercising and enhancing the clairvoyant factor.
  • the game 75%, noting the health benefits of exercising and addictiveness of following statistics, b
  • ity activities such as amateur astronomy and exercising, and a paved walking trail that completely e
  • ian waters conducting patrols and constantly exercising and drilling.
  • atic representation of local communities, in exercising and performing at local level powers and fun
  • It prevented those in holy orders from exercising any temporal jurisdiction or authority after
  • hich had prevented those in holy orders from exercising any temporal jurisdiction or authority.
  • andowners took the law into their own hands, exercising arbitrary taxes and penalties.
  • set at 250 mmHg, blocking blood flow to the exercising arm.)
  • After exercising at Manus, she sailed to Biak, Schouten Islan
  • SS Content (SP-538) (left center background) exercising at Rockland Section Base, Rockland, Maine, i
  • He had suffered a heart attack while exercising at the AmeriSuites Hotel gym, also in Secauc
  • nd territories, as it has no vice-regal post exercising authority as the representative of the Head
  • Far from exercising bias, as Edonovan alleges, I have tried to r
  • Exercising budgetary and fiscal control over the educat
  • ight which at least one dalesman insisted on exercising, by walking through the hall.(Ref:
  • People can be seen jogging or exercising by the road side early in the morning.
  • iple, which assumes that there is no harm in exercising caution even if it later turns out to be unw
  • their freedom by closing down newspapers and exercising censorship on the print media and books.
  • hallenge in their lives by understanding and exercising choices, by believing in their strength when
  • ult to override compulsions to take drugs by exercising cognitive control.
  • Otherwise, you are exercising colonialism which has been condemned by the
  • odumar, himself a former President, but also exercising considerable negotiating weight in the Parli
  • ns of SOA governance agree in its purpose of exercising control, but differ in the responsibilities
  • ny commander (colonel and above), commanders exercising courts-martial authority, principal official
  • ute or remit punishment imposed by any court exercising criminal jurisdiction are hereby vested in t
  • ed to take account of local circumstances in exercising delegated powers.
  • the proletariat and the people's masses and exercising dictatorship over a minority of hostile elem
  • e it is the only part of the mind capable of exercising direct control over the actions of the body.
  • ed Kingdom was already actually occupying or exercising dominion over; and the United States demande
  • In other words, sitting down and not exercising enough.
  • British citizenship, exercising EU Freedom of Movement Rights, indefinite le
  • policy, and a board of governors (citizens) exercising exclusive control over financial policy and
  • ating,” and can include “vomiting, excessive exercising, fasting, and/or taking laxatives.”
  • ad ogni scolaro or Brief and easy manner of exercising for every student, still in use today.
  • ence are intertwined, and that the rapist is exercising force which may have temporary physical effe
  • Hong Kong and even in mainland China, where exercising free speech is usually shunned, some protest
  • In this charge he remained for 35 years, exercising from his pulpit a truly magnetic influence,
  • etropolitan reversal," i.e., a former colony exercising governance over the entirety of the Portugue
  • ximum," "Gungrave," and "Elvis Lives"); when exercising her power of illusion, they flow from her bo
  • nference voted to suspend Bishop Andrew from exercising his episcopal office until he no longer owne
  • ankhouser's trial but he refused to testify, exercising his Fifth Amendment right to avoid self-incr
  • He continued exercising his profession, taking up specialties in ane
  • After exercising his option, the Reds and Arroyo agreed on a
  • e Holy Wars," while Grisham said that he was exercising his right to freedom of speech.
  • r was made that he could not be deported for exercising his right to free speech, and Bracegirdle wa
  • e was apprehended and condemned to death for exercising his priestly office.
  • r his reaching Ireland he was captured while exercising his functions at Clonmel, and was thrown int
  • igerian constitution, and even go further by exercising his fundamental human rights by contesting f
  • tion be amended to prohibit the governor, in exercising his or her partial veto authority, from crea
  • correct, then he must have been incapable of exercising his authority in April 760, when a monk name
  • ime forbade "a minister of the Gospel, while exercising his ministerial functions, to hold a public
  • native media sources say Coronado was simply exercising his constitutional right to freedom of speec
  • the Petition could not prevent Charles from exercising his prerogatives in the future.
  • 08, that Bishop Jack Iker was inhibited from exercising his office as a bishop in the Episcopal Chur
  • To the last he persisted in exercising his ministry.
  • The defendant must have been exercising his power as a public officer
  • uring those years as a biochemistry teacher, exercising his old master's degree.
  • the public open space, others to ban grooms exercising horses but not the general public riding for
  • the overall impact of Romanian comics: while exercising ideological control over the comic strip sce
  • hed Pearl Harbor on 8 August 1945, and after exercising in the Hawaiian Islands, sailed to the weste
  • Others hold that it was whilst exercising in the northern parts his despotic powers as
  • was the custom to spend an hour a day or so exercising in the nude in the gymnasium and males did n
  • karinen moved to Joensuu and enjoys cooking, exercising in the gym and outdoor activities.
  • r 22, 2000, Smith was given the title he was exercising in practice: general manager of the Blackhaw
  • derals seized the Cumberland Gap, Stevenson, exercising independent command, led a Confederate force
  • These collateral branches therefore started exercising independent authority in their domains.
  • as one of the most famous books of its time, exercising influence over E. T. A. Hoffmann and even Si
  • l system was given to the Executive Council, exercising its power through the New Brunswick Board of
  • s to assist the Conference of the Parties in exercising its functions with respect to the financial
  • g to the High Court, Chancery Division, when exercising its jurisdiction for company law matters (Re
  • arliament would not have been precluded from exercising its powers in the absence thereof.
  • he Thunder's 15-man roster, with the Thunder exercising its fourth-year contract option on White on
  • eploy an international force to assist it in exercising its authority throughout the territory and a
  • the Council felt it had been prevented from exercising its responsibility for the maintenance of in
  • l proceedings and that it was for the Court, exercising its discretion to the full, to investigate w
  • In exercising its powers the CNMV received a significant a
  • e, Mike is preparing dinner while Boopsie is exercising, Joanie is nursing Jeffrey, Zonker is buildi
  • ter III courts to perform no other duty than exercising judicial power.
  • orical role of the Court of Queen's Bench in exercising judicial review), judges from the Chancery D
  • racticed hunting and gathering for survival, exercising jurisdiction over vast jungle tracts close t
  • knowledge in public financial management by exercising leadership in research, recommended practice
  • f Middlesex, with the Constable of the Tower exercising lieutenancy powers ex-officio.
  • Although exercising limited power in a situation known as dual p
  • e next decade he remained Qazaghan's puppet, exercising little real authority.
  • he unit mostly involve contingency planning, exercising major incident procedures, organising body r
  • For example, a person constantly exercising may develop stronger muscles or a cat that g
  • ed to them by the constitution, instead just exercising moral authority.
  • o-called frailocracia --the Dominican friars exercising more power than the civilian government) for
  • After years of hard work and the exercising much financial discipline in 1977 TVRM final
  • encompassing Thrace and Bithynia, while also exercising nominal suzerainty over the other Crusader s
  • vel is almost a text-book on the gaining and exercising of political power.
  • information he needs in order to ensure the exercising of his rights.
  • "Swordsmanship is basically the exercising of the Life Force and, therefore, at the beg
  • to the conversion of convertible bonds, the exercising of warrants, or new shares are issued for ca
  • determined that the tester feels would allow exercising of the system.
  • the Far East, serving on the Taiwan Patrol, exercising off Japan, Okinawa, and in the Philippines,
  • arious stations as a Judge of the High Court exercising original jurisdiction, he was promoted as a
  • a sinner, spouting flames from its mouth and exercising other fearsome powers that vary from story t
  • tion, treating with foreign dignitaries, and exercising other powers normally associated with the Be
  • In other words, Pope John Paul II was not exercising papal infallibility in this encyclical, but
  • e government had to secure this influence by exercising patronage, and Namier quotes a number of let
  • ng the responsibility for its management and exercising patroon rights.
  • The catch was that the exercising player had to meet and maintain a minimum th
  • ty are typical of Allanak, with the templars exercising power with near impunity.
  • ct of the revolution, were only justified in exercising power for a transitional period.
  • , he believed that rulers maximized power by exercising power as little as possible.
  • Women, addressed the problems women face in exercising power.
  • afternoon of 9 July the ship's crew had been exercising, practising the routine for abandoning ship.
  • By 1863 Spain was exercising pressure on Haiti to cede territory to Spain
  • , the second Lewis (son of Captain Richard), exercising proprietory right.
  • d lines, it refers to any national authority exercising public functions".
  • blished that the decisions of a private body exercising public functions may be amenable to judicial
  • drinking grapefruit juice with each meal and exercising regularly; many participants lost more than
  • in mind, the resolution commended UNIFIL for exercising restraint and reminded it that it could use
  • humane treatment to each other's nationals, exercising restraint in public statements and assisting
  • r's peninsular vassals took exception to his exercising royal authority over them.
  • ving that such discussions were necessary in exercising self government.
  • of several different tribes and through them exercising semi-sovereignty over traditional grazing la
  • Walker charges him with exercising severity against the conforming clergy.
  • ions grouping a number of municipalities and exercising some of the powers which, elsewhere in Quebe
  • ued receiving the salary of the position and exercising some of its influence until his death in 147
  • 1977, Belmont Abbey was a territorial abbey, exercising some functions of a diocese.
  • ave ordered a general mobilization and to be exercising special vigilance on the Soviet frontier.
  • a sharp distinction between the court baron, exercising strictly manorial rights, and the court leet
  • he protection of miners from retaliation for exercising such rights.
  • a result, Sharon's deputy Ehud Olmert begins exercising the powers of the office of Prime Minister.
  • his duties, however, Iloilo had been rightly exercising the prerogatives of the office in his place.
  • ning the duty of care owed by a trustee when exercising the power of investment.
  • nothing to do with allowing him to continue exercising the ministry, from which he had already been
  • ffort in cleaning it and in entertaining and exercising the dog in a way that minimizes the accumula
  • Essendon, exercising the season's minor premier team's right of "
  • additional charisma of leadership, while one exercising the gift of prophecy speaks on God's behalf
  • advanced students it becomes more internal, exercising the internal organs and mind as well as the
  • Because the chance of exercising the pivotal vote (i.e. in case of a tied ele
  • he smallest central government agencies, and exercising the role as the territory's lieutenant gover
  • e required...And for the better training and exercising the militia, and rendering them more service
  • was dismissed, he died, after forty years of exercising the military and political Professions.
  • ntly with Ralph Freeman, formed a commission exercising the powers of the Master of the Mint.
  • It also established a framework for exercising the U.S.'s rights to influence drug scheduli
  • on by discouraging or preventing people from exercising their right to vote.
  • uals to build awareness and capacity towards exercising their rights in relation to tourism planning
  • -deacons are still fathering children [while exercising their office.]
  • d and they became substantially incapable of exercising their rights.
  • Exercising their rights under the Homestead Act, James
  • which penalizes those who harass others for exercising their First Amendment rights.
  • atisfied with notices forbidding people from exercising their horses, with Duppas Hill becoming the
  • of journalists and teachers were banned from exercising their profession.
  • that intimidate voters and prevent them from exercising their right to vote on Election Day."
  • ts and Internet users who are persecuted for exercising their right to freedom of expression.
  • for the incident; that the Nationalists were exercising their basic right of freedom of speech and a
  • , and to defend those who are persecuted for exercising their rights to freedom of speech, writing a
  • deal did not go through due to the partners exercising their pre-emption privileges.
  • the extent of law-enforcement discretion in exercising their duties.
  • at a Web Service can exhibit, mostly because exercising these behaviors is application-dependent and
  • In exercising this responsibility, each State is compelled
  • er the same conditions that the unit test is exercising, thus rendering the unit test inaccurate.
  • os would occasionally use it for running and exercising to acclimatize players to warm weather befor
  • The two are shown exercising together, and when Sierra stumbles Echo move
  • t the level of the entire state, which means exercising towards its inhabitants, and the wealth and
  • However, Red Cliff tribal members began exercising treaty rights, and member Walter Bresette em
  • In 1998, Stefanson was accused by some of exercising undue ministerial influence in the appointme
  • eing a self made man of strong character and exercising vast influence there is not a little in his
  • gs and evenings during specified timings for exercising, walking or jogging in the inner lane of the
  • Young Spartans Exercising was purchased by the National Gallery in 192
  • However, Chairman Doughton, exercising what he took to be the Chairman's privileges
  • We are now, alas! exercising what charity we actually have, and new laws
  • much television can be fun, but when you are exercising with Nana, Mona, and Russell, you'll know th
  • nt spent a month in northern waters, in 1956 exercising with minesweepers of the Royal Canadian Navy
  • e served in the Far East with the 7th Fleet, exercising with ships of the Korean, Chinese Nationalis
  • his collision yet again showed the perils of exercising with heavy units.
  • rs of our century in the realm of art music, exercising within its various fields an influence which