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  • action analogous to the Bergman cyclization, generating a diradical species.
  • tation, with six coal powered steam turbines generating a maximum of 1,680 MW of electricity.
  • discovered Arkansas diamond field was still generating a speculative heyday, and the enterprising p
  • convert in the magnetic field into photons, generating a tiny amount of radio frequency power.
  • docking port provided power to the station, generating a total of 3,120 watts of electricity.
  • It comprises the steps of: generating a set of user requirements that include a se
  • one of the three phosphine ligands, thereby generating a reactive 16-electron complex that binds or
  • A cause-effect graph is useful for generating a reduced decision table.
  • tochastic inversions address this problem by generating a range of plausible solutions, which can th
  • onsidered that are primarily responsible for generating a specific movement.
  • ye Birdie and The Sound of Music, the latter generating a photo feature article in The Dallas Mornin
  • IαI form complexes with hyaluronan (HA), generating a serum-derived hyaluronan-associated protei
  • m used to describe the locus responsible for generating a protein.
  • rces, NBC and Universal claimed the show was generating a deficit of several million dollars, a stag
  • generates a magnetic field, which collapses generating a current that falls asymptotically toward z
  • rved as an unofficial Canadian fall festival generating a large amount of national media coverage, c
  • Power is provided by four MAN B&W Diesels generating a total of 47,750 kW giving her a service sp
  • generate random binary trees with n nodes by generating a real-valued random variable x in the unit
  • ws from local and far flung visitors, and is generating a constant flow of income for the club, coup
  • an and later Hong Kong in late January 2007, generating a controversy over the definition of chengyu
  • em were stolen within the recording company, generating a judicial inquiry.
  • lved through restrained suggestions of form, generating a strong sense of atmosphere, while the stru
  • nstrates the supposed difficulty of randomly generating a 17 amino acid sequence to form a protein.
  • ncreasing the boiler pressure to 200 psi and generating a tractive effort of 21,200 lbf.
  • In generating a fight-or-flight response, the amygdala act
  • of "pushing" the ions faster to the exit by generating a supplementary electric potential, minimizi
  • The game is generating a lot of hype from young Chinese gamers even
  • ourt, the first animal-rights case to do so, generating a large amount of publicity for PETA, and tr
  • ly, ultimately running as an independent and generating a considerable level of media publicity.
  • : pulse shaper with a quadratic phase shift, generating a pulse with a negative chirp, i.e. higher f
  • It was considered a success in generating a balanced community and prompted further ho
  • n the material, they can either be absorbed, generating a pair of free carriers, or they can stimula
  • uy and then resell contracts to each other - generating a “hot-potato” volume effect as the same pos
  • In the process, generating a huge income for Bolan and his band, which
  • encouraging a competitive market environment generating a better deal for the tax payer.
  • tensity spark within the torch body, thereby generating a small pocket of plasma gas.
  • It had fourteen lamps generating a fixed light, which distinguished it from t
  • blatex relies on BibTeX only for sorting and generating a very generic .bbl
  • lity (ATF): A test accelerator is focused on generating a super low-emittance beam.
  • game was however praised for the concept of generating a unique playing world for each new quest.
  • t-fit member provide a good fit (in terms of generating a probability plot with a high correlation c
  • s of the Spambayes Project proposed a way of generating a particularly useful spamminess indicator b
  • g point, thereby avoiding the possibility of generating a damaged layer or heat-affected zone.
  • ific languages, metacompilers are useful for generating a wide range of software engineering and ana
  • a selected overtone), while in effect still generating a single fundamental frequency with his/her
  • , and so the plant will continue to operate, generating a negligible amount of power, into the fores
  • le were employed across 14 local businesses, generating a total annual payroll of $6,243,000 as of 2
  • The 1977 film Pumping Iron is cited as generating a fitness revolution of sorts that resulted
  • attracted an estimated 8.2 million viewers, generating a 2.9 rating, while the second episode's est
  • client software provides the user interface, generating a real-time animated display of what is goin
  • test invention: a “nuclear field” capable of generating a frequency that will render equipment and p
  • 58,000 inhabitants (in 1921) in 91 villages, generating a 744,416 Rs revenue.
  • Such intentionally hate generating abilities are often available to tanks, who
  • n Arbor residents approved this program 2-1, generating about $35 million to purchase land.
  • Both these agents likely destroy neurons by generating active oxygen species such as superoxide rad
  • Tourism in Zanzibar, the main income generating activity on the islands, was seriously disru
  • reserving their natural gas for export-while generating additional revenue.
  • ve according to their own inclinations, thus generating additional interesting stories and folklore.
  • 2) is a chemical compound, used as a radical generating agent in the ketone-mediated intraannulation
  • for a diversified group of thirty companies, generating aggregate revenues over $5 billion annually,
  • less, it proved a success at the box office, generating almost $130 million.
  • ton that compresses a piezoelectric crystal, generating an electric arc.
  • client-side scripting such as JavaScript for generating an extra file-select control for each file t
  • This project is ...generating an entire new legislative framework for th
  • This would mean generating an additional 1330-1590GWh of power each yea
  • not part of DNA) by uracil-DNA glycosylase, generating an abasic (AP) site.
  • will have an installed capacity of 181 MWe, generating an estimated 886 GWh of electricity per year
  • Aspect collyboid, generating an extensive, dense and tenacious mycelial m
  • om the negative oxygen to recreate the bond, generating an acyl-enzyme intermediate.
  • y of the Burns Foods' subsidiaries were sold generating an exceptional return to the shareholders.
  • MW (three facilities at circa 100 MW each), generating an average 562 GW·h of hydroelectricity annu
  • elerated towards a positively charged anode, generating an current.
  • rol, the dam also generates electric energy, generating an average of 15,000,000 kilowatt-hours (54,
  • Papkovich-Neuber solution is a technique for generating analytic solutions to the Newtonian incompre
  • ic coils, the transmitter and receiver coils generating and receiving electromagnetic fields.
  • The City's electricity generating and supply functions were nationalised in th
  • One downside is that the software generating and interpreting the modem tones is not simp
  • o the language has comprehensive support for generating and transforming programs.
  • consumerist system that has 'specialised in generating and then granting the wishes of human beings
  • testing, and changes to the electrical power generating and airburst fusing equipment.
  • Software for generating and visualization of the apollonian sphere p
  • This ability is important for generating and conceptualizing solutions to multi-step
  • er plants and owns stakes in several Russian generating and distribution companies.
  • meanings: (1) identity of substance between generating and generated; (2) identity of substance bet
  • ward basis, reflecting the utility's cost of generating and/or purchasing electricity at the wholesa
  • Tourism is still far from generating any income due to fact of absence of facilit
  • prietary high-level algorithmic language for generating applications in ArcInfo.
  • assorted food products, and railcar storage, generating approximately 3,000 annual carloads.
  • te, peat moss, paper, lumber, and chemicals, generating approximately 2,000 carloads in 1993.
  • ertilizer, grain, propane, and carbon black, generating approximately 1,350 annual carloads.
  • Kapale, KT; Dowling, JP Vortex phase qubit: Generating arbitrary, counterrotating, coherent superpo
  • oads carrying a wide variety of commodities, generating around 40,000 annual carloads over approxima
  • ia's newest and most efficient power station generating around 17% of Victoria's energy needs.
  • ber 2009, a Google search for "Argleton" was generating around 249,000 hits, and the domain names ar
  • e conditional assembler is not restricted to generating assembler code and was in fact used by IBM i
  • would have seen NB Power transfer all of its generating assets except for the thermal stations at Da
  • i.e., little more than 130 hours continuous generating at full load.
  • is currently rare for more than three to be generating at the one time.
  • without incorporating carbon into sugars or generating ATP.
  • greater system in some way through either by generating audible tones that invoke switching function
  • am in Thailand, working with the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand.
  • It was constructed by Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) with assistance
  • rily gamma radiation, with proposed goals of generating auxiliary power from the shielding of a nucl
  • Presumably she was generating bad feeling by being a loose woman.
  • excretes ammonium (NH4+) and monophosphate, generating bicarbonate in the process while clearing ac
  • Zobrist hashing starts by randomly generating bitstrings for each possible element of a bo
  • but in October 1975, the Central Electricity Generating Board gave 12 months notification of the sta
  • The Central Electricity Generating Board gave 12 months notification of the sta
  • icity Authority into the Central Electricity Generating Board (CEGB).
  • Hawkins, Chairman of the Central Electricity Generating Board from 1972-77
  • station was built by the Central Electricity Generating Board and unlike most of the power stations
  • tation at Dungeness, the Central Electricity Generating Board (CEGB) proposed their third AGR statio
  • ich it replaced with the Central Electricity Generating Board (CEGB) and the Electricity Council.
  • The former Central Electricity Generating Board commissioned Drax power station in two
  • When the Central Electricity Generating Board was split up, the power stations were
  • search facilities of the Central Electricity Generating Board (CEGB), concentrating on heavy plant -
  • ority (CEA) and then the Central Electricity Generating Board (CEGB).
  • nd site were sold by the Central Electricity Generating Board in 1984, and demolished in April 1986.
  • ston Court to become the Central Electricity Generating Board's chief scientist, a post he held unti
  • He then went to the Central Electricity Generating Board, where he researched ways to predict t
  • nitially operated by the Central Electricity Generating Board.
  • is father, Brian, worked for the electricity generating board.
  • is a microwave generator that is capable of generating brief pulses of tunable, narrow band microwa
  • Textile and agriculture are main income generating business for this town.
  • ion in the developing world with the goal of generating business for pharmaceutical companies, Supar
  • Film Festival in September 2006, immediately generating buzz and landing a deal with Harvey Weinstei
  • ature on compiler optimization to be used in generating bytecode for the Parrot virtual machine that
  • It produces native object code by first generating C code and then calling a C compiler.
  • ic dam in Iran with an installed electricity generating capability of 13.5 MWh.
  • uction in Iran with an installed electricity generating capability of 48 MW.
  • ic dam in Iran with an installed electricity generating capability of 151 MWh.
  • ic dam in Iran with an installed electricity generating capability of 2.8 MW.
  • uction in Iran with an installed electricity generating capability of 900 kW.
  • uction in Iran with an installed electricity generating capability of 680 kW.
  • ic dam in Iran with an installed electricity generating capability of 18 MWh.
  • ic dam in Iran with an installed electricity generating capability of 8.4 MWh.
  • uction in Iran with an installed electricity generating capability of 8.5 MWh.
  • It will have an installed generating capability of 2,000 MWh which is split into
  • ic dam in Iran with an installed electricity generating capability of 480 MWh.
  • ic dam in Iran with an installed electricity generating capability of 87 MWh.
  • ic dam in Iran with an installed electricity generating capability of 70 MWh.
  • uction in Iran with an installed electricity generating capability of 315 MWh.
  • ic dam in Iran with an installed electricity generating capability of 35.1 MWh.
  • ic dam in Iran with an installed electricity generating capability of 13 MWh.
  • ine in 1961, 1965, and 1969, with respective generating capacities of 334 MW, 390 MW, and 759 MW (in
  • ch came online in 1954-1971, with respective generating capacities of 138 MW, 137 MW, 249 MW, 362 MW
  • It has one turbine, with a generating capacity of 28 MW of electricity.
  • It has three turbines, with a combined generating capacity of 38.25 MW of electricity.
  • haos as the effects of overloads and loss of generating capacity cascaded through the network, break
  • Tumut 1 has four turbines, with a generating capacity of 329.6MW of electricity.
  • Tumut 2 has four turbines, with a generating capacity of 286.4MW of electricity.
  • It has an installed electrical generating capacity of 1345 MW, as well as thermal heat
  • Tumut 3 has 6 turbines, with a generating capacity of 1,500MW of electricity.
  • It has a power generating capacity of 384 MW enough to power over 257,
  • life by at least forty years and upgrade the generating capacity from 1,872 megawatts to 2,172 megaw
  • the largest thermal power plant, in terms of generating capacity in the state of West Bengal as well
  • Originally having a generating capacity of 300 megawatts each (2.7 gigawatt
  • It consists of four generators with a total generating capacity of 760 MW.
  • The plant was completed in 1974, and has a generating capacity of 420 megawatts
  • The onset of new generating capacity at Pembroke (oil-fired) and Didcot
  • ic power plant in Finland, with an installed generating capacity of 84 megawatts across three units
  • lectrical supply, giving the station a total generating capacity of 2,600 kW.
  • 2009 (2009 -12-31), the company had a total generating capacity of 1,860 MW of electricity and 967
  • d in winter of 2010/11 to increase the dam's generating capacity by an additional 335 megawatts.
  • station was closed on 25 October 1976 with a generating capacity of 92 MW.
  • It has one turbine, with a generating capacity of 10.5 MW of electricity and is op
  • the Aras River with an installed electricity generating capacity of 550 kW.
  • It has a power generating capacity of 176 MW enough to power over 118,
  • It will have an installed generating capacity of 124 MW and will produce enough e
  • It has been designed for an eventual power generating capacity of 128 MW, enough to power over 86,
  • ines with a nominal output of 82.8 MW with a generating capacity of 315 MW and generates 1.58 billio
  • its second unit of 660 MW bringing the total generating capacity to 2640 MW.With this,Adani power ha
  • There are plans to upgrade generating capacity of each of the four turbines.
  • land, and the new power stations will have a generating capacity of more than 200,000 kW.
  • Warragamba has one turbine with a generating capacity of 50 MW of electricity.
  • It has one Francis turbine, with a generating capacity of 144 MW of electricity, and is re
  • ondage has one turbo generator, with a total generating capacity of 4.5 MW of electricity.
  • ix 150kW AC turbo generators, giving a total generating capacity of 2,400kW.
  • station was closed on 31 October 1983 with a generating capacity of 114 MW.
  • d operated by energy firm E.ON UK, and has a generating capacity of 1,940 megawatts.
  • Blowering has one turbine generator, with a generating capacity of 80 MW of electricity.
  • It has one Francis type turbine, with a generating capacity of 12.2 MW of electricity.
  • att (kW) dynamos, giving the station a total generating capacity of 1,000 kW.
  • Murray 1 has ten turbo generators, with a generating capacity of 950 MW of electricity.
  • Unit 2, completed in 1968, with a generating capacity of 140 megawatts
  • Unit 3, completed in 1971, with a generating capacity of 340 megawatts
  • m) high and 900 feet (270 m) long, and has a generating capacity of 57,600 kilowatts.
  • Unit 1, completed in 1965, with a generating capacity of 140 megawatts
  • city Board proposed to install 4 MW electric generating capacity from the dam, which is now in opera
  • 1926 the company increased the generating capacity of the Petty Harbour Generating Sta
  • The total generating capacity of the project is 5,850 MW.
  • It finally closed on 25 October 1976, with a generating capacity of 34 megawatts.
  • Generation ceased on 27 October 1980 with a generating capacity of 117 megawatts.
  • The installed generating capacity of New Zealand (all sources) as of
  • It has a power generating capacity of 120 MW enough to power over 81,0
  • This gave the station a total generating capacity of 5,000 kW.
  • It has one Pelton turbine, with a generating capacity of 43.2 MW of electricity.
  • The Amaravathi Dam has 4 Megawatts electric generating capacity installed.
  • Generating capacity has now increased to 7.6 MW.
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