



  • Park guests wear 3-D glasses (Carnival Games Goggles) aboard spinning vehicles that travel through
  • s cell, he was shackled and fitted with heavy goggles and headphones.
  • Their helmets and armor are different, with goggles and a breather hood.
  • en when handling this compound, including lab goggles and safety gloves.
  • Jerry puts on goggles and joins the fish in the fishbowl as they wa
  • ed that his wife could see him through the VR Goggles and Reiko won't be alone.
  • uments, mirrors, signs, eye safety/protective goggles, and cosmetic packaging.
  • Proper eye protection such as welding goggles and face shields are needed to prevent eye da
  • th SOS specializes in the use of night vision goggles and close interval formation tactics to refue
  • sually seen with welding equipments, welder's goggles, and a wrench.
  • such as rubber or PVC gloves, protective eye goggles, and chemical-resistant clothing and shoes ar
  • n automobile mechanic's outfit, complete with goggles and gloves.
  • is face is hidden entirely by bandages, large goggles, and a wide-brimmed hat.
  • ographs, as well as his Speed Graphic camera, goggles and dog tags, were placed on display at the M
  • Iceberg, in his "white snowsuit, green goggles and colorless rifle, sat patiently on the L.C
  • ted the rescue for viewers using night-vision goggles, and the report won an award by the Illinois
  • continue his career - he now plays in special goggles and has scored 11 goals in his Bundesliga deb
  • d-mounted eyeglasses similar in appearance to goggles and binoculars, although several brands are d
  • Goggles and welding helmets with dark face plates are
  • ornet in the Andes during a blizzard, wearing goggles and screaming out his window while director W
  • The goggles are made with red-tinted plastic lenses.
  • Proper laboratory cautions (lab coat, gloves, goggles) are advised.
  • Laser goggles are subject to degradation and damage like an
  • arcinogenic properties of the UV beam, and UV goggles are needed to protect the eyes.
  • Although the goggles are designed to be worn inside some people fi
  • ctive spectacles with side shields or welding goggles are considered primary protection, with the f
  • Dark adaptor goggles are used in the field of meteorology for eith
  • aving just had laser eye surgery, and wearing goggles as a result - the eye surgery is featured in
  • irst landing in Antarctica using night-vision goggles at Pegasus Field.
  • erformer of the year award at the 2009 Golden Goggles Awards.
  • At no time should the goggles be used to help assess the visibility.
  • white instead of gray and did not have pilot goggles but did laugh and say "Suna rus rga rag".
  • In bad weather the goggles can be useless as they depend on some source
  • The three US-made military goggles cost $4,000, $4,000 and $7,000, respectively.
  • s one of the first players to wear glasses or goggles during games.
  • random questions); all players would now wear goggles during the game -- weather it was getting pie
  • uraged to participate by being allowed to don goggles, dust masks and gloves to contribute to the c
  • or electronic equipment, such as night vision goggles, electronic circuit boards, and radium-dial i
  • The optical filter in welding goggles, face mask or helmet must be a type which is
  • Also, the lenses of protective goggles, faceshield windows and welding filters canno
  • ons, inertially-aided munitions, night vision goggles, fighter data link and Low Altitude Navigatio
  • During the final, Michael Phelps's goggles filled with water, preventing him from seeing
  • Similarly, the Inuit have used snow goggles for eye protection.
  • gloves, grips, elbow guards, chin guards, and goggles for the BMX and Motocross communities.
  • He wears a burning coat, and special goggles from which a laser beam is projected, from on
  • ore heat from the firefighter's face, but the goggles give more eye protection in extraction and re
  • just a mouthpiece and nose clip; separate gas goggles had to be worn.
  • Declining health forced him to hang up his goggles in 1951, but he remained active in racing.
  • ed that it was no different from night vision goggles in other first-person shooters, and said that
  • ace three to four weeks of training using the goggles including simulator time and eight sorties in
  • Patrick Goggles is a Democratic member of the Wyoming House o
  • Google Goggles is a downloadable image recognition applicati
  • is re-ride on Black Smoke), Ricky Bobby, Beer Goggles, Live Wire, Smack Down and Black Pearl.
  • s on exhibit, including several pairs of snow goggles made from caribou hoof, bone and wood.
  • side and away from major sources of light the goggles may be removed and the observer's vision shou
  • For use at night the observer should put the goggles on about ten minutes prior to going outside.
  • roaching forces by switching his night vision goggles on and off.
  • "Billy's Got His Beer Goggles On" is the title of a song recorded by countr
  • 's 2005 music video for "Billy's Got His Beer Goggles On" with a Hyacinth Macaw, a sloth and an alb
  • "Billy's Got His Beer Goggles On" debuted at number 60 on the U.S. Billboar
  • "Billy's Got His Beer Goggles On" describes a man who, after his girlfriend
  • ou can't only be a virtual Global Nomad, with goggles on, in a virtual reality.
  • re currently working on developing an API for Goggles, once they determine what shape it should tak
  • They can be similar to goggles or be lenses incorporated into other pieces o
  • lays information on the inside of a swimmer's goggles or of a scuba diver's mask.
  • Mills (center) strikes a three goggles pose with two fans.
  • am have to be experienced as the night vision goggles prove to be very challenging.
  • Welding goggles provide a degree of eye protection while some
  • rams that are autostereoscopic (no glasses or goggles required), full-parallax (viewing of the imag
  • Goggles requires iPhone 3GS or iPhone 4 on iOS 4.0 or
  • Goggles runs on any phone running Android version 1.6
  • e identification of clouds during the day the goggles should be put on just before the observer goe
  • Dr. Zorba leaves a set of special goggles, the only way of seeing the ghosts.
  • te 1990s with the growing use of night vision goggles the 310th FS has become the principle trainer
  • tained in the city there were virtual reality goggles they could wear that simulated environments a
  • ng gas masks, however gas masks would include goggles to protect the eyes.
  • Shailesh Nalawadi indicated that Google wants Goggles to be an application platform, much like Goog
  • to watch the proceedings are given protective goggles to watch "man's most terrible weapon".
  • Laser protection eyewear are glasses or goggles used to protect eyes from damage from visible
  • Goggles was performed by Joey Mazzarino, a writer and
  • According to the family lawyer, the goggles were intended for sale by her husband (who is
  • l acquired Bell's Palsy and as a result wears goggles when playing.
  • She wears glasses (sports goggles when on the field) and has an odd, oft-joked
  • Laser protection goggles work on the basis that laser light is one fre
  • Notably, the goggles worn by the blind dwarfs are the same goggles