



  • Moreover, any Halin graph remains Hamiltonian after deletion of any vertex.
  • The F26A graph is Hamiltonian and can be described by the LCF notation [−
  • The Desargues graph is Hamiltonian and can be constructed from the LCF notatio
  • The Foster graph is Hamiltonian and has chromatic number 2, chromatic index
  • antities known as the Hamilton function (or Hamiltonian) and the Lagrange function (or Lagrangian).
  • The Folkman graph is Hamiltonian and has chromatic number 2, chromatic index
  • n properties with the hypercube Q4-both are Hamiltonian and have chromatic number 2, chromatic inde
  • Since the spectrum of the Hamiltonian and the scattering matrix of the sine-Gordo
  • The Ljubljana graph is Hamiltonian and can be constructed from the LCF notatio
  • translation operator T(a) commutes with the Hamiltonian, assuming a simple kinetic-plus-potential f
  • lved several high-profile artists including Hamiltonian Bill Dillon and David Rhodes (Peter Gabriel
  • 5: Make the circuit found in previous step Hamiltonian by skipping visited nodes (shortcutting).
  • the vertices of the graph and describe the Hamiltonian circle along the p vertices by the edge seq
  • enty (in ancient Greek icosa) edges (i.e. a Hamiltonian circuit on the icosahedron).
  • If a graph contains different Hamiltonian circuits, one may select one of these to ac
  • t all quartic graphs have an even number of Hamiltonian circuits.
  • independent set, minimum dominating set and Hamiltonian completion.
  • We also need to augment the Hamiltonian constraint with momentum constraints
  • ternatively, a 4-coloring of the faces of a Hamiltonian cubic planar graph may be constructed direc
  • A Hamiltonian cycle in a dodecahedron.
  • that a strongly connected tournament has a Hamiltonian cycle (Camion 1959).
  • Let G be a finite planar graph with a Hamiltonian cycle C.
  • r instance, suppose one is given as input a Hamiltonian cycle in a cubic graph; it follows from Smi
  • "Every 3-connected planar cubic graph has a Hamiltonian cycle (along the edges) through all its ver
  • ices, the Herschel graph does not contain a Hamiltonian cycle (a cycle of edges that passes through
  • The game's object is finding a Hamiltonian cycle along the edges of a dodecahedron suc
  • ragment is part of a larger graph, then any Hamiltonian cycle through the graph must go in or out o
  • bipartite cubic polyhedron, there exists a Hamiltonian cycle that contains e but does not contain
  • ree vertices on the other side; because any Hamiltonian cycle would have to alternate between the t
  • Gomory's theorem can be proven using a Hamiltonian cycle of the grid graph formed by the chess
  • ings in a graph formed by removing a single Hamiltonian cycle from a complete bipartite graph; the
  • h it is maximally nonhamiltonian: it has no Hamiltonian cycle, but any two vertices can be connecte
  • ntries are absent above if the graph has no Hamiltonian cycle, which is rare (A164919).
  • x is incident to exactly three edges) has a Hamiltonian cycle, but this conjecture was disproved by
  • If G has a Hamiltonian cycle, then the square of G (the graph on t
  • ry finite connected Cayley graph contains a Hamiltonian cycle.
  • njecture, the graph of the polyhedron has a Hamiltonian cycle.
  • cture that every 3-regular polyhedron has a Hamiltonian cycle.
  • condition on the planar graph to contain a Hamiltonian cycle.
  • raph is a subgraph of a planar graph with a Hamiltonian cycle; for instance, the Goldner-Harary gra
  • n married couples, can be described as the Hamiltonian cycles of a crown graph.
  • Since finding Hamiltonian cycles in maximal planar graphs is NP-compl
  • examples of vertex-transitive graph with no Hamiltonian cycles (but with Hamiltonian paths) : the c
  • on: they count the numbers of matchings and Hamiltonian cycles in certain families of graphs.
  • h isomorphism problem, projective geometry, Hamiltonian cycles, planarity, graph embedding algorith
  • cannot be decomposed into two edge-disjoint Hamiltonian cycles.
  • that quartic graphs have an even number of Hamiltonian decompositions.
  • best-known results states that the group of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms of a compact, connected, sy
  • including basic nonlinear plasma dynamics, Hamiltonian dynamics of few and infinite degree-of-free
  • "Generalized Hamiltonian Dynamics".
  • infanticide during periods of war indicates Hamiltonian elements as well.
  • The quantity is also called the ADM Hamiltonian, especially if one finds a different formul
  • well known fact that every hypercube Qn is Hamiltonian for n > 1.
  • This is indicated in moving to the Hamiltonian formalism by the fact that their conjugate
  • s to describe dynamical systems, namely the Hamiltonian formalism.
  • tructure constant; dSR and dark energy; dSR Hamiltonian Formalism; and De Sitter Thermodynamics fro
  • Arnowitt and Stanley Deser, he published a Hamiltonian formulation of the Einstein equation that s
  • 999, is a modification of the ADM formalism Hamiltonian formulation of general relativity.
  • The Hamiltonian generates the time evolution of quantum sta
  • The Bidiakis cube is a cubic Hamiltonian graph and can be defined by the LCF notatio
  • Every Halin graph is a Hamiltonian graph, and every edge of the graph belongs
  • erved that every cycle, and therefore every Hamiltonian graph, is 1-tough; that is, being 1-tough i
  • Not to be confused with Hamiltonian graph.
  • They are the trees whose square is a Hamiltonian graph.
  • a 3-vertex-connected and a 3-edge-connected Hamiltonian graph.
  • itions of families of graphs such as trees, Hamiltonian graphs directed graphs and tournaments and
  • isibility graphs of simple polygons must be Hamiltonian graphs: the boundary of the polygon forms a
  • The Hamiltonian H is the interaction term of the fluid's in
  • mple, in the case of the hydrogen atom, the Hamiltonian H, the angular momentum L and its projectio
  • The special case when the Hamiltonian is independent of time
  • Cartesian product of a tree and a cycle is Hamiltonian if and only if no degree of the tree exceed
  • him the reputation of being an independent Hamiltonian in philosophy)
  • dard variables, used to study the perturbed Hamiltonian in 3-body system.
  • ation, it was already known that (9) is the Hamiltonian in the Newton-Wigner (NW) representation (n
  • put a graph (possibly together with a fixed Hamiltonian in the cycle that is to correspond to the b
  • ion of the perturbers, by diagonalizing the Hamiltonian inside them
  • This turns the Hamiltonian into
  • Sometimes one can turn a given Hamiltonian into one that looks a bit more like the har
  • The SU(4) Anderson model Hamiltonian is
  • This Hamiltonian is a sum of 5 terms.
  • The ground state of this Hamiltonian is the stabilizer space of the code.
  • n many cases a general solution of the full Hamiltonian is not possible, so it is necessary to make
  • The Hamiltonian is an expression for the total energy as a
  • If the Hamiltonian is time-independent, {U(t)} form a one para
  • extracting the inactive part of the Dyall's Hamiltonian it can be obtained
  • o periodical string evolution, generated by Hamiltonian L0.
  • Generating functions which arise in Hamiltonian mechanics are quite different from generati
  • gree in 1967 working with Carlo Cattaneo on Hamiltonian methods in general relativity at the Univer
  • The Anderson Impurity Model is a Hamiltonian model that is often used to describe heavy
  • the stationary eigenstates of the perturbed Hamiltonian must be labeled by the total angular moment
  • Suppose the dynamics can be described by a Hamiltonian of the form
  • Their derivatives in space are known as Hamiltonian or Hamilton density and Lagrangian or Lagra
  • If there is a Hamiltonian path in the graph, then the algorithm will
  • tonian-connected graphs (graphs that have a Hamiltonian path connecting every pair of vertices).
  • A Hamiltonian path on the knight's tour graph is a knight
  • only Archimedean dual which does not have a Hamiltonian path among its vertices.
  • lem can be shown using a reduction from the Hamiltonian path problem.
  • Additionally, a Hamiltonian path exists between vertices u,v iff u,v ar
  • ch pair of vertices can be connected with a Hamiltonian path (Thomassen 1980).
  • The Hamiltonian path problem is NP-complete, and hence the
  • sists of one path if and only if there is a Hamiltonian path in G.
  • of an arbitrary tree so that it contains a Hamiltonian path (the size of its Hamiltonian completio
  • the graph without repetition, and this is a Hamiltonian path by definition.
  • ceable graphs, graphs that do not contain a Hamiltonian path but such that every subset of n − 1 ve
  • Clearly, if a certain general graph has a Hamiltonian path, this Hamiltonian path is the longest
  • onnected vertex-transitive graph contains a Hamiltonian path.
  • y are the trees whose line graphs contain a Hamiltonian path; such a path may be obtained by the or
  • range of problems, from convex polyhedrons, Hamiltonian paths, through Latin squares and decomposit
  • r cited the graph a second time, giving the Hamiltonian representation used to illustrate this arti
  • In physics and classical mechanics, a Hamiltonian system is a physical system in which forces
  • In mathematics, a Hamiltonian system is a system of differential equation
  • Hamiltonian systems are studied in Hamiltonian mechanic
  • on integrable systems, infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems (both classical and quantum), and t
  • Soliton equations and Hamiltonian systems.
  • For a single impurity, the Hamiltonian takes the form
  • In this case, the Hamiltonian takes the form
  • more nonadiabatic effects in the electronic Hamiltonian than the Born-Oppenheimer approximation.
  • Since the graphs are Hamiltonian, the vertices can be arranged in a cycle, w
  • Due to the spherical symmetry (of the Hamiltonian), the total angular momentum J of an atom i
  • Because this is the free-particle Hamiltonian, the solution to the Hamilton-Jacobi equati
  • Approximating the spin-orbit Hamiltonian to first order perturbation theory, the ene
  • ssing to the Dirac theory, we must take the Hamiltonian to be
  • vation of Field Equations; Vanishing of The Hamiltonian, was completed under John Wheeler.
  • To find approximate eigenstates of the Hamiltonian, we can use a linear combination of the ato
  • It is Hamiltonian with girth 4 (if n>1) and chromatic index 3
  • e change of absorption coefficient for each Hamiltonian with a probable interaction like electron-p