



  • Many homilies and other writings have been attributed to Eu
  • He had also translated a number of homilies and the Heptateuch into Saxon language.
  • 1106), was an English writer of homilies, and a monk of Westminster.
  • show even more clearly the endeavor to supply homilies and continuous expositions for all sections o
  • e Tower of Babel; Gnostic and early Christian homilies and eschatological writings; thinly veiled re
  • ed and made it practically impossible to hear homilies, and the natural illumination in a very sunny
  • For the most part, the homilies appear in the late West Saxon dialect, but al
  • The Blickling Homilies are the second largest collection of anonymou
  • In the appendix to the Friedmann edition four homilies are printed from a manuscript, Nos. 1 and 2 o
  • The Blickling Homilies are written in prose and said to have been wr
  • writings that includes many commentaries and homilies, as well as hermeneutic material of a kabbali
  • assages that have no relation to the Tanchuma homilies, based as they are upon the Torah reading cyc
  • asts were added to the Office, the demand for homilies became greater and by the eighth century, the
  • rolific writer in Old English of hagiography, homilies, biblical commentaries, and other genres.
  • It is often printed among Chrysostom's homilies, but now agreed not to be Chrysostom's.
  • trusted him with the publication of the Latin homilies by Origen.
  • None of the homilies can be precisely dated, nor can any be assign
  • The homilies commanded widespread respect and interest, in
  • The First book of Homilies contained twelve sermons and was written main
  • The arrangement of the homilies, coupled with the placement of the poetic pie
  • Additionally, the time origins of the homilies differ greatly.
  • In his book The Vercelli Homilies, Donald Scragg claims that because of the poe
  • cholar Benjamin Thorpe (1782-1870) edited the homilies, during 1844-1846.
  • sed in Chinese several volumes of sermons and homilies for the Sundays and feast days of the ecclesi
  • The service also includes lay homilies from members of St. Thomas' who share their o
  • In his homilies he generally aims to bring out some ethical o
  • reatest need," typified the highly multifaith homilies his stories would sometimes include.
  • He argues that most of the homilies in the Vercelli Book are sermons with general
  • age is given textual support by the Macarian Homilies in favor of a post-apostolic attestation of '
  • James translated the first Book of Homilies into Welsh in 1606.
  • The Homilies of the Anglo-Saxon Church (1844)
  • This was particularly true of the homilies of pope St. Leo I, very terse and peculiarly
  • Items on display included a book of homilies of Pope Gregory from 1170, Thomas More's hat,
  • From a very early time the homilies of the Fathers were in high esteem, and were
  • t Athos enabled him to edit eight unpublished homilies of St. John Chrysostom in 1957.
  • ey's Library of the Fathers he translated the Homilies of St. John Chrysostom on the Statues, and hi
  • tonists; to form a collection of the unedited homilies of the Greek Fathers; to collect inscriptions
  • Barocci 242 - John Chrysostom, Homilies on Genesis
  • chtam le-David ("David's Poem") - Kabbalistic homilies on the Song of Songs, still extant in manuscr
  • Barocci 167 - John Chrysostom, Homilies on Acts of Apostles, 14th/15th century
  • Ars Poetica; sermons and homilies on evangelical virtues, the Sacrifice of the
  • he economy of this Midrash containing sedarim homilies on Deuteronomy, as well as the character of t
  • There are five sections, containing five homilies or fragments, taken from the Tanchuma on Numb
  • se of hymns (madrashe), exclusive of poetical homilies or discourses (mimre), which belong to the na
  • sermons on the lessons, whether consisting of homilies or formal sermons, is termed a postil.
  • anney spent time in the confessional and gave homilies railing on blasphemy and dancing.
  • nd of the Bar Kokba insurrection, many of his homilies refer, explicitly or impliedly, to existence
  • Homilies regarding Isaiah 32:20 appear at the beginnin
  • Though the homilies seem to have been gathered piecemeal with lit
  • The first, second, and arguably third homilies seem to fit into the homiletic tradition of t
  • Sea Scrolls, the Clementine Recognitions and Homilies, the Apostolic Constitutions, Eusebius, the t
  • in translations and quotations throughout the homilies, they remain an essential example of Old Engl
  • This might be one of the oldest collection of homilies to survive.
  • lled 'homeliarius,' and dedicated a volume of homilies to his abbot, Gilbert Crispin.
  • Many of these reflections were given as homilies to the congregation at St. Clare's Monastery
  • Homilies VI through X constitute a numbered series; XI
  • oncluding mishnah is a compilation of ethical homilies warning people against feigning poverty, impr
  • and social initiatives in his diocese and his homilies were very often nationwide broadcast.