



  • Prior to the 2009 elections Ahi merged into Likud allowing Eitam to pass his election financing
  • On 1996, Tzomet joined an alliance of Likud and Gesher headed by Benjamin Netanyahu.
  • Following Sharon's break from Likud, and the formation of the centrist Kadima part
  • With Likud back in power, starting in 2009, Israeli forei
  • ral Party finally ceased to exist in 1988 when Likud became a unitary party.
  • and 1973 (by which time Gahal had merged into Likud), before losing his seat in the 1977 elections
  • d in 1973, by which time Gahal had merged into Likud, but lost his seat in the 1977 elections.
  • d in 1973, by which time Gahal had merged into Likud), but lost his seat in the 1977 elections.
  • The Likud campaign leading up to the election centered o
  • A former member of the Likud central committee, Adato has served on Mevaser
  • es such as Yisrael Beiteinu gained votes, with Likud coming only fourth place in the popular vote,
  • Gahal, which by then had become Likud, finally overtook Mapai (which had merged into
  • In the same year she rejoined Likud, for whom her son Tzachi Hanegbi had become a
  • Alignment's list, but lost his cabinet post as Likud formed a right-wing government.
  • esset for Herut, and its successors, Gahal and Likud, from 1949 to 1977, a regular member of the Fi
  • ot portend any downgrading in the priority the Likud government gives to hasbara abroad.
  • nse for drama, when speaking that night in the Likud headquarters Begin quoted from the Gettysburg
  • and was elected to the Knesset as a member of Likud in the 1973 elections.
  • ed a breakaway faction, Ahi, which merged into Likud in 2009.
  • Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu, in his "National Se
  • He was elected to the Knesset on the Likud list (which the Liberal Party had merged into)
  • He was re-elected later that year on the Likud list and chaired the Public Petitions Committe
  • Ahimeir was on the Likud list for the elections, and although he failed
  • al Party, he was elected to the Knesset on the Likud list (then an alliance of the Liberal Party, H
  • In 1981 he was elected to the Knesset on the Likud list (then an alliance of the Liberal Party, H
  • He won a place on the Likud list (an alliance of several right-wing partie
  • He was elected to the Knesset on the Likud list (an alliance of Herut, the Liberal Party
  • In 1981 he was elected to the Knesset on the Likud list (then an alliance of the Liberal Party, H
  • He was elected to the Knesset on the Likud list (an alliance of Herut and other right-of-
  • 92 Knesset elections he was placed 35th on the Likud list, but the party won only 32 seats.
  • In 1981 she was elected to the Knesset on the Likud list, and on 11 August that year was appointed
  • r the 2003 elections he was placed 20th on the Likud list, and entered the Knesset when the party w
  • o the 2006 elections he was placed 33rd on the Likud list, and lost his seat when the party won onl
  • In 1973 he was elected to the Knesset on the Likud list, an alliance of Herut, the Liberal Party
  • al post, and was elected to the Knesset on the Likud list.
  • and in 1977, was elected to the Knesset on the Likud list.
  • ime, he had been elected to the Knesset on the Likud list.
  • three-way race among the new party, Labor and Likud, marking a shift from Israel's tradition of el
  • He married former Likud member of the Knesset, Inbal Gavrieli, in 2006
  • In late November, Sharon and a number of other Likud ministers and Knesset members announced that t
  • u's insistence, Shalom and the other remaining Likud ministers resigned from the Olmert-led governm
  • Likud MK Danny Danon said that Netanyahu went "again
  • He was succeeded as Knesset Speaker by fellow Likud MK Reuven Rivlin on 30 March 2009.
  • 3 Three Likud MKs broke away to form Rafi - National List, o
  • ment of Israel was formed by Yitzhak Shamir of Likud on 10 October 1983, following the resignation
  • an his equation of Jews with Zionists with the Likud or his utterly muddled disquisition on interna
  • Cabinet Minister Yuval Steinitz of the ruling Likud Party said Israel's position is clear.
  • Ariel Sharon, former Prime Minister and Likud party leader (September 1999 - November 2005)
  • In the 1970s he became a member of the Likud party and from time to time he was brought in
  • tional unity government was formed between his Likud party and the Alignment led by Shimon Peres.
  • iana U.S. Senator Dan Coats, and later for the Likud Party's American organization.
  • Supported by the right-wing Likud party, Elon was nearly selected as President o
  • May 17 - The Likud Party, led by Menachem Begin, wins the electio
  • have dual loyalties to America and the Israeli Likud Party.
  • entary Movement for Greater Israel to form the Likud party.
  • nister of Israel, ran against Dov Shilansky, a Likud politician.
  • Sharon himself announced that he accepted the Likud referendum results and would take time to cons
  • nment of Man in Stockholm in 1972, and was the Likud representative in the Knesset delegation that
  • Likud said it would promote an "economic peace" with
  • Likud selected Netanyahu as its leader, over then-De
  • From the right-national block: Likud stated "it was irrational that the Prime Minis
  • an neoconservatives and those aligned with the Likud, the political party of current Israeli Prime
  • ce had fallen apart, with more members leaving Likud to set up Herut - The National Movement and th
  • ame month in which Sharon led a breakaway from Likud to form Kadima. Likud left the coalition in Ja
  • nse, replacing Yitzhak Mordechai, who had left Likud to establish the Centre Party.
  • nt government was defeated and replaced by the Likud under the leadership of Menachem Begin followi
  • In the election, the Likud vote collapsed in the face of the Kadima split
  • se Shaul Mofaz to create an amended plan which Likud voters could accept.
  • With only twelve seats, Likud was tied with the Shas for the status of third
  • lost his seat in the 2006 elections, in which Likud was reduced to 12 seats (Edelstein was fourtee
  • dence Party and continued their alignment with Likud, while the remaining eight Labor members remai
  • d the prospect of a leadership election within Likud, with former Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu
  • resulting in a national unity government with Likud, with both party leaders, Shimon Peres and Yit
  • He retired before the 1977 elections (which Likud won) and so could not fulfill his wish to beco