



  • he fight in Operation: Novgorod, the Russian Matriarchy are now making up for lost time.
  • es was a partnership model (as distinct from matriarchy) for the social organization of Neolithic Eu
  • l of these are developed in his magnum opus, Matriarchy: Freedom in Bondage, a semi-autobiographical
  • but is actually killed by one of the men her matriarchy had held captive until then, through raising
  • Bioeconomy - Matriarchy in Post-capitalism
  • the Chera rule in Kerala started practising Matriarchy, probably indicating the suspected influence
  • Reinventing Africa: Matriarchy, Religion and Culture (1998) ISBN 1-85649-53
  • Ancient Gallifrey is also a matriarchy, ruled over by a mystical religion consistin
  • Swarm is an erotic graphic novel in which a matriarchy with sexually active queen serviced by a swa