



  • Mencius, also known by his birth name Meng Ke or Ko,
  • e the books of: Sun Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lao Tzu, Mencius, and Confucius.
  • only grandson of Confucius, supposedly taught Mencius and wrote the Doctrine of the Mean.
  • he inner chapters of the work, even less than Mencius and other prominent Confucians, prompting sch
  • Mencius answered, 'A drowning kingdom must be rescued
  • ed many concepts and ideas first conceived by Mencius; but without exception Lu developed Mencius'
  • n Zhang and Gongsun Chou wrote the book after Mencius' death from their own records and memories.
  • In 1990, he co-authored Tai Chen and Mencius: Explorations in Words and Meaning with Annpi
  • In a rhetorical argument with Mencius, he tried to get Mencius to say that, because
  • Han Dynasty historian Sima Qian believed that Mencius himself wrote the book with the participation
  • fucius admired Kings of great accomplishment, Mencius is clarifying the proper hierarchy of human s
  • r story further illustrates the emphasis that Mencius' mother placed on her son's education.
  • Mencius replied that someone who would not rescue the
  • ian Prince about the scrolls of Confucius and Mencius, saying that a wise man will not tear two lov
  • stop a task midway, and her example inspired Mencius to diligence in his studies.
  • The works of Mencius totalling an additional 30,000 characters wer
  • As the story goes, once when Mencius was young, he was truant from school.
  • asty Confucian scholar Jiao Xun believed that Mencius wrote the book himself without any participat