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  • Minerals Separation, Limited obtained U.S. Patent No.
  • ral belongs to the pyrite group, in which all minerals share the same building principle.
  • efore the same conditions required to produce minerals similar to it in structure, composition, etc.
  • Calcium chloride occurs as the rare evaporite minerals sinjarite (dihydrate) and antarcticite (hexah
  • ge of crystallization, making them the oldest minerals so far dated on Earth.
  • 2000 Jackson Award Clay Minerals Society
  • Geology is the study of evidence relating to minerals, soil, petroleums, and other materials found
  • In rocks made up of several different minerals, some will melt at lower temperatures than ot
  • The minerals soon began to play out, however, and local re
  • and found that it contained "some accidental minerals sparingly disseminated, such as sulphuret of
  • partner in her family firm selling rocks and minerals, started in 1987.
  • The uranyl minerals Studtite, UO4·4H2O, and metastudtite, UO4·2H2
  • ciated with other selenides, or other mercury minerals such as cinnabar, and often with calcite.
  • , proximal to the ores commonly rich in skarn minerals such as tremolite, serpentine, diopside and c
  • -enrichment, and also contain traces of other minerals, such as limonite and yellow ochre (hydrous f
  • As a result, many chondrites contain hydrous minerals, such as clays, that formed when the water in
  • Many minerals, such as clays, chlorides, sulfates, and iron
  • Minerals such as cinnabar, chromite, and silver were a
  • pes of rock material will float on TBE, while minerals such as sphalerite, galena and pyrite will si
  • Minerals such as glaucophane, lawsonite, titanite, and
  • Evaporite deposits may contain potassium minerals such as carnallite.
  • s of formaldehyde, glyceraldehyde, and borate minerals such as colemanite (Ca2B6O115H2O) or kernite
  • or polyhedral clots that are often individual minerals such as cordierite, biotite, chlorite, andalu
  • paites are unusually rich in rare and obscure minerals such as eudialyte, loparite, astrophyllite an
  • s been known to form pseudomorphs after other minerals such as pyrite, meaning that the chemical wea
  • m that may cause certain health problems, and minerals such as calcium carbonate which causes water
  • Undeformed platy minerals such as micas and amphiboles align in a prefe
  • logy exhibit presents three dozen fluorescent minerals, such as fluorite, opal, willemite, calcite,
  • standard Redfield ratio to oxidised inorganic minerals such as carbon dioxide, nitrate (nitric acid)
  • Hijiki contains dietary fiber and minerals, such as iron, calcium, and magnesium.
  • Uranopilite is associated with other uranyl minerals such as zippeite and johannite and, like them
  • amous local wine, and the vicinity is rich in minerals such as iron, copper, coal, and petroleum.
  • es for the sale or public giveaway of certain minerals, such as sand or gravel;
  • rystallization of this magma ocean proceeded, minerals such as olivine and pyroxene would have preci
  • Greenockite occurs with other sulfide minerals such as sphalerite and galena.
  • a rock composed of hydroxide and oxyhydroxide minerals such as gibbsite, boehmite (γ-AlO(OH)), and d
  • results in production of micaceous, potassic minerals such as biotite in iron-rich rocks, muscovite
  • the asteroid was composed mainly of iron-poor minerals such as enstatite (magnesium-rich pyroxene),
  • hist facies conditions along with other sodic minerals such as albite, jadeite and glaucophane.
  • There are many titanium minerals such as rutile, anatase, brookite, and perovs
  • e weathering products of magnesium containing minerals such as serpentine or brucite.
  • -rich melt, with large crystals of the common minerals such as quartz and feldspar, but also with el
  • s of nickel-iron alloys, with traces of other minerals such as troilite, whitlockite, chromite and c
  • Scientists are excited about finding hydrated minerals such as sulfates and clays on Mars because th
  • It also occurs as alteration of manganese minerals such as rhodocrosite during low oxygen metamo
  • h forms from the oxidation of primary sulfide minerals such as pyrite and marcasite in the near-surf
  • such temperatures saturates it with dissolved minerals such as sulfate, calcite, analcime, anhydrite
  • resent, which is indicative of phyllosilicate minerals such as clays or mica.
  • clear waste, possibly at the expense of other minerals, such as uranyl oxides and silicates, which h
  • ineral that occurs as inclusions within other minerals such as chalcopyrite.
  • In the presence of water it weathers into minerals such as goethite, chlorite, smectite, maghemi
  • and in which Beudant coined the names of many minerals, such as anglesite, bismuthite and cerussite.
  • ts such as belladonna, arnica, and chamomile; minerals such as mercury and sulphur; animal products
  • commonly occurs with other evaporite deposit minerals such as several of the sulfates, halides, and
  • Metallic minerals, such as pyrite, arsenopyrite and pyrrhotite
  • rrounding area, which is particularly rich in minerals such as agate, asbestos, antimony, beryl, cha
  • n mining, is a mining process used to recover minerals such as copper and uranium through boreholes
  • This range covers the values for silicate minerals such as olivine and pyroxene, which make up m
  • They consist essentially of very fine-grained minerals, such as plagioclase feldspar, with hornblend
  • een altered by turquoise or similar phosphate minerals such as vivianite.
  • It is the largest selling vitamins, minerals supplement in India.
  • Since distilled water is devoid of minerals, supplemental mineral intake through diet is
  • Metso Minerals supplies rock and minerals processing systems
  • m the DRC, so as to exclude armed groups from minerals supply chains.
  • topic-based Technical Advice Notes (TANs) and Minerals Technical Advice Notes (MTANs).
  • who was able to explain why certain types of minerals tend to be found together while others are al
  • ic compasses were susceptible to iron bearing minerals that made for inaccurate readings.
  • tern of the Bowen's reaction series, with the minerals that are first to crystallize also the first
  • Other minerals that anandite is associated with include: mag
  • emperature whereupon he observed the types of minerals that formed in the rocks produced.
  • lse-color image are due to differences in the minerals that make up rocks and soil.
  • anite are naturally occurring aluminosilicate minerals that have the composition Al2SiO5.
  • is under Crown ownership as well as any other minerals that are on Crown owned land.
  • This is a condition found in radioactive minerals that results from the destructive effects of
  • He found that minerals that form at higher temperatures and pressure
  • Years later, Acheson produced viable minerals that could substitute diamond as an abrasive
  • In the Haast Schists minerals that make up Torlesse Greywacke sometimes bec
  • The white areas are probably salty minerals that were deposited on the surface as water e
  • mation of the rocks, or may be earlier formed minerals that did not entirely react away.
  • so called hydrous iron oxides, are a class of minerals that form from the weathering of minerals tha
  • greater solid solubility in the rock-forming minerals that comprise the Earth's mantle, and thus yt
  • mineralogy for mineral identification, since minerals that are otherwise very similar often have ve
  • The water in these springs contains some 26 minerals that turn the surrounding sand black like gun
  • irty little secret inside: Many are made with minerals that originate in conflict zones like the Dem
  • mber of resources, primarily solar energy and minerals that are dissolved in the water.
  • occurs in vast beds of sedimentary evaporite minerals that result from the drying up of enclosed la
  • e showed that plants do not absorb only those minerals that are beneficial, as previously thought, b
  • nnite, afwillite, oyelite and calcite are all minerals that form in layers within spurrite veins.
  • CAIs consist of minerals that are among the first solids condensed fro
  • However some springs may be colored by the minerals that are dissolved in the water.
  • Many of the shells and minerals that had been dislodged had been stored away
  • ld oil and gas exploration.The other silicate minerals that are generally present in siliciclastic s
  • les are kept, they should be placed away from minerals that can be damaged by radiation.
  • Minerals that are characteristic for a certain metamor
  • Rich in minerals, the DRC has a difficult history of predatory
  • ith the King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, the King Abdullah University of Science and
  • In texts describing the crystal habits of minerals, the word trapezohedron is often used for the
  • For clay minerals the potential determining ions are H+ and OH−
  • Whereas most lavas are rich in silicate minerals, the natrocarbonatite lavas of Ol Doinyo Leng
  • hursday, signing trade agreements relating to minerals, the environment and transportation.
  • Put simply, the high temperature minerals, the first ones to crystallize in a mass of m
  • Caldbeck Fells, which were heavily mined for minerals, the Uldale Fells have only ever had one mine
  • locality visited, the characteristics of its minerals, the methods employed in mining or smelting o
  • s to be very abundant in fossils and valuable minerals: the Chinese have, for a long time, procured
  • al varieties of talc being types of asbestine minerals, the resultant lung disease-talcosis, which c
  • ssed as a member of the feldspathoid group of minerals; the alkali feldspars that are poor in silica
  • hile with equity participation in Antofagasta Minerals, the railroad from Antofagasta to Bolivia, Ag
  • nstituent of about 100 out of some 4000 known minerals, the most important of which are bertrandite
  • to their solar abundances, though because the minerals they form are nonmetallic, this depletion has
  • sten, or gold, to report on the source of the minerals they use, to avoid using those minerals if th
  • In the case of the alkali feldspar minerals, thin white albite layers will alternate betw
  • For single minerals this can happen when they exhibit solid solut
  • oduction of pure aluminium oxide from bauxite minerals this equilibrium is manipulated by careful co
  • For sandstone with clay minerals, this assumption is no longer true in general
  • The spring waters are rich in minerals thought useful in the treatment of skin disea
  • rophysics and the extraction of gas, oil, and minerals through earth sciences.
  • This mineral is found with other phosphate minerals thus, the importance of Switzerite is that it
  • ng, producing tantalite concentrates, lithium minerals, tin metal and kaolin; and timber milling.
  • de to pursue, as the storm will bring heavier minerals to the surface.
  • s reversible photochromism, is the ability of minerals to change colour when exposed to sunlight.
  • It provides insufficient vitamins and dietary minerals to maintain health, recommending supplements
  • addition to securing gold and other precious minerals to send back to the waiting investors in Engl
  • Not enough is known about these minerals to know if they will make radioactive wastes
  • ar process to the weathering of other sulfide minerals to form carbonate minerals.
  • ives say China has curtailed exports critical minerals to Japan after Japanese patrol boats in Septe
  • shes the land with freshwater, and transports minerals to different parts of the globe.
  • Line, enabling access for the Forest of Dean minerals to the new and more extensive docks at Sharpn
  • uld contain an inadequate amount of dissolved minerals to produce, when evaporated, the vast quantit
  • ocks there seem to be little tendency for the minerals to envelop one another.
  • greement with the Chilean company Antofagasta Minerals to develop an underground coal gasification t
  • ity to reasonably allow for most vitamins and minerals to be consumed.
  • liaite is related to the oxidation of sulfide minerals to form sulfate solutions with ilvaite associ
  • eous decay of uranium-238 in common accessory minerals to date the time of rock cooling below closur
  • tries range from one or two pages for obscure minerals, to dozens of pages for important ones like f
  • Otish signed an agreement with Nanostructued Minerals to acquire potash mineral rights in the Palo
  • n intermediate in the conversion of zirconium minerals to metallic zirconium by the Kroll process.
  • Related minerals to bilinite include jarosite, which is an iro
  • of food and (2) the addition of vitamins and minerals to common foods, often called fortification.
  • orks on understanding materials, ranging from minerals to technological materials like ferroelectric
  • recommended daily requirements for vitamins, minerals, trace elements, fatty acids and protein.
  • s who are not subject to McDermott's Conflict Minerals Trade Act.
  • The region provided the Egyptian Empire with minerals, turquoise, gold and copper, and well-preserv
  • Minerals typical of lamproites include: forsteritic ol
  • (CERA); King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals; U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C.
  • The definition of minerals under the Act is very broad - it includes gra
  • e bursaite is generally aggregated with other minerals under intense heat.
  • was discovered that there were two different minerals under the heading of calamine - a zinc carbon
  • ary melt, in equilibrium with residual mantle minerals, undergoing fractionation (and transportation
  • field of value added products from beach sand minerals, undertakes consultancy projects on mineral s
  • eveloped methods and tools to identify opaque minerals using micro-indentation hardness and optical
  • It is green, as are many copper minerals, usually translucent, with a vitreous luster
  • The prices of the minerals vary, but in the case of tantalum, for exampl
  • The colors were extracted from minerals, vegetables and possessed enamel-like luster.
  • It is a mixture of herbs and minerals, virtually always including cayenne pepper, a
  • When these cooled, among the precipitating minerals was gold.
  • The first person to separate the minerals was the British chemist and mineralogist Jame
  • A1 Minerals was formed in May 2002 and listed on the Aust
  • The main user of both the minerals was the nearby Silverdale Forge.
  • the Middle Ages, when transformation of iron minerals was given by "haizeolak" (meaning "factories
  • The intercalation in clay minerals was major research interest during the start
  • drogeological resources such as fossil fuels, minerals, water (surface and ground water), and land u
  • rock occurrences of gold or bismuth/telluride minerals were found near the pluton by early miners.
  • The uranium ore minerals were beta-uranophane, weeksite, and schroekin
  • yrilovite, lipscombite, and crandillite-group minerals were formed by percolating meteoric waters un
  • Soil deteriorated as minerals were washed away, and the land around Cragg b
  • Kovac's Gems & Minerals were appointed agents for the sale of the hug
  • rbyshire strata which are made from Deryshire minerals were once thought to have all been created by
  • achite, azurite, chrysocolla and other copper minerals were being won.
  • iver's iron ore deposits in 1877, however the minerals were left untouched for nearly a century due
  • Inaccessibility of the regions where minerals were located and the incomplete exploration o
  • Chambersite minerals were first found in 1957 in brine returns fro
  • es and grains cultivated, which together with minerals, were exported back to Rome.
  • Before this time, bismuth-containing minerals were frequently identified as either lead or
  • The main minerals were magnetite and chondrodite.
  • Minerals were discovered on his property at Moonta in
  • The minerals were found in the centennial mine which is kn
  • The minerals were, it is presumed, assimilated by the earl
  • the type of extinction that occurs in certain minerals when examined in thin section under cross pol
  • tive method of mining coal, iron ore or other minerals where the coal or ore lies near the surface..
  • 18th century for its finds of rare and exotic minerals, which were sold inter alia through a mineral
  • rains identified so far consist of refractory minerals which survived the collapse of the solar nebu
  • nkill River and White Creek which are rich in minerals which contribute to the terroir of their prod
  • the technique clearly illustrates changes in minerals which reflect genuine compositional differenc
  • term cement in geology means the fine-grained minerals which bind the coarser-grained matrix in sedi
  • ervoir primarily of water and water-adsorbent minerals, which may prevent or retard a granitic magma
  • mineralogy, and made extensive collections of minerals which he described and shared with Parker Cle
  • erent from the silicate occurring as silicate minerals, which is a class of minerals forming rings,
  • The matlockite group consists of a number of minerals which share a similar crystal structure.
  • All minerals which are not part of the cubic system are do
  • te, is part of the orthorhombic crystal class minerals, which is a system that results from stretchi
  • rtz plus feldspar plus minor amounts of other minerals) which have the lowest fusion point.
  • and corn oil and fortified with vitamins and minerals) which was mixed with water.
  • The sulfide minerals which are weathered to produce gaspeite are p
  • The ore minerals, which are contained mostly as fine dissemina
  • the atomic structure of various crystals and minerals, which were inspired by the work of the physi
  • is rich in proteins and a variety of dietary minerals, which are completely absent from these bouil
  • They are instead supplied with vitamins and minerals, which obviously - do not help.
  • he High Possil meteorite is mostly made up of minerals which also occur on earth.
  • n and Venus, the sulphurous peat mud, rich in minerals, which is extracted from the peat bog north o
  • The sulfide minerals which are weathered to produce kambaldaite ar
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