



  • sing the winter season when there were fewer mosquitoes about.
  • the recent colonization of America by Culex mosquitoes actually involves a strain derived from a ra
  • Like all mosquitoes, adult Anopheles have slender bodies with 3
  • They readily approach humans to feed on the mosquitoes and biting flies that humans attract.
  • However mosquitoes and other animals and plants arrived on ship
  • lled rats, crickets, snakes, ticks, spiders, mosquitoes, and scorpions.
  • sed in the indoor environment against flies, mosquitoes and cockroaches.
  • Due to this high velocity, mosquitoes and other flying insects are blown away.
  • seasons in the 2nd Bundesliga for the Essen Mosquitoes and the Landshut Cannibals.
  • ntified in journals of that time were, heat, mosquitoes, and the close proximity to the other passen
  • In the days following the storm, many mosquitoes and other insects laid eggs in areas of stan
  • . Navy used the site during the war to study mosquitoes and flies that were native to the Pacific Is
  • that began long before the arrival of cats, mosquitoes, and avian malaria decimated honeycreeper po
  • RAF Ayr as a night intruder squadron flying Mosquitoes and a single Bristol Beaufighter, while the
  • Aedes mosquitoes are vectors of avian malaria, dengue fever,
  • using copepods to control container-breeding mosquitoes are underway in several other countries, inc
  • th the Schwenningen Wild Wings and the Essen Mosquitoes as well as a second spell in Austria with Gr
  • eaguered with a somewhat dense population of mosquitoes at the time of camp sessions.
  • me insecticide widely used against flies and mosquitoes between 1928 and the mid-1950s.
  • added to water-storage containers where the mosquitoes breed.
  • me he noticed the possibility of controlling mosquitoes by controlling their access to water.
  • For most of the Battle of the Ruhr the Oboe Mosquitoes came from one squadron No. 109.
  • Mosquitoes can be a nuisance, and much of the island is
  • s, including cats, rats, Swamp Harriers, and mosquitoes carrying avian malaria.
  • oduction of the Black Rat, domestic pig, and mosquitoes carrying avian disease (avian malaria, Plasm
  • out all possible water reservoirs from where mosquitoes could proliferate (which is, in other countr
  • Mosquitoes digest their blood meals extracellularly and
  • rior to joining the Lions was with the Essen Mosquitoes during the 2001-02 season where he played 21
  • dong, who identified the need to exterminate mosquitoes, flies, rats, and sparrows.
  • In 1999, mosquitoes from the city of Rio de Janeiro were already
  • focused on preventing its vector (the Aedes mosquitoes) from reproducing.
  • f two Loudoun County teenagers with malaria, mosquitoes from the island were found to carry the Plas
  • portable screened structures used to prevent mosquitoes from biting an infected person and carrying
  • ing and sleep under mosquito nets to prevent mosquitoes from biting them again and spreading the vir
  • for a few weeks or days before diseases from mosquitoes had befallen them.
  • ent and kill their host rabbit before enough mosquitoes have bitten it.
  • parodies include "Muggen Hier, Muggen Daar" ( Mosquitoes Here, Mosquitoes There) by Gebroeders Ko, "L
  • This resulted in a detailed study of forest mosquitoes in Panama and Costa Rica.
  • ormation about the dispersal of yellow fever mosquitoes in an urban area.
  • pt, Libya and Malta and were supplemented by Mosquitoes in February 1944.
  • Florida from light traps set to monitor for mosquitoes in the Florida Keys in 2007.
  • the circulation daily, which are ingested by mosquitoes in a blood meal.
  • s infamous for being the source of the first mosquitoes in the Hawaiian Islands, in 1826.
  • in the village from time to time, collecting mosquitoes in Mahanad and adjoining villages and conduc
  • e ask his boy to attempt to trap some of the mosquitoes in Uxbridge, in boxes with pinholes, for fur
  • Punjab and Sindh form a breeding ground for mosquitoes, increasing the risk of malaria and dengue f
  • that DEET serves as a true repellent in that mosquitoes intensely dislike the smell of the chemical
  • irmed the transformation of sporozoites from mosquitoes into liver forms, essentially completing doc
  • Like all mosquitoes, it is only the females that bite.
  • To target and kill the mosquitoes it uses similar laser technology as what is
  • Prior to this, no mosquitoes lived in Hawaii.
  • and malaria (Plasmodium relictum), spread by mosquitoes, may have also been a factor.
  • sted with disease-carrying insects including mosquitoes, midges, and black fly larvae.
  • and mosquitoes nectaring on Solidago
  • A review of the culicine mosquitoes of India.
  • The insect vectors for this species are mosquitoes of the genus Culex.
  • In 2006, Aubry signed with the Essen Mosquitoes of the 2nd Eishockey-Bundesliga before movin
  • Mosquitoes on the islands were very bad.
  • of those who have to stay at home and fight mosquitoes on summer nights; of those who only go to th
  • Healthy inmates were infected by mosquitoes or by injections of extracts of the mucous g
  • mmer, mosquito traps can collect up to 8,000 mosquitoes per trap per night.
  • tes is to use a fan to increase air flow, as mosquitoes prefer still air; however, this is far less
  • Mosquitoes serve as its carrier and for this reason thi
  • Female and male mosquitoes showed the same response.
  • y its resting posture, as different kinds of mosquitoes sit in different angles.
  • ts with optional hematophages, like the many mosquitoes species, such as Aedes aegypti, which may al
  • as the occasional outbreak of giant vermin ( mosquitoes, spiders, etc.).
  • catches almost three times more Asian Tiger mosquitoes than octenol, the most common mosquito attra
  • Spraying it into the air kills adult mosquitoes that are present and then by settling onto s
  • larvae and may be useful in controlling the mosquitoes that carry the malaria parasite Plasmodium.
  • , which can become a breeding ground for the mosquitoes that transmit these diseases.
  • s was spent to rid swampy Pogue's Run of the mosquitoes that made it a "source of pestilence".
  • eptor neuron in special antennal sensilla of mosquitoes that is activated by DEET as well as other k
  • Mosquitoes thrive in the high temperatures and humidity
  • Examples include direct inoculation from mosquitoes, through physical breaches or via blood tran
  • V is now thought to be almost impossible for mosquitoes to transmit.
  • ing the study of existing British species of mosquitoes to their four larval stages, previously ill-
  • buggy braved the inclement weather, mud and mosquitoes to minister to the Catholics living in the s
  • 23 and mainly intended for killing flies and mosquitoes, was mineral oil based and manufactured by t
  • Possibly all No. 140 Squadron RAF's Mosquitoes were lost.
  • Mosquitoes were a constant problem and the post was ver
  • The mosquitoes were released from ground level in Savannah,
  • These mosquitoes were introduced to a stream on Maui when sai
  • age pipes, turning them into safe havens for mosquitoes, which cause malaria.
  • s used in drinking water cisterns to control mosquitoes which spread dengue fever and malaria.
  • rs from rain and sun, the sides were open to mosquitoes, which brought complaints from many of the r
  • swamps and destroying as far as possible the mosquitoes which were responsible for the spread of the
  • the Canal sleep in screened verandas, as the mosquitoes which spread malaria are nocturnal and would
  • The delicate flies resemble mosquitoes with 15-segment antennae, which are very plu