



  • A grex (or 'slug') is a multicellular aggregate of amoeba of the groups Acrasiom
  • lar to a crown group) because they include multicellular and macroscopic lifeforms that represent t
  • d muscles in the form of glycogen for most multicellular animals, and in intracellular starch or gl
  • tin-sequestering molecule in cells of many multicellular animals, thymosin β4 shows a remarkably di
  • oflagellates, long before the evolution of multicellular animals.
  • a divide in unison, giving the structure a multicellular appearance which is highly unusual in bact
  • la, meaning "tentacles", and refers to the multicellular appendages on the upper surface of the pit
  • Filamentous, multicellular ascospores are discharged into the air fro
  • These are primitive multicellular, autotrophic, shade loving, amphibious pla
  • s and mosses is the production of gemmae - multicellular bodies that give rise to new gametophytes.
  • Mostly these microorganisms are multicellular but none are vertebrates.
  • e also the only archaea capable of forming multicellular colonies, and even show cellular different
  • f an axis or stem, leaves or phylloids and multicellular colorless branched rhizoids with oblique s
  • High relatedness maintains multicellular cooperation in a social amoeba by controll
  • soil, and when starved, aggregate to enter multicellular development that culminates into a fruitin
  • e to produce complex structures or move as multicellular entities.
  • ding; in yeast this is called START and in multicellular eukaryotes it is termed the restriction po
  • y major ABC subfamily found exclusively in multicellular eukaryotes.
  • upstream cell signaling protein common to multicellular eukaryotes.
  • antastic because it shows the existence of multicellular fauna 1.5 billion years earlier than what
  • The multicellular Francevillian Group Fossils, at 2.1-Gyr-ol
  • Fasciola hepatica includes three different multicellular generations: 1) "adult" hermaphroditic; 2)
  • divide mitotically to form either larger, multicellular individuals, or more haploid cells.
  • el organism for studying the beginnings of multicellular life due to its filamentous characterizati
  • tinction event since the origin of complex multicellular life.
  • These fossils resemble calcified multicellular members of the Dasycladales.
  • Although most microscopic animals are multicellular, myxozoa, jelly fish relatives from the ph
  • It was the first multicellular myxozoan identified and its vermiform shap
  • The difference between a multicellular organism and a colonial organism is that i
  • o study because the specialized cells in a multicellular organism behave differently.
  • e example and mechanism of generation of a multicellular organism from a pre-existing syncytium.
  • properties illustrate the fact that, in a multicellular organism, each cell contains the whole of
  • ate aggregation of individual cells into a multicellular organism, and regulate the expression of a
  • m and therefore the earliest known complex multicellular organism.
  • multicellular organisms
  • Multicellular organisms utilize more complex excretory m
  • nisms were probably the first step towards multicellular organisms via natural selection.
  • d to Rac and Cdc42, which emerged in early multicellular organisms during evolution .
  • d to Rac and Cdc42, which emerged in early multicellular organisms during evolution .
  • The earliest fossils of multicellular organisms include the contested Grypania s
  • Because the first multicellular organisms were simple, soft organisms lack
  • ndicating that Atg1 homologues from other, multicellular organisms are required for autophagy as we
  • boid cells, like syncitial tissues of some multicellular organisms, not the other way round.
  • In others, and in cells from multicellular organisms, phagocytosis takes place at any
  • junctions provide similar functions in all multicellular organisms, until recently it was believed
  • the protein, whereas in mammals and other multicellular organisms, the catalytic function is carri
  • ene in each generation (or, in the case of multicellular organisms, cell division).
  • at are ordinarily thought to occur only in multicellular organisms.
  • a role in the development and function of multicellular organisms.
  • were co-opted as mechanisms to coordinate multicellular organisms.
  • nd was a proponent of their recognition as multicellular organisms.
  • potent mechanism by which eosinophils kill multicellular parasites (such as, for example, the nemat
  • de bacteria, viruses, or protozoa and many multicellular parasites.
  • All multicellular plants have a life cycle comprising two ph
  • subkingdoms; Protistodeae, Metaphytodeae ( multicellular plants), and Zoodeae (multicellular animal
  • any protists reproduce sexually, as do the multicellular plants, animals, and fungi.
  • gametes are produced that is found in many multicellular protists, algae, fungi, and the gametophyt
  • Multicellular purple colored scales and unicellular rhiz
  • they represents one of the most primitive multicellular relatives of land plants.
  • s, and undergo internal budding to produce multicellular spores.
  • There are two multicellular stages in its life cycle - a haploid gamet
  • ton and other microalgae); many others are multicellular to one degree or another, some of these gr