



  • l gas (97% methane) in shallow sandstones of Paleogene age at a depth of approximately 600 metres (
  • Given its considerable size and Paleogene age, it might just as well have been one of
  • that are difficult to distinguish from other Paleogene alligatorids.
  • 2001: Paleogene and Neogene lithostratigraphic units (Belgiu
  • River, East Kalimantan, as fragments within Paleogene clastic sediments.
  • Upham lies on the northern margin of the Paleogene deposits of the Hampshire Basin.
  • It is one of the largest Paleogene discoveries.
  • ?Madtsoiid (Rage 1991; Paleogene, early Paleocene; Bolivia)
  • rom the Jurassic ~199.6-145.5 Ma through the Paleogene geological periods.
  • ntothere endemic to North America during the Paleogene living from 46.2-42 mya, existing for approx
  • Madtsoia camposi Rage, 1998 ( Paleogene, middle Paleocene; Brazil)
  • verged from their New World relatives in the Paleogene, migrated to either Australia or Southeast A
  • than with other indeterminate Cretaceous and Paleogene modern birds: Archaeotrogon is known from a
  • (Rage 1987; Paleogene, Paleocene; Morocco)
  • basaltic lava plain that existed during the Paleogene period, which possibly extended over 1,800,0
  • ce, Brazil, and the United States during the Paleogene period, and Austria during the Tortonian per
  • aya Mountains and beyond; dating back to the Paleogene period.
  • ndform created by the erosion of unlithified Paleogene sediment.
  • Period: Paleogene to Neogene
  • sia is relatively young, ranging in age from Paleogene to Quaternary.
  • hin skinned nappes composed of Cretaceous to Paleogene turbidites.
  • Ma) within the Middle Eocene epoch of the Paleogene used more specifically with Asian Land Mamma
  • Ma) within the Eocene epoch of the Paleogene used more specifically with South American L
  • Ma) within the Oligocene epoch of the Paleogene used more specifically with South American L
  • Ma) within the Early Oligocene epoch of the Paleogene used more specifically with Asian Land Mamma
  • Ma) within the Late Eocene epoch of the Paleogene used more specifically with Asian Land Mamma
  • Ma) within the Paleocene epoch of the Paleogene used more specifically with South American L
  • Ma) within the Early Eocene epoch of the Paleogene used more specifically with Asian Land Mamma
  • What would be Florida during the Paleogene, was the submerged Florida Platform, a featu
  • e much of the northern hemisphere during the Paleogene when global temperatures were much warmer th