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  • The most commonly used poisonous agent is hydrogen cyanide; carbon dioxide an
  • Solauricidine is the poisonous aglycone chemical compound of the glycoalkal
  • ulus indicus, is the source of picrotoxin, a poisonous alkaloid with stimulant properties.
  • Ryanodine is a poisonous alkaloid found in the South American plant R
  • ke the trees' berries, they contain a mildly poisonous alkaloid, which is destroyed during the cook
  • The glands of poisonous alkaloids located in the skin serve as a def
  • best avoided in case of confusion with other poisonous Amanita species.
  • uction is a way to get rid of the buildup of poisonous ammonia.
  • sap which one should beware of because it is poisonous and might cause an irritation.
  • They are poisonous and they are more likely to sting than bees
  • Medicinal, poisonous, and spice plants - more than 300 plants ord
  • eat (as she is familiar with what plants are poisonous and which are not).
  • refer to exotic plants that have medicinal, poisonous and hallucinogenic properties - the sort of
  • The fleshy leaves are poisonous and should not be consumed.
  • , and Surveillance of other laws, namely the Poisonous and Deleterious Substance Control Law, Stimu
  • anism as the toxic compounds it secretes are poisonous and can cause extreme irritation if rubbed i
  • Ammonia is relatively heavy (0.6 kg/m3), poisonous and irritant.
  • It is poisonous and should be handled with care.
  • Poisonous and Venomous Marine Animals of the World.
  • emistry for the authoritative monograph, The Poisonous and Venemous Marine Animals of the World whi
  • y alkaloids in Datura stramonium) are highly poisonous and can cause death due to tachycardia-induc
  • Danaids are poisonous and left alone by birds and other natural pr
  • Many parts of this plant are poisonous, and have been used as a traditional emetic.
  • species in the subfamily Lobelioideae, it is poisonous and should be handled carefully.
  • Because of the poisonous and carcinogenic nature of arsenic compounds
  • is article simply describes the chemicals as poisonous and dangerous, but it doesn't specifically s
  • renades need greater care as the gas remains poisonous and volatile long after many explosives have
  • Tree", and its milky latex can be extremely poisonous, and a dangerous irritant.
  • tor Oil plant exclusively they are extremely poisonous and should be avoided at all costs.
  • Their meat is said to be poisonous, and eating it has been known to produce sym
  • s formerly used as a medicinal plant (though poisonous) and is now occasionally found established o
  • oumarin, in turn, is used by fungi to form a poisonous anticoagulant in moldly or spoiled sweet clo
  • ould only end up being wounded by one of his poisonous arrows.
  • h naturally occurring high concentrations of poisonous arsenic, causing skin ailments and cancers.
  • imulant but in its natural form is extremely poisonous, as are all parts of the plants, especially
  • ifferent types worldwide, and they're all as poisonous as hell.
  • This poisonous atmosphere culminated in what was known as t
  • ue to the presence of weaver fish with sharp poisonous barbs.
  • Xanthates are poisonous because they release carbon disulfide.
  • related to the amatoxins but considered less poisonous because of poor absorption.
  • They are noted for their scented flowers and poisonous berries.
  • ut most modern history, zoologist knew of no poisonous birds and presumed the Zhen to be a fabulous
  • scriptions, the lindworm is wingless, with a poisonous bite, like a poisonous snake or Komodo drago
  • er over snake-bites, and by extension, other poisonous bites, such as those of scorpions, thus some
  • tory diseases, including skin conditions and poisonous bites.
  • "...doctors suck out poisonous blood from patient's wound, not that he is t
  • ket slum set, but he did heavily feature the poisonous bog at the center of the district.
  • ost horrible and terrifying, which emitted a poisonous breath and turned the air to flame; and he m
  • He began to emit poisonous breath in his serpent form, blackening the f
  • It is a poisonous brown/yellow solid which, because of its hig
  • happen later in the paleoproterozoic from a poisonous buildup of oxygen in the atmosphere, produce
  • It is not poisonous, but it can be combined with the blood of th
  • All water hemlock is highly poisonous, but water parsnip is not.
  • an whose breath and touch have been rendered poisonous by the experiments of her father.
  • n mineral crystals such as acrid tasting and poisonous calcium oxalate or carbonate or silica.
  • Poisonous Candy Factory (2008)
  • Jones died at 43 from accidental exposure to poisonous carbon tetrachloride fumes from a newly-clea
  • Cantharidin, a type of terpenoid, is a poisonous chemical compound secreted by many species o
  • Cantharidin, a poisonous chemical compound secreted by many species o
  • World War I, and published a book called The Poisonous Cloud (1986).
  • to produce tabun, they did however create a poisonous compound due to the mixing of malathion with
  • The plant is poisonous, containing cardiostimulant compounds, such
  • This plant, although highly poisonous, contains liquids that are suspected to cure
  • Picrotoxin, also known as cocculin, is a poisonous crystalline plant compound, first isolated b
  • Mahogany shoots a poisonous dart at Daytona, but Maggie successfully def
  • Poisonous Darts
  • n Sword; Lone Ninja Warrior and Faster Blade Poisonous Darts.
  • other related compounds probably do so as a poisonous defense against fish or other marine life th
  • aboratories in Massachusetts to identify the poisonous diethylene glycol, which can appear very sim
  • Tung Li as Poisonous Dragon King Duan Shu
  • ome wicked people, who administered to him a poisonous drug, thus the principality came to Leon, th
  • Dry seeds are poisonous due to high concentrations of cyanogenic glu
  • scaline, however; all parts of it are highly poisonous, due to the principle alkaloid cytisine, whi
  • ed was either resistant to the oxidizing and poisonous effects of oxygen, or spent its life-cycle i
  • xicity alternative to the traditional highly poisonous ethylene glycol solutions used in standard a
  • Because mercury is poisonous, even these small amounts are a concern for
  • mmonly known as the Flax-Leaved Daphne) is a poisonous evergreen shrub from the Mediterranean regio
  • The meaning of the word is very broad: poisonous, evil, bad, angry, sinister etc.
  • ng that the Hooded Pitohui of New Guinea has poisonous feathers.
  • n change shape to resemble lionfish or other poisonous fish in its habitat.
  • The lagoon is deep, and noted for its poisonous fish and dangerous sharks.
  • fans there of love to adventure and eat this poisonous fish, and a lot of them have died eating it!
  • Due to the poisonous flames of Raghu, Surya, the Sun God had once
  • aitlin R. Kiernan's novella In the Garden of Poisonous Flowers (2002), the character Candida casual
  • en making himself invisible, drinking off of poisonous flowers, plucking birds from the sky, as wel
  • Plectropus is a genus of poisonous fly in the family Dolichopodidae.
  • The fruits contain tannic acid, and are poisonous for cattle, and possibly humans.
  • It is very poisonous for the blood leading to pink coloration of
  • owever, the girls lace Kendrick's drink with poisonous foxglove, and reveal that they both murdered
  • Poisonous Frogs (Buzzle.com)
  • hey had to resort to kidnapped teenagers and poisonous frogs when other storm-related drama would m
  • It produces a large poisonous fruit (the "football fruit") which can be ma
  • Have poisonous fruits but edible after careful preparation.
  • were 31 miners in the pit, 6 escaped before poisonous fumes built up in the roadways.
  • oth that has super acidic saliva and exhales poisonous fumes.
  • cum Experimentis circa Venena (1768) on the poisonous function of reptiles and amphibians.
  • ideae) and genus (Amanita) as several deadly poisonous fungi including the death cap (A.
  • g on them: even today humans die from eating poisonous fungi.
  • live versions of "Roses Grow," "The Sky Is A Poisonous Garden," and "Tomorrow, Wendy."
  • n Indian terrorist who attempts to release a poisonous gas into the atmosphere.
  • der in chief of the Italian army, the use of poisonous gas against enemy troops.
  • ey were both the only survivors of a leak of poisonous gas at a military basis on a small pacific i
  • destroyed with bleaching powder, though the poisonous gas cyanogen chloride is produced.
  • e captive Leto with a fake tooth filled with poisonous gas as a means to kill the Baron (though Let
  • learns of the gang's diabolical plan to have poisonous gas pumped into the Houses of Parliament, th
  • ur: The Twentieth Century that "[T]he use of poisonous gas was never sanctioned"
  • escape unscathed as he inhaled a dose of the poisonous gas, MW, which drove him criminally insane.
  • onment are conducted with the heat-ray, with poisonous gas, the Black Smoke, delivered by rockets,
  • ontamination involves filling the BSC with a poisonous gas, most commonly formaldehyde gas.:25
  • explosion, from roof falls or from inhaling poisonous gas.
  • The atmosphere was a mix of noxious and poisonous gases (Methane, Ammonia, Sulphur compounds,
  • Examples include smoke or other poisonous gases at sufficiently high concentrations.
  • n given effectual protection from the German poisonous gases"., and that he would have been promote
  • These include giant jumping worms, poisonous gases, and Rhamphorhynchus, along with the b
  • The fossil site was later abandoned due to poisonous gases.
  • ed 142 people, most of whom were overcome by poisonous gases.
  • ilm quickly produced a significant amount of poisonous gasses, causing victims to suffocate and, wi
  • e from eight races: humans, aracheans (fast, poisonous giant spiders), archons (demons of darkness)
  • Solauricine is a poisonous glycoalkaloid chemical compound that occurs
  • Solasonine is a poisonous glycoside chemical compound.
  • The milkweed plant supplies poisonous glycosides which render both caterpillar and
  • only to fall through the floor, landing on a poisonous Hollywood gossip columnist standing in the l
  • gas, he exposed himself to an atmosphere of poisonous hydrogen cyanide.
  • earest escape routes, 3) The smoke contained poisonous hydrogen cyanide and carbon monoxide fumes,
  • d the gum was chewed for foul breath but was poisonous if swallowed.
  • All parts of the plants are poisonous if eaten.
  • The plant is poisonous if consumed by people or animals.
  • h the fruits of many mistletoes are actually poisonous if ingested as they contain viscotoxins.
  • The oxalic acid in jack in the pulpit is poisonous if ingested.
  • l parts of the plant including the fruit are poisonous if eaten.
  • Fruits that may be poisonous if not consumed correctly, such as ackee are
  • The danger is all parts of the plant are poisonous if ingested.
  • Like many Euphobias, parts of the plants are poisonous if ingested.
  • ve been utilized for medicinal value but are poisonous in larger amounts.
  • w or red) berry-like swollen corolla, highly poisonous in several species, though those of C. termi
  • Pumiliotoxins are very poisonous in high concentration.
  • After he left the schoolyard, he swallowed a poisonous insecticide E605 in hopes of committing suic
  • Being inedible, and perhaps poisonous, it should not be gathered for culinary use.
  • Deadly poisonous, it is a member of section phalloideae and r
  • He is best known for his research on the poisonous jimsonweed plant and the sexuality of fungi.
  • uthern Africa; murderers smear them with the poisonous juice of Acokanthera venenata and put them w
  • ge fruit, produced in summer, contain highly poisonous kernels.
  • In 1952 during the Mau Mau Uprising, the poisonous latex of the plant was used to kill cattle i
  • xicity is unknown, it is likely to be deadly poisonous like its close relatives.
  • s Sam-Tin that the liquid they drank was not poisonous liquid, but a test to see Nin's love for the
  • t trains sideswiped, releasing flammable and poisonous liquids that resulted in a major fire and a
  • on inkcap (Coprinopsis atramentaria) and the poisonous livid pinkgill (Entoloma sinuatum)
  • ost puffers, blackspotted puffers are highly poisonous, making them dangerous or even deadly to eat
  • rowing a party for friends, boiled a soup of poisonous matches, drank the concoction and died.
  • The rhizome, foliage and roots are also poisonous, Mayapple contains podophyllotoxin, which is
  • nita subgroup Lepidella, which contains some poisonous members.
  • Toxicologists identified the metal as poisonous mercury, which Moskalenko claimed was an app
  • All parts of the plant contain a poisonous milky latex.
  • Muraena insularum is a poisonous moray eel found in the southeast Pacific oce
  • The poisonous mushroom in Japan and China, Podostroma corn
  • o lose vitality more quickly than usual, and poisonous mushrooms which reduce Tom-Tom's vitality in
  • inability to use as a cattle feed due to its poisonous nature made it a tough call.
  • xcellent for making bows, but because of the poisonous nature of the yew trees they were not popula
  • ased, the Grove cell's tendency to discharge poisonous nitrogen dioxide (NO2) fumes proved increasi
  • o plants from other areas which contain more poisonous nornicotine and are used for animal poison.
  • hildren are more concerned whether frogs are poisonous or harmless.
  • cting crude oil [by eating the fish] is very poisonous or damaging  to the system.”
  • It may be highly poisonous, or even lethal, when ingested in certain qu
  • Jackson campaigned to put labels on all poisonous or corrosive substances to prevent ingestion
  • s, and may be deliberately contaminated with poisonous or bad-tasting additives.
  • consisting of a sealed chamber into which a poisonous or asphyxiant gas is introduced.
  • eming Dickens' character of Slackbridge, the poisonous orator as "a mere figment of middle-class im
  • known planet, a planet with giant plants and poisonous oxygen filling the air.
  • Ingestion of poisonous parts of the plant may cause severe stomach
  • The term was later translated to poisonous pedagogy by Alice Miller.
  • Jiang Chan to secretly add tiny amounts of a poisonous Persian black fungus into the medicine that
  • House finds hemlock (a poisonous plant that resembles the common edible wild
  • This plant is also cited as a poisonous plant to livestock, but is rarely consumed b
  • Hopea paucinervis is a species of very poisonous plant in the Dipterocarpaceae family.
  • Trichosanthes is a medicinal as well as poisonous plant of India, which has been helpful for a
  • Tutin is a poisonous plant derivative found in the New Zealand tu
  • bed in the manga as a "sweet but paralyzing" poisonous plant, a metaphor for Cesare Borgia's demoni
  • found, some of the sheep died from eating a poisonous plant, and others were killed by dingoes.
  • is used as an ornamental plant, and it is a poisonous plant.
  • red as unsuitable to landscaping, as it is a poisonous plant: it produces volatile substances that
  • nia, and compiled information on toxicity of poisonous plants cultivated in the state.
  • rden contains over 300 taxa of medicinal and poisonous plants, with nearly 100 information displays
  • Nymphalidae, and both groups tend to feed on poisonous plants.
  • , veterinary medical section, and section of poisonous plants.
  • Donnie's Lament, a collaboration with fellow Poisonous Poet Lowkey, featuring the duo rapping over
  • He is a member of the London rap group Poisonous Poets.
  • Carotatoxin is a poisonous polyyne and alcohol found in carrot (Daucus
  • Diamphotoxin, the poisonous principle in Diamphidia is a highly labile,
  • s are somewhat toxic to humans, though their poisonous properties are overstated and fatalities alm
  • s a description of the isolation of ricin, a poisonous protein component from castor beans.
  • made from their nectar and cause a very rare poisonous reaction called grayanotoxin poisoning, hone
  • tioxidant reducing species that can detoxify poisonous reactive oxygen species, such as hydrogen pe
  • in protecting civilians and to clean up the poisonous red mud.
  • terior can be coated or impregnated with the poisonous residue, rendering a vehicle virtually worth
  • Their venom (a poisonous saliva), which includes a neurotoxin known a
  • ge, shelled mollusks, and then injecting its poisonous saliva.
  • ilt drives him to commit suicide by allowing poisonous sea creatures to sting and bite him to death
  • al also broke out when it was learned that a poisonous sealing compound called "Rhoca-Gil" was used
  • Aloe, is an African species of aloe, and has poisonous seeds.
  • Primarily the seed pods can be extremely poisonous, since they may contain what are called orga
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