



  • EVA emulsions are polyvinyl acetate (PVAc) copolymers based on vinyl ace
  • The factory produces chemicals like polyvinyl acetate used in adhesives, calcium carbide a
  • EVA and PVA polyvinyl acetate polymer adhesives have been used by
  • Polyvinyl acetate phthalate (PVAP) is a commonly used
  • ) was a German chemist and the discoverer of polyvinyl acetate, with German patent (GP 281687 1912)
  • It is prepared by nitration of polyvinyl alcohol or transesterification of polyvinyl
  • Polyvinyl alcohol is used as a emulsion polymerization
  • Thus, the two substrates of this enzyme are polyvinyl alcohol and acceptor, whereas its two produc
  • s) or synthetic chemical such as the polymer polyvinyl alcohol which can reproduce some of the func
  • blue complex with iodine molecules - though polyvinyl alcohol has started to be used recently as w
  • ding on the molecular weight of the starting polyvinyl alcohol.
  • vinyl chloride - monomer for polyvinyl chloride
  • Polyvinyl chloride acetate (PVCA) is a thermoplastic c
  • nt tinsel is almost all made out of extruded polyvinyl chloride (PVC).
  • Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) was discovered by French phys
  • of thermoplastic elastomers, are mixtures of polyvinyl chloride and silicone.
  • id, which are widely used as stabilizers for polyvinyl chloride PVC.
  • y into global trading by beginning to import polyvinyl chloride (PVC), a key raw material for manuf
  • odrich company chemists invented plasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) in 1926, synthesized rubber i
  • stigates the many negative health effects of polyvinyl chloride its production, use and disposal, f
  • These curtains, made of a polyvinyl chloride plastic film, shield nearby workers
  • Transparent welding curtains, made of a polyvinyl chloride plastic film, are often used to shi
  • PVC ( polyvinyl chloride)
  • PVCu (unplasticized polyvinyl chloride) pipes are used in slightly smaller
  • The blanks are then coated with polyvinyl chloride, laminated, and finished.
  • vinyl chloride, polyvinyl chloride, dichloromethane), and he was appoi
  • the company produces ethylene, polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, polypropylene and other chemical b
  • als and liquids including but not limited to polyvinyl chloride, plasticizers, specialty additives,
  • ne for a fabric that contains no PVC; or 80% polyvinyl chloride, 20% polyurethane with mention of t
  • VCM is the precursor to polyvinyl chloride.
  • ently added too, the most common of which is polyvinyl chloride.
  • Suicide Squeeze), Saturday Looks Good To Me ( Polyvinyl) Headlights (Polyvinyl), and Margot and the
  • s in the United Kingdom, January 25, 2011 on Polyvinyl in the USA, and January 30, 2011 on Flying N
  • Polyvinyl nitrate (PVN) is a polymeric explosive mater
  • Polyvinyl nitrate can be used in some moldable propell
  • ey data will be gathered on acid free paper, polyvinyl permatrace and archive stable digital format
  • Polyvinylpolypyrrolidone ( Polyvinyl Polypyrrolidone, PVPP, crospovidone, crospol
  • Other references state that polyvinyl pyrrolidone and its derivatives are fully fr
  • It was released by the Polyvinyl Record Company in 2004.
  • It was released by Polyvinyl Record Co. on May 11, 2010.
  • It was released by Polyvinyl Record Co. on April 12, 2010.
  • They signed with Polyvinyl Record Co. for their 2006 and 2008 releases.
  • Polyvinyl Record Co released the album on CD, Digital,
  • track 7" by Joan of Arc released in 2007 by Polyvinyl Record Co.
  • heir debut self-titled album was released by Polyvinyl Records in August, 2005, and their Warning S
  • can be heard and downloaded for free at the Polyvinyl Records website and on the band's MySpace pa
  • Enemies (2002, Polyvinyl Records)
  • In addition to being released as a CDEP by Polyvinyl Records, it was also pressed on translucent
  • ntention of releasing them as a 7" record on Polyvinyl Records, however, the band splintered before
  • It was released on May 4, 2004 on Polyvinyl Records.
  • ” which was released in September of 2010 on Polyvinyl Records.
  • dio album by Joan of Arc released in 2008 on Polyvinyl Records.
  • Montreal, released on September 14, 2010 on Polyvinyl Records.
  • ull-length debut album in 1999, both through Polyvinyl Records.
  • th album by Joan of Arc, released in 2005 on Polyvinyl Records.
  • Polyvinyltoluene (PVT, polyvinyl toluene) is a synthetic polymer.