



  • This faux wine was made by adding water to pomace and then fermenting it.
  • the press cake, composed of crude olive cake, pomace and husk, is about 30% if it is produced by tr
  • left after the cider had been pressed from the pomace, and pressing it...sometimes a little molasses
  • Adding composted olive mill pomace as organic fertiliser in olive orchards allows
  • Pomace brandy is a liquor distilled from pomace.
  • e-producing cultures began making some type of pomace brandy after the principles of distillation we
  • ipened (washed in marc de Bourgogne, the local pomace brandy), it is circular at around either 10cm
  • Orujo is the Cantabrian pomace brandy.
  • investigation - there already is an article on Pomace brandy.
  • Olive mill pomace compost is made by a controlled biologic proce
  • hildren, and made by steeping the refuse apple pomace in water.
  • Grape pomace is used to produce pomace brandy and piquette.
  • After fermentation is complete, the pomace is distilled.
  • Fermented pomace is particularly suitable for the production of
  • Olive mill pomace is a by product from the olive oil mill extrac
  • During red wine vinification, the pomace is left to soak in the must for the entire fer
  • roove to catch the juices upon which the apple pomace is placed and a wooden platform which pressed
  • The pomace left over from pressing off the Amarone is use
  • lves with wine by mixing the stems, seeds, and pomace left over from the wine production with large
  • Pomace may be either fermented, semi-fermented, or un
  • Both semi-fermented and unfermented pomace must be kept in a silo until fermentation is c
  • is spirit is made from the distillation of the pomace of grapes.
  • which is obtained from the distillation of the pomace of grapes and is clear in colour.
  • With this technique, the pomace of leftover grape skins and seeds from the fer
  • Zivania is a distillate produced from the pomace of grapes that were pressed during the wine-ma
  • ed with homemade grappa (the distillate of the pomace remaining from winemaking) plus, perhaps, butt
  • er the wine grapes had been pressed twice, the pomace was soaked in water for a day and pressed for
  • Virgin pomace, which is produced during white wine vinificat
  • se partially dried grapes, instead of leftover pomace, which contain less bitter tannins and even mo
  • In the Middle Ages, pomace wine with a low alcohol content of three or fo
  • ere not fermented to dryness; consequently the pomace would retain some residual sugar after ferment