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  • on 18OH-DOC and is ambiguous (nor does serum potassium above 4.8 mEq/liter (187 mg)).
  • urine or excess myoglobin in urine or serum, potassium above 6 mmol/l)
  • Using 18-crown-6, potassium acetate is a more powerful nucleophile in or
  • synthesized a red liquid by the reaction of potassium acetate with arsenic trioxide.
  • s of placing the corpse in a glass bath with potassium acetate, alcohol, glycerol, distilled water,
  • etakers as "balsam", which was glycerine and potassium acetate.
  • Potassium acetylenediolate is a pale yellow solid that
  • l known in the form of several salts such as potassium acid tellurite, KHTeO3.
  • It is a potassium acid salt of glutamic acid.
  • g to do with the active moment of sodium and potassium across the plasma membrane.
  • No potassium added
  • Excess potassium added
  • Two-thirds of regular amount of potassium added
  • Examples are sodium adipate (E356) and potassium adipate (E357).
  • Potassium adipate is a compound with formula K2C6H8O4.
  • Potassium alginate is widely used in foods as a stabil
  • oting the alkyllithium, and KOR denoting the potassium alkoxide).
  • c mixtures of an alkyllithium compound and a potassium alkoxide.
  • mpurities include biuret, cyanuric acid, and potassium allophanate (KO2CNHC(O)NH2), as well as unre
  • BK channels (Big Potassium), also called Maxi-K or slo1, are ion channe
  • ally "Ripe Xuan"), however, is smeared on by Potassium alum during its production, which results in
  • oclinic type of alum distinct from isometric potassium alum, named in 1868.
  • lder samples, however, have been found to be potassium alum.
  • It forms a solid solution with potassium alum.
  • unds include sodium aluminate (Na2Al2O4) and potassium aluminate (K2Al2O4), both being alkali-ion p
  • Potassium aluminium borate (K2Al2B2O7) is an ionic com
  • Potassium aluminium fluoride (KAlF4) is an inorganic c
  • Usually prepared by reacting a potassium amalgam with mercury fulminate, it is much l
  • to the urine, including bicarbonate, sodium, potassium, amino acids, organic acids, albumin and oth
  • This causes ions (predominantly potassium and protons) and other molecules to leak out
  • gives NKCC1 the ability to transport sodium, potassium, and chloride from the blood into the cell.
  • thiamine (Vitamin B1), niacin (Vitamin B3), potassium and iodine.
  • ave the greatest significance in neurons are potassium and chloride channels.
  • nium oxides, and a low percentage of sodium, potassium, and calcium oxides.
  • Myricadiol has a slight impact on levels of potassium and sodium, while a substance called myricit
  • te; titanium-rich aluminium-poor phlogopite; potassium- and titanium-rich richterite; low aluminium
  • ey, the toxin exerts this same activity upon potassium and calcium ion channels..
  • he sodium salt is soluble in water, those of potassium and ammonium are insoluble.
  • It contains aspartame, acesulfame potassium, and sucralose in addition to the high fruct
  • Ions such as sodium, chloride, potassium, and calcium are easily filtered, as is gluc
  • The potassium and rubidium salts of the monvalent hydrogen
  • Worldwide production of the potassium and sodium salts was 20 Mkg in 2006.
  • s a getter in vacuum tubes, and solutions of potassium and sodium, so called NaK are used to deoxyg
  • concern, hence fluids, vitamin and mineral ( potassium and sodium) supplementation is necessary and
  • n butadiene to a solution of phenylisopropyl potassium and obtain a long-chain hydrocarbon with the
  • commonly used in fertilizers, providing both potassium and sulfur.
  • n C (20 mg/100g), small amounts of minerals ( potassium and zinc) and thiamin (100 μg).
  • Potassium and citrate concentrations remained the same
  • ned with a blend of aspartame and acesulfame potassium and was marketed as part of the Diet Coke fa
  • ny plants is also inhibited by low levels of potassium and phosphorus and a low ratio of calcium/ma
  • granular masses, and is used as a source of potassium and magnesium compounds.
  • ero (sweetened with aspartame and acesulfame potassium) and Diet Coke with Splenda.
  • It forms salts with various metals such as potassium and sodium due to its high acidity caused by
  • The potassium and ammonium salts are precipitated as yello
  • bleaching agent for textiles, whilst sodium, potassium and ammonium peroxydisulfates (Na2S2O8, K2S2
  • icon monoxide, as well as smaller amounts of potassium and other metals.
  • e) or hypokalemia (decreased blood levels of potassium) and without having an adverse effect on kid
  • d ceilings where solutions containing alkali potassium and nitrate seep into the openings.
  • Interaction with potassium and sodium channels has been proposed.
  • exposed to the right combination of sodium, potassium and magnesium ions.
  • We now know that these are the sodium, potassium and other ions which are responsible for ele
  • Potassium and sodium are isolated by Sir Humphry Davy.
  • ack of essential nutrients such as nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus
  • It is used as a qualitative test for potassium and ammonium ions (provided that certain oth
  • face tension metallic liquids such as liquid potassium are layered, while those of dielectric liqui
  • aims made that budder causes seizures due to potassium are not from any source and no other informa
  • y increase, and spectral lines of sodium and potassium are predicted to be prominent in the planet'
  • Potassium argon dating gives an age of 50.7 ± 3.1 to 5
  • Potassium argon dating in the region provides an age o
  • Fowler's solution is a solution containing potassium arsenite that once was prescribed as a remed
  • osum or Kali arseniatum, is a 1% solution of potassium arsenite, KH2AsO3.
  • An inhibition will result in loss of potassium, as observed in Bartter syndrome, which can
  • Therefore, sodium and potassium, as well as other reactive metals, cannot be
  • The body has about as much potassium as sulfur and chlorine, and only the major m
  • It requires potassium as a cofactor.
  • voring, Xylitol; Less than 2% of: Acesulfame potassium, Aspartame, BHT (to maintain freshness), Blu
  • It combines with the oxides of sodium and potassium at high temperatures (>700°C) to form the co
  • This keeps extracellular potassium at levels that prevent interference with nor
  • The gastric hydrogen potassium ATPase or H+/K+ ATPase is the proton pump of
  • For the gastric H+/K+ ATPase, see Hydrogen potassium ATPase.
  • e carbonatite lava it is associated with the potassium bearing gregoryite.
  • Potassium benzoate (E212), the potassium salt of benzo
  • Potassium benzoate was recently described by the Food
  • acid (vitamin C, E300), sodium benzoate and potassium benzoate form benzene, a known carcinogen; h
  • t fell out of favor with the introduction of potassium bicarbonate (Purple-K) dry chemical in the l
  • o the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), potassium bicarbonate is "generally recognized as safe
  • Potassium bicarbonate (also known as potassium hydroge
  • commonly sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) or potassium bicarbonate, it reacts to produce carbon dio
  • ith some fungicides, including azoxystrobin, potassium bicarbonate, hydrogen dioxide as well as the
  • poxide is formed under basic conditions with potassium bicarbonate.
  • A fire extinguisher containing potassium bicarbonate.
  • m Henry Perkin by heating crude aniline with potassium bichromate and sulfuric acid.
  • Boronic acids RB(OH)2 react with potassium bifluoride K[HF2] to form trifluoroborate sa
  • Potassium bifluoride is the inorganic compound with th
  • Potassium bifluoride is a related more commonly used e
  • Potassium bifluoride, as its name indicates, contains
  • ne is produced by the electrolysis of molten potassium bifluoride.
  • alcium Resonium) is a polymer indicated as a potassium binder in acute and chronic kidney disease f
  • Potassium bis(trimethylsilyl)amide is the chemical com
  • agendorff's reagent", which is a solution of potassium bismuth iodide used to ascertain the presenc
  • A solution of potassium bisulfate behaves as if the two related comp
  • Adding ethanol to a solution of potassium bisulfate precipitates out sulfate.
  • Potassium bisulfate is also used as a disintegrating a
  • of mucic acid to 3-hydroxy-2-pyrone with a) potassium bisulfate 160 °C / 4 hrs.
  • Potassium bisulfate is the potassium salt of bisulfate
  • A sample is heated with potassium bisulfate, and acrolein is released if the t
  • Mercallite, the mineralogical form of potassium bisulfate, occurs very rarely.
  • readily with water, a reaction that affords potassium bisulfide (KSH) and potassium hydroxide (KOH
  • It is often confused with potassium bitartrate, also known as cream of tartar.
  • d additive, it shares the E number E336 with potassium bitartrate.
  • hypo- and normokalemic (high, low and normal potassium blood concentrations) periodic paralysis, my
  • used in white bread is often bleached using potassium bromate or chlorine dioxide gas to remove an
  • Lithium Bromide is equal to a dose 500mg of potassium bromide in elemantal bromine content.
  • ider transmission range than the more common potassium bromide beamsplitters, extending usefulness
  • In high concentration potassium bromide strongly irritates the gastric mucou
  • due to the bromide ion, and for this reason potassium bromide is equally effective.
  • information that 500mg to 1000mg per day of Potassium Bromide leads to Bromism.
  • The reaction yields potassium bromide and potassium acetylenedicarboxylate
  • drochloric acid for oxaluria, and the use of potassium bromide for nervousness.
  • In a dilute aqueous solution, potassium bromide tastes sweet, at higher concentratio
  • Under standard conditions, potassium bromide is a white crystalline powder.
  • Main article: Potassium bromide#Medical and Veterinary
  • ions to medical literature include papers on potassium bromide, chloral hydrate, the use of chlorof
  • See potassium bromide.
  • n, acidemia causes an extracellular shift of potassium, but respiratory acidosis rarely causes clin
  • Progesterone prevents some of the loss of potassium by DOC .
  • Since the discovery of potassium by Humphry Davy, it had been assumed that al
  • A related mineral chlorocalcite ( potassium calcium chloride, KCaCl3) is also very rare.
  • an evaporite mineral, a hydrated sulfate of potassium, calcium and magnesium with formula: K2Ca2Mg
  • ), B vitamins (B1, B2, B3), and the elements potassium, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus.
  • The most important ions are sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride, phosphate, an
  • monovalent positive ions such as sodium and potassium can diffuse freely thereby destroying the io
  • um at high temperatures and, when exposed to potassium, can form shock-sensitive explosive mixtures
  • Potassium canrenoate (INN) or canrenoate potassium (US
  • is made of honey, milk, margarine, flour and potassium carbonate (as leavening agent), as well as a
  • sic solutions such as aqueous MEA or aqueous potassium carbonate can neutralize H2S into hydrosulfi
  • Potassium carbonate is used in reactions to maintain a
  • leate and oleyl alcohol; adding alkalis like potassium carbonate to such a dip was shown to have no
  • Potash - potassium carbonate
  • German gingerbread recipes often use potassium carbonate as a baking agent.
  • bonate salt, as an example ethyl sulfate and potassium carbonate forms potassium ethyl sulfate and
  • Deacylation of this product in potassium carbonate methanol solution gives 2-methylsu
  • The sodium and potassium carbonate minerals of the lavas formed by Ol
  • [3+2]cycloaddition by heating in presence of potassium carbonate gives the nitroso acetal 8. Hydrog
  • another for condensing sodium carbonate and potassium carbonate into the form of pills and lozenge
  • n be obtained by electrolysis of a saturated potassium carbonate solution at −20°C.
  • Aqueous potassium carbonate is also used as a fire suppressant
  • oinyo Lengai are rich in the rare sodium and potassium carbonate minerals, nyerereite and gregoryit
  • Potash ( potassium carbonate)
  • used in conjunction with mild bases, such as potassium carbonate, rather than strong ones.
  • solvents than many other carbonates such as potassium carbonate, and therefore finds use as a base
  • mineral carbonates can be calcium carbonate, potassium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, magnesium car
  • lowed by treatment of the dibromoketone with potassium carbonate.
  • commoly made by neutralizing picric acid by potassium carbonate.
  • nitre", or nitratite), sodium carbonate and potassium carbonate.
  • The potassium cation can be captured by a crown ether and
  • cin also display a marked preference for the potassium cation over other cations.
  • This colourless salt consists of the potassium cation and the bifluoride (HF2−) anion.
  • ructure of a [2.2.2]cryptand encapsulating a potassium cation (purple).
  • water KHP dissociates completely giving the potassium cation (K+) and hydrogen phthalate anion (HP
  • crocyclic ligands that have affinity for the potassium cation.
  • isolate a by-product that strongly complexed potassium cation.
  • This red-coloured salt consists of potassium cations and the octachlorodimolybdate anion,
  • plot are calcium, magnesium and sodium plus potassium cations.
  • ound that CB1 activation facilitates GIRK, a potassium channel belonging to the Kir3 family.
  • tein encoded by this gene is a voltage-gated potassium channel accessory subunit (beta subunit) ass
  • Its venom contains highly specific potassium channel blockers such as iberiotoxin, which
  • laboratory the heterologously expressed hERG potassium channel comprises 4 identical alpha subunits
  • Diazoxide (INN; brand name Proglycem) is a potassium channel activator, which causes local relaxa
  • protein encoded by this gene, K2P12.1, is a potassium channel containing two pore-forming P domain
  • Voltage-gated potassium channel subunit beta-3 is a protein that in
  • Kir4.1, may form a heterodimer with another potassium channel protein and may be responsible for t
  • SK3 is a small-conductance calcium-activated potassium channel partly responsible for the calcium-d
  • ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 12 is a protein that in humans is en
  • it was found that coexpression with related potassium channel Kir5.1, changed these results somewh
  • Lq2 is also known as Potassium channel toxin alpha-KTx 1.2, Charybdotoxin-2
  • centrations 20-fold higher than required for potassium channel blocks.
  • Potassium channel subfamily K member 1 is a protein th
  • codes K2P1.1, a member of the superfamily of potassium channel proteins containing two pore-forming
  • KATP is also the ATP-sensitive potassium channel responsible for pancreatic beta-cell
  • tein encoded by this gene is a voltage-gated potassium channel subunit.
  • Voltage-gated potassium channel subunit beta-2 is a protein that in
  • Voltage-gated potassium channel subunit beta-1 is a protein that in
  • G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 2 is a protein that in humans is enc
  • tein encoded by this gene is a voltage-gated potassium channel beta subunit.
  • This member is a delayed rectifier potassium channel and its activity is modulated by som
  • ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 10 is a protein that in humans is en
  • e protein encoded by this gene, K2P13.1 is a potassium channel containing two pore-forming P domain
  • Tertiapin has been described as a potent potassium channel blocker, acting on two different typ
  • G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 3 is a protein that in humans is enc
  • hannel toxins and 18 peptides related to the potassium channel toxins have been described, along wi
  • activation and the inactivation of the Kv4.3 potassium channel to more positive values.
  • sity where he studied the interaction of the potassium channel with a specific toxin derived from s
  • An example of a class of channel openers are potassium channel openers.
  • s that emodepside also interacts with the BK potassium channel coded by the gene Slo-1.
  • Another region in the potassium channel (flanking the N-terminal of SloTx) i
  • Almokalant is a potassium channel blocker.
  • Four sequence-related potassium channel genes - shaker, shaw, shab, and shal
  • region that are believed to be important for potassium channel binding.
  • Paxilline is a potassium channel blocker.
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