



  • Protonation, allylation, and nitrosylation of this salt
  • form R3N+-OH, cationic hydroxylamines, upon protonation at a pH below their pKa.
  • ond of IPP and makes it more susceptible to protonation by water.
  • concentration of the base, assuming that no protonation has occurred.
  • Cyanide ligands are susceptible to protonation, hence many cyanometalates are highly solva
  • When the protonation is conducted at low temperatures, H2S2O3 (t
  • asicity of the carbonyl oxygen, thus making protonation less likely.
  • Firstly, it involves protonation of the hydroxyl group.
  • The protonation of a monobasic acid will be used to simplif
  • The equilibrium for protonation of the conjugate base, A- of the acid, may
  • It can only be made by protonation of the perbromate ion.
  • Most methods of illicit production involve protonation of the hydroxyl group on the ephedrine or p
  • "Kinetic Protonation of Enols, Enolates and Analogs; The Stereoc
  • ral intermediate collapses to products with protonation of -NH by the glutamate residue.
  • kylation of alkanes and alkenes and for the protonation of aromatic compounds.
  • This can either be due to protonation of the ring nitrogen or because of addition
  • mechanism has two forms; an acid catalyzed protonation of the glycosidic oxygen yielding stereoche
  • spartic protease that depends critically on protonation of its active site Asp residue and gets act
  • n ethanol and sulfuric acid, which involves protonation of the ethanolic oxygen to form the oxonium
  • Isocyanic acid can be made by protonation of the cyanate anion, such as from salts li
  • Of these, protonation reactions are the most common.
  • The origin of the initial protonation step has not been conclusively established.
  • Protonation takes place at the nitrogen atom, not the p
  • This adds to the cyano group; protonation then goes on to form the imine, tautomeriza