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  • The episodes centre around the unpleasant actions of an individual (usually a characte
  • henever individuals voluntarily engage in an unpleasant activity to achieve some desired goal.
  • Medication phobia can be triggered by unpleasant adverse reactions to medications which are s
  • "[the band's] fight with Barry left a rather unpleasant aftertaste.
  • ke sucrose, and they can be used to mask the unpleasant aftertastes of some high intensity sweetener
  • a very windy place, this made work outdoors unpleasant, all stores lying in the snow tended to get
  • h as conscious and unconscious, pleasant and unpleasant, and so forth.
  • At higher concentrations the odor can be unpleasant and may cause symptoms of central nervous sy
  • on how they were at their peak (pleasant or unpleasant) and how they ended.
  • d a sewage treatment plant, is noted for its unpleasant and purportedly hazardous air quality.
  • lera of the eye, the treatment may be highly unpleasant and is a risk for eye infection.
  • years from 1914-1919 he found it 'extremely unpleasant' and most of his fellow students 'bored him'
  • The fruit emits an unpleasant aroma when exposed to the air.
  • ly as a purgative and this caused it to have unpleasant associations.
  • closest professor friends arrive (along with unpleasant atomic science genius, Sprtschk) and proceed
  • and nationalistic and he is surrounded by an unpleasant aura of irrationality, like one who sees him
  • al approval of the movie, but questioned the unpleasant back story (which contrasted with the overal
  • Cut-and-paste is unpleasant because it means that (a) for n articles, th
  • α,N-DMT causes an unpleasant body load.
  • owers that emit an odor that humans consider unpleasant but attractive to insects.
  • s heroin, going cold turkey may be extremely unpleasant, but less dangerous.
  • l, while the second part was made thoroughly unpleasant by a cloud cover their heavy machine couldn'
  • ch private school, telling Chris he finds it unpleasant, Chris allows him to attend public school, F
  • urned to live at No.13 in 1955, it was under unpleasant circumstances as her mum May had had to sell
  • i-Japanese were held at Ma Tau Chung in very unpleasant circumstances.
  • "It includes a serious and often unpleasant commenting chorus, the death of the central
  • He was then detained in the unpleasant conditions of the Bocardo Prison.
  • fin also established a record of violent and unpleasant confrontations with union officials outside
  • businesses may be met with violence or other unpleasant consequences.
  • He has no education, an unpleasant continuous giggle; and their existence is cr
  • d to the adverse side effects which, however unpleasant, could not sensibly be said to raise a prima
  • was opened it was full of insects and other unpleasant creatures, but inside Adam's jar was a beaut
  • rking lots which made for a hot and somewhat unpleasant daytime concert-going experience.
  • ts best before it fully ripens, acquiring an unpleasant degree of foxiness if allowed to hang on the
  • m Staten Island, working in a factory for an unpleasant, demanding boss, Frank Waturi (Dan Hedaya).
  • onfines himself to Jabba's palace due to the unpleasant desert environment, even though his small si
  • that deaf dogs may be more likely to have an unpleasant disposition, or that the condition implies o
  • immediately or else the implications can be unpleasant due to political reasons.
  • e Commons made sure that he was placed in an unpleasant dungeon, called the Little Ease, four feet (
  • ychoactive effects at small dosages and with unpleasant effects including vomiting, muscle paralysis
  • However, an unpleasant encounter with Jennifer's ex-boyfriend Chip
  • I foresee an unpleasant ending”], Primitivo says that he has still n
  • im from England to Japan partly to escape an unpleasant engagement in London.
  • ved from Godfrey's cheery interpretations of unpleasant events and circumstances.
  • m if he knew who he was which this led to an unpleasant exchange of words.
  • We never had a threatening or unpleasant experience there.
  • , in a restaurant, they sang a song about an unpleasant experience in a restaurant that included vom
  • f 1,500 corpses in an Italian churchyard, an unpleasant experience which never left him.
  • half a star, calling the project a "creepy, unpleasant experience".
  • These final episodes may have been unpleasant experiences for Taylor, as he never wanted t
  • Motivated by Cass's son's unpleasant experiences with society's rejection of ment
  • l (shortened: nun mal) imply that the (often unpleasant) fact expressed in a sentence cannot be chan
  • As she is working for an unpleasant family, a dead body is found in her bag and
  • hey move to the village of Snowle, where her unpleasant father (Frank Finlay) breeds turkeys.
  • ' initial reaction was negative: "One of the unpleasant features of landing on wheels is the difficu
  • f the principal characters does not leave an unpleasant feeling.
  • alita" and "Light of Day", this draining and unpleasant finale was more than a bit of a departure.
  • ful or fatal if swallowed, and may impart an unpleasant flavor to food cooked upon fires lit with it
  • fish which, unfortunately, gave the meat an unpleasant flavour.
  • It is a major component of the cause of unpleasant foot odor.
  • always designed to make things difficult or unpleasant for the grown-ups.
  • tures mostly harsh sucking noises, making it unpleasant for many listeners.
  • by the mortar detachment, but this is pretty unpleasant for all involved (especially the carrier of
  • rarely psychosis, as well as a prolonged and unpleasant hangover effect similar to that produced by
  • urce allegedly told The Mirror: "It's always unpleasant having to say goodbye to people who have giv
  • ever as good as they may have been in a less unpleasant hitters park.
  • ribed the husband/wife tensions caused by an unpleasant household chore.
  • red wine with a full aromatic flavor, and no unpleasant hybrid flavors.
  • fered throughout his life with a painful and unpleasant illness - possibly Crohn's disease, which se
  • Pepys in his Diary records the unpleasant impression Seymour's arrogance made on most
  • There was an unpleasant incident when a volunteer, Lord Mordaunt, so
  • her blessings upon the devotees and that no unpleasant incidents should happen during the festival.
  • After many unpleasant incidents, and with the help of his faithful
  • it's not only unpleasant it's very dangerous.
  • Terroll Lessor, a computer genius in an unpleasant job, decides to use his skills against repre
  • lso lose its fruit integrity and take on the unpleasant lactic aroma of cured meats.
  • fecting this third movie is an extra, deeply unpleasant level of racism that we haven't seen before
  • s the skin of the crowd it is directed at to unpleasant levels.
  • An unpleasant man that is disliked by most students due to
  • "Henry" Raymond, who said at best he was an unpleasant man.
  • s beautiful Elise will be executed in a most unpleasant manner.
  • ' Almanack stated this was probably the most unpleasant match ever played.
  • stance when threatened, thereby making it an unpleasant meal for predators, allowing it to escape fr
  • a bias in which the emotion associated with unpleasant memories fades more quickly than the emotion
  • ir local pyramidal cheese apparently aroused unpleasant memories as he alleged then cut the top off
  • nd locked rooms, that she is repressing some unpleasant memory.
  • he defrutum and give the finished product an unpleasant metallic taste.
  • Yen) is the well-educated younger son of an unpleasant, miserly salt baron who pours attention on C
  • bullocks to the Channel Fleet, a filthy and unpleasant mission.
  • pendix to the famous Monetarist paper, "Some Unpleasant Monetarist Arithmetic", a paper that is cons
  • ter Parsons and had a hard time changing the unpleasant mood that her remarks elicited, and I also s
  • 19. Murder in Mostar: A very unpleasant murder and Hurst and Smith are in revolt as
  • "Piefke" is still today an unpleasant nickname for Germans in Austria.
  • disasters, pollution, ugliness and any other unpleasant object or fact.
  • rning to his hometown, where various odd and unpleasant occurrences began happening.
  • The spa is known for its unpleasant odor resulting from the sulphur springs.
  • practically denuded the virgin forests; the unpleasant odor of the sulphite mills replaced the equa
  • their tendency to overwinter indoors and the unpleasant odor and stain left by their bodily fluid wh
  • pefruit mercaptan has a very potent, but not unpleasant, odor, and it is the chemical constituent pr
  • Mineral turpentine has a characteristic unpleasant odor.
  • It is volatile and has a strong unpleasant odor.
  • This colorless liquid has a strong and unpleasant odor.
  • cted to be monomeric and volatile and has an unpleasant odor.
  • g, except the strong, resinated wine with an unpleasant odor.
  • cular-weight carboxylic acids, it has a very unpleasant odor.
  • y seed coat of the ginkgo its characteristic unpleasant odor.
  • Both usually result in unpleasant odors in the absence of the corresponding st
  • ile thiols typically have very strong, often unpleasant odors that can be detected by humans in very
  • fragrance industry, in perfumes, and to mask unpleasant odors or tastes in medicines, livestock fodd
  • paint solvents, and other materials to mask unpleasant odors.
  • This contributes to a strong unpleasant odour on the breath.
  • The unpleasant odour of 1,3-propanedithiol has encouraged t
  • bearing marble or calcite which produces an unpleasant odour when struck or rubbed.
  • This colorless liquid has a strongly unpleasant odour, which is characteristic of alkylphosp
  • cow parsnip has large, broad leaves, and an unpleasant odour.
  • d fibrous, yellow-brown in colour and has an unpleasant odour.
  • uses and other contaminants, and may have an unpleasant odour.
  • ion in this workshop appears to have been an unpleasant one, and led him to take, for a time, employ
  • The memories described are unpleasant ones, of conflict with family, authority and
  • . whatever is felt [vedayita] as pleasant or unpleasant or neither-unpleasant-nor-pleasant, born of
  • Initially fearing that the dinner would be unpleasant, or that John would be boring, he instead fo
  • melling Ammonia, hydrochloric acid and other unpleasant or dangerous chemicals.
  • In some cases the peel is unpleasant or inedible, in which case it is removed and
  • nsive, this is sometimes performed to remove unpleasant or undesirable scents of a material and affo
  • other missionary that he would keep anything unpleasant out of the evidence "for the sake of the fai
  • , "attempting a Donkey Punch can lead to ... unpleasant outcomes," including "injury, death, or inca
  • sing several character flaws and fleeing her unpleasant past, Trix is among the Doctor's more troubl
  • on his blog, "Some of you are truly fucking unpleasant people."
  • he song tells the story of a dark, haunting, unpleasant period of illness.
  • Waithood is considered to be a difficult and unpleasant period in life; without work, young people a
  • xter did state later that he found Allen "an unpleasant person to share sleeping quarters with."
  • The sculptor is an unpleasant person named Ursus, Ursus invites Rose to co
  • and a few of his own original songs in some unpleasant places.
  • s minimally soluble in water with a slightly unpleasant rancid-like smell and taste.
  • Like disulfiram, it can produce an unpleasant reaction when consumed with alcohol.
  • that higher dosages (1-3mg) can produce very unpleasant reactions.
  • l: the refusal to recognize the existence of unpleasant realities.
  • ion of that is creating, unfortunately, [an] unpleasant reality."
  • tarted work on the score, but the composer's unpleasant relationship with Mussolini's government mad
  • us the episode was cancelled as not to be an unpleasant reminder for the event.
  • ross the moors by policemen to whom it is an unpleasant reminder of their experiences during the Fir
  • residents have complained for years about an unpleasant resultant taste and smell.
  • If handled it gives off an unpleasant scent.
  • y in sticky resin glands and it has a strong unpleasant scent.
  • be used recreationally at low doses, however unpleasant side effects such as dysphoria, nausea and v
  • t of depression but their use was limited by unpleasant side effects and significant safety and toxi
  • entially used as an open sewer, particularly unpleasant since the meat markets backed onto it.
  • come party and got right to work to avoid an unpleasant situation.
  • The herbage has an unpleasant skunklike scent.
  • with its most noticeable feature being a not unpleasant slightly sour tang.
  • The sprays of small greenish flowers emit an unpleasant smell that attracts flies.
  • This compound has a very unpleasant smell of decayed leeks / garlic.
  • a large purple spathe and spadix has a very unpleasant smell reminiscent of a carcass.
  • king" (and Mare's Fart) arise because of the unpleasant smell of the leaves.
  • The inflorescence has an unpleasant smell with a spathe whose inner surface is p
  • , Milton acquired a reputation for having an unpleasant smell - the "Milton Pong" - caused by its pr
  • As Lawesson's reagent has a strong and unpleasant smell, it is best to prepare the compound wi
  • ributylphosphine is its extremely strong and unpleasant smell.
  • crete an irritating substance, with a a very unpleasant smell.
  • eral woods known as Stinkwood because of its unpleasant smell.
  • or only a few hours to a day and give off an unpleasant smell.
  • to Mexico, notable for its green flowers and unpleasant smell.
  • zenes, it is also coloured with a strong and unpleasant smell.
  • -the actual production of garum created such unpleasant smells as to become relegated to the outskir
  • When neighbours griped about unpleasant smells, he doused the place with quarts of c
  • ng on others, and enable him to curtail this unpleasant social behaviour.”
  • They are about coming to terms with unpleasant, sometimes shocking truths about ourselves a
  • It is likely that the unpleasant sour scent of leaves when crushed may be due
  • cryptids, the Hibagon is said to have a most unpleasant stench, like a decomposing human body.
  • f homosexuality, eventually drifting into an unpleasant streak of overt Mormon-bashing.
  • out of Trug and gets covered in some sort of unpleasant substance e.g.
  • n back by Japanese rockets, which come as an unpleasant surprise to the commanding officers.
  • eatures the titular Miss Pimple receiving an unpleasant surprise on February 14.
  • These eggs can also contain unpleasant surprises - curses which cause Tom-Tom to lo
  • The agent responsible for unpleasant symptoms when consumed with alcohol, coprine
  • Wood or leaves will release an unpleasant tannin into the drink, which will only get s
  • d return to their ships; and Howquah had the unpleasant task of assisting in the evacuation.
  • e Petrie said: "It is a difficult and rather unpleasant task to follow a writer so rambling in his r
  • spells to allow the deceased to avoid these unpleasant tasks.
  • ting, gastrointestinal discomfort, diarrhea, unpleasant taste
  • The smoke is reported to have an unpleasant taste and to be an irritant to the lungs and
  • MTBE gives water an unpleasant taste at very low concentrations, and thus c
  • nt than PCP and has similar effects, but its unpleasant taste and tendency to cause nausea made it l
  • chlorine, pesticides, organic matter, rust, unpleasant taste and odour, hydrogen sulphide, iron, le
  • it was not the hairs or the spines, but the unpleasant taste that caused them to be rejected, becau
  • n rash, drowsiness, perianal itching, and an unpleasant taste.
  • e distinguished by its thicker stem and more unpleasant taste.
  • wers, and this could be a plea to avoid such unpleasant testing.
  • ence of listening to the noises as much less unpleasant than the first group, despite having been su
  • Audiences seemed to enjoy seeing unpleasant things happen to Catlett onscreen.
  • Though a little unpleasant, this only lasts five days...until Bernice f
  • understand this conduct could be considered unpleasant to passers-by had there been any but there i
  • Clark adds: "It is always unpleasant to spoil a really good story, but in this in
  • orld-famous but operates at capacity, can be unpleasant to use and is relatively expensive.
  • Since they are unpleasant to smell and taste, they are soon released b
  • they are packaged in has an odor that may be unpleasant to those not accustomed to it.
  • iefs, 'in a grandiose identity...all that is unpleasant to my self-image I can ditch.
  • GameSpot called it "simply unpleasant to play", calling the gameplay "irksome" and
  • Noticing that the weather outside is rather unpleasant, Tom craftily fakes a cold, pretending to sn
  • pect magazine's Carbuncle Award for the most unpleasant town centre in the country; in 2001 it was d
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