



  • MPY (Multiply): The contents of Accumulator A are multiplied by the contents of memory.
  • ficant part of the product is placed in the Accumulator A, the least significant part is placed in
  • The contents of memory are subtracted from Accumulator A. The contents of memory remain unchanged.
  • on and subtraction) calculator known as the Accumulator and a resettable counter known as the Progr
  • here is a dedicated high pressure hydraulic accumulator and also the pressure inside of the reactor
  • The photo (right) shows the accumulator at the Pimlico District Heating Undertaking
  • hydrogen tanks, and a nickel-metal hydride accumulator battery in parallel.
  • Divide, Fixed Point) - Divides the accumulator by the parameter
  • charge transferrer B, the insulated charge accumulator C, and the earthed disk D. An earthing pin
  • s, and the destructive, short ranged Plasma Accumulator Cannon (PAX).
  • Even today the design of the Class AT 3 accumulator cars (later DRG Class ETA 178) is associate
  • The accumulator could hold 71 bits, including the sign, all
  • The Leiden accumulator, created in 1745 was the first device that
  • ence of slate in the subsoil acts as a heat accumulator during the day and releases it slowly durin
  • pes are sparse, compressed matrices, a long accumulator for an exact scalar product, and strings.
  • ing it, the Middlesex Hospital purchased an accumulator in 1767.
  • Accumulator Into Memory) stores the content of the accu
  • Accumulator Into Memory) stores the content of the accu
  • ing the 8 data inputs into 9 bits, the core accumulator is an NLPFSR accepting 10 bits of the count
  • ts use of multiple registers rather than an accumulator, it was designed to have specifications tha
  • e electric motors is provided by a flywheel accumulator KERS system that sits beside the driver in
  • lso known as a severe Calvinist and a great accumulator of books.
  • 8, such as the same address space, only one accumulator register, and many similar instructions.
  • eam of less than 1 μs pulses at 60 Hz in an accumulator ring;
  • This feeds a hydraulic accumulator sunk into a 60 foot shaft below the bridge,
  • Single 32-bit accumulator that can be treated either as integer (fixe
  • The left button resets the accumulator, the right button resets the operation coun
  • A glass-faced accumulator tower was built to collect the CHP by-produ
  • District heating accumulator tower and workshops on the Churchill Garden
  • Grimsby Dock Tower is a hydraulic accumulator tower and a famous maritime landmark in Nor
  • g building of the station's era is a former accumulator tower for the adjacent Poplar Dock, which i
  • rea in 1990, and in 1998 six blocks and the Accumulator Tower were listed Grade II.
  • arting the generator is supplied by a small accumulator unit, which is connected automatically at p
  • to was by request of the Army as additional accumulator units and features were requested so that t
  • Operation Accumulator was an Allied naval operation near the Chan
  • The external accumulator was added about 1920.
  • The tower houses a hydraulic accumulator which stores the hydraulic energy ensuring
  • All these commands use the accumulator which has a maximum length of eight slabs.
  • ar counter diffusor, a bijective non-linear accumulator with a large state and a linear output comb
  • To accelerate the processing the accumulator works with an effective length.