



  • His verse is smooth, clear, and agreeable, and occasionally a thought is expressed wit
  • his Robinson family name), found New Zealand agreeable and lacking in the intermittent persecutions
  • g " delighted with the mad people...the most agreeable and the most reasonable persons he has met w
  • He is a very tall, very agreeable, and good-looking young man, with a long, st
  • The Kalighat School was an agreeable and unique blend of two different styles of
  • "I find it indeed a very agreeable and desirable place for landscape study ...
  • The program also seeks to develop agreeable and integrated housing zones that make avail
  • it was "... a welcome addition to that most agreeable and fascinating of genres: The paranoid thri
  • n is a mathematical science through which an agreeable and correct harmony of the notes is brought
  • On the other hand, population "showing agreeable attitude to Germans" was to be "spared" and
  • reier, the younger tenor has a more rounded, agreeable basic timbre, but, like Schreier, he uses a
  • flavour is dry, harmonious, with a mild and agreeable bitterness.
  • It is agreeable but of modest architectural significance.
  • descends in volumes to the floor; it is very agreeable, but is apt to cause an oppression of the he
  • Variety called it "an agreeable but hardly inspired film" and added, "Even w
  • Not only did this town boast a more agreeable climate it was also home to several tribal g
  • An agreeable companion, a faithful friend, an hospitable
  • You will find him an Ingenous artist and an agreeable Companion.
  • cent, meek, religious and studious life," an agreeable conversationalist, an enthusiastic teacher,
  • ng is of a good size, with a thin visage and agreeable countenance, having somewhat of the Tartar a
  • Hurlingham Club for this purpose and 'as an agreeable country resort'.
  • The cheese has an agreeable creamy flavour, a slight saltiness and a mil
  • His genteel carriage and agreeable disposition gain him the esteem of every one
  • means that it sometimes just drifts by in an agreeable haze."
  • already been attracted by his "pleasant and agreeable humour."
  • hought the album was "warm [and] summery ... agreeable, if not very exciting".
  • Fins Bois is rounded and fruity, with an agreeable oiliness.
  • 5), Boaden writes of Allingham that ‘with an agreeable person and a jovial temper, he became dreadf
  • a sprightly fancy, a warm imagination and an agreeable person," he was nonetheless "rather negligen
  • "The Lynn Mineral Spring is a place of agreeable resort at all seasons of the year.
  • ight over our heads, the roof will afford an agreeable shade, will it not?"
  • ve been used in perfumes, by reason of their agreeable smell; they have also been applied externall
  • work in the county and the cultivation of an agreeable social life.
  • industry representatives to promote mutually agreeable solutions to wireless infrastructure siting.
  • The Petit Paris cachet, the agreeable street plan, its monuments and cultural attr
  • It was then an agreeable surprise to me for I had not for a long time
  • 1794, Feb. - "The Child of Nature" and "The Agreeable Surprise"
  • She also played Cowslip in the Agreeable Surprise.
  • nce of blue molds on his curd resulted in an agreeable taste, and conducted experiments to determin
  • re out of the water of the bath, which gains agreeable temperatures in summer.
  • ssian people they have ever felt on mutually agreeable terms."
  • avoid two-tiered membership, conceded a more agreeable three-point programme, based upon common Com
  • Hope this is agreeable to all...Ormewood (talk) 21:42, 15 January 2
  • The United Kingdom "would be agreeable to permit" the participation of Argentine me
  • a "declaration of principles" that would be agreeable to all of the major schools of anarchism.
  • The articles of capitulation are agreeable to the French, except that they do not conce
  • essor replied: The envy of thy friend is not agreeable to thee, but I know not who told thee that b
  • a peaceful resolution to this issue that is agreeable to all parties.”
  • rinciples and practices are founded upon and agreeable to the Word of God.
  • Brophy to another hospital facility that was agreeable to removal of the gastrostomy tube was autho
  • Where the arrangement was agreeable to the local school board, religious instruc
  • Emma's candidacy was agreeable to many Native Hawaiians, not only because h
  • , is a kind of Panegyrique which can only be agreeable to Your Majesty.
  • h a discipline and government as may be most agreeable to God's holy word, and most apt to procure
  • of Lungs that is rarely distinct, and never agreeable to the Audience."
  • acle, He asked Moses whether the choice were agreeable to him, and received the reply: "Lord, if he
  • he Irish Presbyterians; but being personally agreeable to Charles II, his ecclesiastical views were
  • rcate and delimit their border in a mutually agreeable way.
  • The nomination was agreeable with the papacy and on May 17, he was provid
  • of the ceremony was to make the group "more agreeable with each other and focus their energy
  • Yorke found life in Ireland agreeable, writing enthusiastic letters home about the