



  • He also implanted artificial aortic and mitral valves.
  • ype III and IV Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and with aortic and arterial aneurysms.
  • R peak or the QRS complex seen on an ECG, the aortic and pulmonary valves are also closed.
  • ach person, there was an increased severity of aortic and mitral regurgitation when diastolic blood
  • ing post operative blood cross matching for an aortic aneurism repair.
  • n 9 November in Wejherowo, Poland, with a 6 cm aortic aneurism.
  • Dissecting aortic aneurysm
  • Harris died of an aortic aneurysm in London.
  • Familial thoracic aortic aneurysm (also referred to as familial aortic
  • In July 2009, he suffered an aortic aneurysm and underwent emergency surgery at Pa
  • hot of the DOS version, showing surgery for an aortic aneurysm
  • Munoz died from complications from a ruptured aortic aneurysm on March 30, 2009.
  • He died in 1992 from a ruptured aortic aneurysm and was buried in Putney Vale Cemeter
  • re is an association between familial thoracic aortic aneurysm and Marfan syndrome as well as other
  • ult of complications from a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm he had suffered four months previousl
  • he died in March 1856 at the age of 35 from an aortic aneurysm which was possibly the result of the
  • ied suddenly at the age of 71 in Everett of an aortic aneurysm, shortly after giving a news conferen
  • , 92, Olympic swimmer (1932, 1936), rupture of aortic aneurysm.
  • n the 1980s and later had surgery to repair an aortic aneurysm.
  • the single structure present in the adult, see Aortic arch
  • on in the formation of the right ventricle and aortic arch arteries, implicating them as mediators o
  • orta is the part of the aorta beginning at the aortic arch that runs down through the chest and abdo
  • opulmonary window is a small space between the aortic arch and the pulmonary artery that is visible
  • It passes beneath the aortic arch, crosses in front of the esophagus, the t
  • can leave the right ventricle, enter the left aortic arch, and therefore bypass the pulmonary circu
  • cuspid pulmonary valve; hypoplastic transverse aortic arch; tricuspid valve regurgitation; right ven
  • This article focuses upon the multiple aortic arches present in the embryo.
  • and through the latter with the sixth pair of aortic arches; while the left ventricle is brought in
  • A controlled clinical study in patients with aortic ball valves (1977), in American Heart Journal,
  • Signals from the aortic baroreceptors travel through the vagus nerve (
  • The aortic bifurcation occurs at the level of the fourth
  • The aortic bifurcation is the point at which the abdomina
  • The aortic bodies are most sensitive to the content of ar
  • They are located in the aortic body and carotid body, on the arch of the aort
  • Aortic clamp
  • for performing the first successful repair of aortic coarctation on 19 October 1944, one year befor
  • in Los Angeles of complications stemming from aortic dissection on May 22, 2004.
  • There is also increased risk of aortic dissection.
  • seum of Television & Radio, Ritter suffered an aortic dissection.
  • They receive a few vessels from the lateral aortic glands, but their principal afferents are deri
  • lands, and their efferents pass to the lateral aortic glands.
  • r in 2009 had revealed that Amy had a bicuspid aortic heart valve, meaning the valve that pumps bloo
  • The aortic hiatus is a hole in the human diaphragm.
  • a connect to form an arch, behind which is the aortic hiatus, through which pass the aorta, the azyg
  • The area behind this arch is known as the aortic hiatus.
  • space usually joins with one from the highest aortic intercostal artery.
  • and is analogous to the posterior branch of an aortic intercostal artery: occasionally it is a separ
  • nd second ribs, and anastomoses with the first aortic intercostal (3rd posterior intercostal artery)
  • in a manner similar to the distribution of the aortic intercostals.
  • Lastly, whitlockite can be found in aortic media, where it may be involved in arterioscle
  • nning in 1971, it has been used to replace the aortic or mitral valves.
  • The abdominal aortic plexus (aortic plexus) is formed by branches d
  • beta-blockers may not lower the central aortic pressure as much other anti-hypertensive agent
  • s phase, pressure lowers again and falls below aortic pressure.
  • amen is ultimately closed by the fusion of the aortic septum with the ventricular septum.
  • form a short septum; this joins above with the aortic septum and below with the ventricular septum.
  • ; the manner in which these are related to the aortic septum is described below.
  • nary septum (also called the spiral septum, or aortic septum in older texts) is developmentally form
  • rteriosus and bulbus cordis are divided by the aortic septum.
  • Actin alpha 2, the human aortic smooth muscle actin gene, is one of six differ
  • Alpha-actin-2 also known as actin, aortic smooth muscle or alpha smooth muscle actin (α-
  • Aortic stenosis occurs in this condition usually in p
  • undiagnosed until the person develops calcific aortic stenosis.
  • actions do not directly influence the Aorta or aortic supply).
  • Percutaneous aortic valve replacement
  • The aortic valve closes.
  • Aortic valve stenosis or cardiac outflow obstruction
  • The principle of the early artificial aortic valve still serves as a model for heart implan
  • In this condition, instead of three cusps, the aortic valve has two cusps.
  • recognized the occurrence of corneal clouding, aortic valve disease, and urinary excretion of kerata
  • Bush underwent aortic valve replacement surgery on March 4, 2009; sh
  • rt underwent successful open-heart surgery, an aortic valve replacement, at a Columbia, Missouri hos
  • he underwent open-heart surgery to replace his Aortic Valve and retired in 1967 from the army with f
  • ght, corneal clouding, carpal tunnel syndrome, aortic valve disease and mild enlargement of organs.
  • such as hypertension (high blood pressure) or aortic valve disease.
  • heumatic fever, which had severely damaged her aortic valve to the point where she was given little
  • Especially since the link between aortic valve stenosis and angiodysplasia was proven t
  • Similar to the aortic valve, the pulmonary valve opens in ventricula
  • She explained, "He has or he had a bad aortic valve, and his body for a very long time was o
  • nital abnormality of the heart is the bicuspid aortic valve.
  • etc., or to repair/replace the mitral valve or aortic valve.
  • lve not visible, leaflets of the tricuspid and aortic valves only partly visible.
  • -aortic valve→ aOrTa → aRtErIeS