



  • of the period in Farfa's history, besides the barest chronological outline, has been obscure since
  • ational skills of Worsley, armed with just the barest equipment, they reached South Georgia on 10 Ma
  • tion Leader Frank Wilson, though with only the barest of majorities.
  • les, and were consequently re-elected with the barest of majorities, Walpole's supporters only narro
  • ut up in Magdeburg, whence he escaped with the barest remnant of his forces.
  • ore across the water, stood a vessel, with the barest shreds of canvas fluttering in the breeze.
  • The barest stub of the old elevated line is still visible
  • er, it is Andromeda who is nude - save for the barest wisp of fabric - while Perseus is clothed in a