



  • in kimberlites, in some reduced iron-bearing basalts and is common in lunar basalts
  • rived from fine-grained igneous rocks such as basalts and tuffs.
  • It is generally classed with basalts, and it often retains many textural and struc
  • He had a particular interest in flood basalts and was regarded as one of the leading expert
  • aesium and barium), as compared to tholeiitic basalts and gabbros.
  • ine syenites, within hydrothermal cavities in basalts and diabase and in serpentinites in associati
  • southeast Missouri, but older than tholeiitic basalts and rhyolites of Middle Proterozoic Midcontin
  • -pinkish carbonate flooding alteration within basalts and ultramafic rocks.
  • aceous Dakota Sandstone; Tertiary gravels and basalts, and Quaternary landslide, eolian, alluvial,
  • ass shards in tuff and as vesicle fillings in basalts, andesites and rhyolites.
  • al from the Pharusian Ocean including oceanic basalts, arc volcanic and sedimentary rocks and sedim
  • The Natkusiak flood basalts are a sequence of Neoproterozoic continental
  • Alkali basalts are typically found on updomed and rifted con
  • No mare basalts are known to have erupted within the Copernic
  • t Greenland, which together with coeval flood basalts are part of the North Atlantic large igneous
  • , where carbonated hematite-bearing siliceous basalts containing native gold, arsenopyrite, nickeli
  • It consists of flood basalts, course volcaniclastic rocks and sandy tuffs
  • Large Igneous Province and consists of flood basalts, dikes and sills which form two volcanic form
  • These basalts form flood basalts that reach thicknesses ran
  • en, massive and pillowed iron-rich tholeiitic basalts forming its core.
  • sequence of Mesoproterozoic continental flood basalts forming part of the Mackenzie Large Igneous P
  • These flood basalts have been interpreted as contemporaneous with
  • For similar SiO2 concentrations, alkali basalts have a higher content of the alkalis, Na2O an
  • the later bimodal assemblage (especially the basalts) have been linked to Basin and Range extensio
  • Research at Oxford also included flood basalts in the Parana region of South America, the He
  • n nodules of peridotite and gabbro in alkalic basalts; in syenites, monzonites and carbonatite tuff
  • The broken, haphazard texture of these basalts indicates that New Eddystone Rock was part of
  • e of volatiles such as water trapped in lunar basalts is more difficult to explain if the impact ca
  • when a drainage basin was dammed by the flood basalts of the Columbia River Plateau.
  • nvection of ocean water through the fractured basalts of the ridge flanks.
  • hosted chiefly by Archean-aged dolerites and basalts that have been metamorphosed to the greenschi
  • profiles are similar to those from tholeiitic basalts to extremely alkaline lavas in Hawaii.
  • him developing a particular interest in flood basalts, upon which he became a world expert on the t
  • The flood basalts were erupted about 720 million years ago afte
  • These columnar basalts were formed from lava flows during the mid- t
  • anism flows and sills of tholeitic to alkalic basalts with associated tuff-breccia, siltstone and s
  • from the top to the central High Atlas upper basalts yielded a Late Triassic palynological assembl