



  • Together they formed a beak-like apparatus used to clip off plant material.
  • tive of corvus (a raven) which refers to the beak-like appearance.
  • this species has an elongate body with long, beak-like jaws filled with teeth.
  • arms, a characteristic ceratopsian frill and beak-like mouth, and was maybe 2 feet (0.6 m) long.
  • s heads dominated by glittering blue eyes, a beak-like mouth, and a number of thin, multi-jointed a
  • dies are described as "merely heads", with a beak-like mouth, sixteen tentacles and two "luminous,
  • a small head, a narrow birdlike face with a beak-like nose, large eyes with an antimongoloid slant
  • epicted as a naked to the waist human with a beak-like nose.
  • There is also a beak-like projection, a buttress, curved in shape, mad
  • They are molluscivores, using the beak-like teeth to break open the shell of the prey.
  • ans "womb tooth", in reference to the sharp, beak-like teeth and their possible habits of intrauter
  • The achenes bear a beak-like tubercule (hence the name “beak-rush”, altho