



  • distribution and metabolism of biologically active compounds
  • It is the biologically active form of cytarabine.
  • Ginkgolides are biologically active terpenic lactones present in Ginkgo
  • Gene engineering and nutritional and biologically active proteins
  • It is racemic; its biologically active enantiomeric form is levetiracetam.
  • The biologically active component was isolated and named bra
  • Bilobalide is a biologically active terpenic trilactone present in Ginkg
  • Fructose 1,6-phosphate has only one biologically active isomer, the β-D-form.
  • The biologically active forms of GLP-1 are: GLP-1-(7-37) and
  • They are biologically active compounds, such as phytoestrogens, p
  • Edestin is a biologically active protein (most similar to globulins),
  • engineered device or system that supports a biologically active environment.
  • Biologically active recombinant factor H was produced in
  • e converted in the human body into a single biologically active form, pyridoxal 5-phosphate.
  • Nonclassic eicosanoids are biologically active signaling molecules made by oxygenat
  • rocess latent precursor proteins into their biologically active products.
  • The oil contains a variety of biologically active substances, including flavonoids (di
  • scover, enhance, or study drugs and related biologically active molecules.
  • Biologically active Factor H has been produced by Ralf R
  • ts trying to control the stereochemistry of biologically active compounds and develop enantiopure dr
  • It binds retinoic acid, the biologically active form of vitamin A which mediates cel
  • Pantethine is considered the more biologically active form of vitamin B5, but it is less s
  • The characterization of over 50 biologically active peptides from the snail's venom had
  • -MO25 heterotrimeric complex represents the biologically active unit, that is capable of phosphoryla
  • rtases, processing may yield as many as ten biologically active peptides involved in diverse cellula
  • materials for radioactive waste management, biologically active protease inhibitors, and chemically
  • has been found to contain a large number of biologically active chemicals including benzaldehyde, be
  • ces of pre-organization of ligands in their biologically active conformation is a recurring theme in
  • e quantities of pure allicin, garlic's main biologically active component.
  • hat it is the 1S,2S enantiomer which is the biologically active one.
  • for the assembly of glycoproteins and other biologically active molecules.
  • In addition, PFOSA is thought to be the biologically active form of the insecticide Sulfluramid
  • The amount of biologically active calcium varies with the level of ser
  • n-activation, or to identify the targets of biologically active small molecules.
  • designed to ensure that the enzymes remain biologically active after oral ingestion, and "a source
  • Edestin is a globular protein ( biologically active) as opposed to fibrous protein (stru
  • Metabolites have not been shown to be biologically active, show up in urine and feces, and are
  • D and L. Only D-panthenol (dexpanthenol) is biologically active, however both forms have moisturizin
  • Only levonorgestrel is biologically active.
  • Many imidazolines are biologically active.
  • rfluoxetine (N-demethylated fluoxetine), is biologically active.
  • stream and must be released before becoming biologically active.
  • nnecting peptide (C-peptide) in order to be biologically active.
  • equate nutrition from fruit which it is not biologically adapted to use as a primary food source and
  • to go into hypersleep for 20 years and only biologically age one year.
  • rticular or the general sense) include many biologically and industrially important compounds, and a
  • The order is poorly known, biologically and ecologically, although the life cycle i
  • rticular or the general sense) include many biologically and industrially important compounds, and a
  • Such biologically and psychologically devastating procedures,
  • of developing into a person, given certain biologically and/or technically possible conditions.
  • The "BARF" diet, an acronym for Biologically Appropriate Raw Food or Bones And Raw Food
  • cial intelligence, CABAL (Computer Assisted Biologically Augmented Lifeform), while the Global Defen
  • it coherent, and most importantly, shuttle biologically available nutrients from soil to plant.
  • and focus on whether sexual orientation is biologically based or behavioural.
  • The hops are imported from Germany, biologically brewed, and the result is either a Rethymni
  • This polymer can be produced biologically by the bacteria Alcaligenes eutrophus.
  • Biologically, conalbumin isolates and sequesters metalli
  • ion of genetically modified plants that are biologically contained, thus posing significantly lower
  • t) - the "cleaning" of either chemically or biologically contaminated remains to make them safe for
  • The larvae is used as an agent to biologically control gorse in New Zealand.
  • hrips urichi from Trinidad is being used to biologically control C. hirta; it was first employed on
  • al deposition in mollusk shells is strongly biologically controlled, some crystal forms are distinct
  • Biologically, Cyclopiazonic acid is a specific inhibitor
  • 1 Gy of alpha radiation would be much more biologically damaging than 1 Gy of photon radiation for
  • The Ballantine Scale is a biologically defined scale for measuring the degree of e
  • aborane have been deemed very toxic and are biologically destructive.
  • tes at the time that “races” were discrete, biologically determined categories, naturally ranked in
  • nd its tributaries provides one of the most biologically diverse habitats in North America.
  • s designated by the EPA as the “second most biologically diverse aquatic system in the nation.”
  • There is also a biologically diverse area of larger trees and mid-growth
  • It is also one of the most biologically diverse places in all of Madagascar; 75 spe
  • It is also one of the most biologically diverse and endemic places in all of Madaga
  • Wetlands are considered the most biologically diverse of all ecosystems; however, the Anz
  • species of fish, making it one of the most biologically diverse rivers in North America.
  • sapeake Bay is the nations largest and most biologically diverse estuary and is home to many species
  • ered NMT appears to produce no psychoactive biologically effects, likely as a result of extensive fi
  • "Tyrant" is a code name for biologically engineered super soldiers created and used
  • A drug deal gone bad results in biologically engineered marijuana being delivered to the
  • In 1946, Erickson became the first biologically female graduate from LSU's school of mechan
  • racted to Johnson, and believed Johnson was biologically female.
  • o form cysts, but like Azotobacter they can biologically fix nitrogen under aerobic conditions.
  • kton are larger and tend to swim largely at biologically high Reynolds numbers (>10^3 and up beyond
  • lared to be a product of rape and Dracula's biologically human son, conceived at some point when Dra
  • here was it ever established that Jaffa are biologically human, their ancestors being modified human
  • ies in a fob watch and allows him to become biologically human-and hid at the end of the universe ag
  • The Tok'ra and Goa'uld are biologically identical, they are the same species.
  • they do not undergo Senescence, making them biologically immortal.
  • lack convincing scientific evidence and are biologically implausible, parental concern about a poten
  • It is an isomer of the biologically important amino acid L-valine.
  • Diterpenes form the basis for biologically important compounds such as retinol, retina
  • Synthesis and structure of biologically important mono- and oligosaccharides and th
  • Transmethylation is a biologically important organic chemical reaction in whic
  • o organic and inorganic molecules involving biologically important elements such as carbon, nitrogen
  • Biologically important tetraterpenes include the acyclic
  • s in the biosynthesis of hormones and other biologically important molecules.
  • The site is biologically important because the type of woodland, ses
  • nd, the macrocycle [dmgH]22- resembles some biologically important macrocyclic ligands, as found for
  • may refer to either of two enantiomers: the biologically important D-2-deoxyribose and to the rarely
  • coral archipelago located within a globally biologically important area called the Polynesian/Micron
  • It is a biologically important area as a resting station for man
  • vestigate how small molecules interact with biologically important molecules and in turn, learn more
  • HO2 can act as an oxididant in a number of biologically important reactions, such as the abstractio
  • TMMPL1 is noted as the first member of this biologically important protein family with a clear funct
  • icroscopy and his structural elucidation of biologically important nucleic acid-protein complexes.
  • The Como Watershed is a small, but biologically important, watershed in Coquitlam, British
  • s hydrolyzed within about 30 seconds to the biologically inactive thromboxane B2.
  • It is a biologically inactive prodrug of ethinylestradiol to whi
  • gin in his book PiHKAL, MDPEA appears to be biologically inactive, likely on account of extensive fi
  • nd the resulting phosphoester is robust but biologically inactive.
  • As a result, it can be assumed that it is biologically inactive.
  • ment of Parkinson's disease (PD), D-DOPA is biologically inactive.
  • n, and use excrement for feces, but this is biologically incorrect.
  • vitamin B6 via an unknown enzyme to form a biologically inert metabolite.
  • iglycerides are generally considered a good biologically inert source of energy that the human body
  • 0s, that a simple intermediate step between biologically inert matter and organic life might be prov
  • is a proprietary base matrix formulation of biologically inert materials used to control the release
  • Both isomers are chemically and biologically inert, and are very similar in their physic
  • Biologically inspired engineering involves deep explorat
  • Biologically inspired engineering is a new scientific di
  • re faculty member at the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University.
  • Biologically inspired engineering is an interdisciplinar
  • humans is encoded by the HDAC8 gene, and is biologically involved in skull morphogenesis and metabol
  • species are especially likely to develop on biologically isolated areas such as islands because of t
  • ing the practice is also that women did not biologically lust and thus would not/could not choose to
  • nd could not easily be identified as either biologically male or female.
  • hen he sees Yuki as attractive, since he is biologically male.
  • Gene ontology studies give biologically meaningful information about the gene inclu
  • The rules contain information about biologically meaningful residues, like active sites, sub
  • laced by a carboxylic acid group), which is biologically more active than betulin itself.
  • ion: pregnancy is a natural process that is biologically normal to the human species.
  • varied terrain created many interface zones biologically nurturing a great many species and many of
  • Jones was biologically only part Fox but was raised by his Fox mat
  • Membranes can be cleaned physically, biologically or chemically.
  • the entire transcriptome in the presence of biologically or environmentally relevant concentrations
  • department was the first in the U.S. be be biologically oriented.
  • and marine microorganisms have a wealth of biologically potent chemicals with interesting inflammat
  • ik proposed that these 'basic' emotions are biologically primitive and have evolved in order to incr
  • oot cap are shed to the soil where they are biologically processed by microorganisms.
  • In 2002, the FDA transferred a number of biologically produced therapeutics to CDER.
  • The steroids and sterols in animals are biologically produced from terpenoid precursors.
  • of fatty acid monoalkyl esters derived from biologically produced oils or fats including vegetable o
  • Salt marshes are one of the most biologically productive habitats on the planet, rivallin
  • to Lorenz, animals, particularly males, are biologically programmed to fight over resources.
  • lues are calculated for pH 7, which is more biologically realistic, but makes the values incompatibl
  • y and Martha inform Mortimer that he is not biologically related to the Brewsters after all: His rea
  • rom well-studied genes can be propagated to biologically related organisms, and for different or poo
  • ed by two partners who do not know they are biologically related.
  • .Human Maternal Vocalizations to Infants as Biologically Relevant Signals: An Evolutionary Perspecti
  • om native membrane sources and represents a biologically relevant state of VDAC-1.
  • diffusion tensor imaging can help identify biologically relevant phenotypes (observable traits) tha
  • BR mutants supports that this action may be biologically relevant.
  • t tidal marshes to meet at South Carolina's biologically rich St. Helena Sound.
  • thern Venezuela, located in one of the most biologically rich, geologically ancient parts of the wor
  • e lenses require organic materials that are biologically safe and also use inorganic material for th
  • usually by isolation in environmentally and biologically secure cabinets or rooms, to prevent accide
  • which are the precursors or metabolites of biologically significant molecules.
  • The region is so biologically significant that the University of Minnesot
  • onic acid and is a precursor for many other biologically significant molecules.
  • Cutworms are not worms, biologically speaking, but caterpillars, moth larvae tha
  • Infanticide is a biologically spiteful action in that it costs the killer
  • not, in the strict definition of the word, biologically spiteful as it is likely to have a direct f
  • so known as allelochemicals) are a class of biologically synthesized chemicals (includes pheromones,
  • Biologically, the ready availability of water enables a
  • The dene is the largest, and biologically the richest, of a series of deep ravines th
  • mportant step forward since mice are closer biologically to humans than frogs.
  • penter found in 1951 that niacin in corn is biologically unavailable, and can be released only in ve
  • c to the Samalayuca dunes, so the region is biologically unique on a global scale.
  • other calcium supplements are unproven and biologically unlikely, and several marketers have been f
  • similation pathway: converting sulfite to a biologically useful sulfide, which can be incorporated i
  • This grouping is no longer regarded as biologically valid and its use is discouraged.
  • Putrescine is synthesized biologically via two different pathways, both starting f
  • erforming the display, and hence to prevent biologically wasteful matings between different species.