



  • oetry 2004, the Whitbread judges wrote: 'A breathtakingly accomplished debut.
  • The ceilings have breathtakingly beautiful mural paintings.
  • A breathtakingly beautiful and precocious young woman, Nain
  • was "vulgar, violent, funny and sometimes breathtakingly beautiful".
  • ch of the road alongside the river Kali is breathtakingly beautiful, especially in the evening.
  • hich he premiered many works and performed breathtakingly challenging piano-concerto programs.
  • This happens, breathtakingly, in both "Yona Ma Tehegi" and just as beau
  • es across as both completely familiar, yet breathtakingly original."
  • man and Stewart did regarding the band "is breathtakingly simple, but none...has ever done it before
  • arcord itself deserves full credit for its breathtakingly smooth blend and celestial sweetness of to
  • f Eastern Europe to haunting effect; and a breathtakingly sonorous choral finale."