「call us」の共起表現一覧(1語右で並び替え)

call us



  • ally ahead of American Jason Lezak after Klim, Callus and Pearson had completed the first three legs
  • It is separated by the absence of a thickened callus and the presence of white patches in the umbil
  • to a group of plant cells that develops into a callus and then by regeneration of shoots (caulogenes
  • Growth of protoplasts into callus and regeneration of shoots requires the proper
  • 00 freestyle relay, with the absence of Ashley Callus and Eamon Sullivan Australia was never in meda
  • Selected single cells from the callus can be treated with a series of plant hormones
  • The callus consists of two pointed lumps just beyond the
  • nt compound in petals and can also be found in callus cultures.
  • ohormones for regeneration, nor do they form a callus during regeneration.
  • ence between E. fulgens and E. secundum is the callus: E. fulgens has a small keel in front of the c
  • A narrow callus extends from the apex to the slit.
  • m Brisbane, Queensland, and of Maltese origin, Callus, graduated in Iona College, he was coached by
  • Callus has made recordings with several labels, inclu
  • The callus is also trilobate.
  • trapezoidal and the lateral margin of pronotal callus is sinuous.
  • Helen Callus is a British violist who currently teaches at
  • The shell of this species lacks a callus, leaving the umbilicus exposed, in which the i
  • While it faces an uncertain future due to its callus neglect, the furnace still stands more or less
  • to its apex, is concave at its apex, and has a callus of three low ridges.
  • Callus on My Soul: a memoir, by Dick Gregory with She
  • The callus plate extends for the length of the labellum.
  • In 2004, Callus qualified to represent Australia for both the
  • Callus served as the President of the American Viola
  • However, at the Athens Olympics, Callus swum much slower in the heats of his individua
  • Most trees will produce callus tissues compartmentalize the wounded area.