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  • The more delineated term canopy microclimate refers to the environment around
  • ge providing a larger and repositioned cockpit canopy, modified engine cowling and a more streamline
  • giri Langur in the Upper Kodayar Range - KMTR, Canopy News, Agasthya Village commons and backyards t
  • walking paths through tropical gardens under a canopy of rainforest trees and plants.
  • dge line above the streams which resembles the canopy of a parachute.
  • The canopy of the building has a script reading "Speed an
  • o near-vertical sections of rock under a solid canopy of trees.
  • alley adjacent to the Nacimiento River, with a canopy of Ponderosa Pine, Oak, Madrone, and Californi
  • Under the Canopy of Love (2006)
  • Canopy of monsoon rainforest with fruiting trees.
  • Under The Canopy of Love (2006)
  • She started the Downtown Canopy of Lights.
  • Kevin Cheng - Under the Canopy of Love and Trimming Success
  • er and bronze-coloured stainless steel under a canopy of lights, it opened as Festival Disney.
  • onation of James II, Heneage Finch carried the canopy of the Queen, Mary of Modena, who had specific
  • ous) consistency because of the aridity in the canopy of trees, due to a short dry season.
  • It has a thick canopy of aromatic, shiny green leaves.
  • oreal, spending most of their time in the high canopy of the seasonal rainforests on the eastern sid
  • Under a canopy of green in Malaysia's Sabah state, tourists w
  • Its habitat is the canopy of lowland forest, making use of secondary for
  • In viticulture, the canopy of a grapevine includes the parts of the vine
  • n a Leading Role - Alan Shum Long in Under the Canopy of Love
  • valley adjacent to the Nacimiento River with a canopy of Oak trees.
  • In June 1999 the concrete canopy of the surface vestibule collapsed, killing se
  • ds (2006) - Best Supporting Actress (Under the Canopy of Love)
  • This species lives in the understory and lower canopy of the forest, feeding mostly on fruits, but a
  • Wateree trillium grows under a canopy of deciduous trees such as bitternut hickory,
  • A miniature variety , described as forming a canopy of tiny leaves.
  • res group, one of four surrounding the central canopy of the Albert Memorial, London
  • lab roof which abuts the cantilevered concrete canopy of the westbound platform.
  • e may grow along river floodplains or into the canopy of riverine forests.
  • The cockpit canopy of the F-22 Raptor jet fighter is made from a
  • It lives in the canopy of the forests where it does most of its forag
  • are arboreal marsupials that live in the upper canopy of tropical rainforests.
  • mon ancestor through sympatric speciation .The canopy of a mature Kentia palm tree spreads anywhere
  • icles using it to access the quarries, and its canopy of overhanging trees resulting in a persistent
  • lutungs are more commonly found in the middle canopy of the forest, leaving the higher branches to
  • the valley bottom the woodland has a more open canopy of Ash and Hazel.
  • s a screen which has been made from the former canopy of the pulpit.
  • and the fact that the body was located under a canopy of dense creeper vine.
  • on a horizontal tree limb in mid-story or the canopy of trees.
  • Because the species was collected in the canopy of the forest, it is believed that deforestati
  • It is a butterfly of the canopy of small trees, occasionally coming down to se
  • 0 Most Popular TV Character (Alan in Under the Canopy of Love)
  • est Actor in a Leading Role (Alan in Under the Canopy of Love)
  • r, red bats enter torpor while roosting in the canopy of hardwood or coniferous trees, but during co
  • It is a small ancient wood, with a canopy of oak and hornbeam, and an understorey domina
  • Some synagogues decorate the bimah with a canopy of flowers and plants so that it resembles a c
  • at and the other touching the floor, under the canopy of the divine thousand-hooded snake, Aadhi Ses
  • ona, The mosaics for each side and beneath the canopy of the Memorial were designed by Clayton and B
  • e fountain has four stone columns supporting a canopy on whose sides the words "Faith," "Hope," "Cha
  • Leaves at canopy on the branchesin Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
  • The canopy on the platform is also an A-Framed structure.
  • It usually feeds high in the canopy on fruit and berries, especially figs.
  • unda, which is surrounded by an 8 foot (2.4 m) canopy on the west that extends to the south side of
  • displays a statue of Queen Victoria beneath a canopy on the central front, together with a doorcase
  • A full platform length canopy on Platform 1 provides protection for travelle
  • It is said to fly in the high canopy, only coming down to feed, and to get salt sup
  • arge adult A. maripa palms was correlated with canopy openness; the species also dominates savannas
  • nch out into parabolic shapes evoking a forest canopy or a tree-lined avenue because of the presence
  • e caused by either wind moving branches in the canopy or as the sun moves during the day.
  • It may be found in areas with a broken forest canopy or disturbed areas that lack tree cover if moi
  • Song is usually delivered from the canopy or other tall trees.
  • le feature of the District Court is the wooden canopy over the seat upon which the Magistrate sits.
  • belfry was removed in 1924 along with a stone canopy over the statue of the Prince.
  • The north end has a full canopy over the platform.
  • has no station buildings other than a platform canopy over the single platform.
  • sists of an octagonal shaft topped by a gabled canopy over a cross and two figures of saints.
  • n February 1855, the building having an ornate canopy over its entrance and the buildings containing
  • gust 2007, which includes a fiberglass tensile canopy over the main stage.
  • There is a canopy over platform one, while platform two has a si
  • A feature of the District Court is a wooden canopy over the seat upon which the Magistrate sits.
  • ivory Vitrolite columns extending through the canopy over the five entrance doors.
  • The platforms have a canopy overhead and some wind-breaking walls, but are
  • 2 (11,000 sq ft) and is displayed on the glass canopy overlooking the tracks, at the concourse level
  • It also occurs inland beneath the rainforest canopy, particularly on limestone scree.
  • have is effectively a great big weather-sealed canopy, perched on dynamically angled steel legs.
  • The canopy plays a key role in light energy capture via p
  • It is found in closed canopy, primary rainforest, but may also populate fur
  • itats for ant colonies high up into the forest canopy, protecting them from the elements and also pr
  • A television monitor underneath the station canopy provides train departure information.
  • The platform is relatively spartan, with a canopy providing some protection from the elements an
  • The Cosmopolitan Canopy: Race and Civility in Everyday Life" (2011, W.
  • l roof was removed in 1989 and replaced by the canopy recovered from the Whitby platform.
  • of the "D" model aircraft including the bubble canopy) reduced-weight versions.
  • hat have waves carved into them and the bronze canopy resembles wood.
  • The dense foliage of the beech canopy results in a rather minimal ground flora but s
  • wners preserves the Miccosukee and Centerville canopy roads.
  • rs, whereas most of the seats are covered by a canopy roof.
  • A wide canopy runs for most of the length of the platform.
  • with paddles, and Meketre and son Antef under canopy, sailing-boat with Meketre under canopy, Kitch
  • A canopy seed bank or aerial seed bank is the aggregate
  • Canopy seed banks occur in plants that postpone seed
  • Regarding the Great White Canopy Sheetatapatra line of the Shurangama Mantra, S
  • A prominent canopy shelters the pumps.
  • A similar canopy shelters the eastbound platform accessed throu
  • The canopy simultaneously acts as a blind from the lamps,
  • Most seedlings do not survive in closed forest canopy situations.
  • struggles to get out of the burning plane, the canopy slides back but in fact the canopy of a Bf 109
  • vements on the new platform include additional canopy space to provide more shelter, ADA-compliant r
  • Typical canopy species include Dalbergia sp., Diospyros sp.,
  • Typical canopy species include Dalbergia, Diospyros, Ocotea,
  • Canopy species in this forest type include American b
  • This is a forest canopy species, but also occurs in cocoa and citrus p
  • , and wych elm, Ulmus glabra, are the dominant canopy species; hazel, Corylus avellana, is dominant
  • y reaching a height of 1-5 m (3.3-16 ft) and a canopy spread of 1-3 m (3.3-9.8 ft), but is extremely
  • returned to Lee's garden with two stages (one canopy stage and one acoustic tent).
  • Today the former station building and canopy still exist and are used as the headquarters o
  • His tomb, with an elaborate canopy, still is located close to where it was origin
  • lack tiles set against cream plaster and a new canopy stretching across the width of the cinema were
  • The varied age and canopy structure of woodland encourages a high divers
  • section, a craneway, a boiler house and a shed canopy structure over the railroad track.
  • n hemlocks, maintaining the aesthetic look and canopy structure similar to the native eastern hemloc
  • PPG set up the Bomber Department and produced canopy subassemblies for the Curtiss-Wright Company.
  • At its lowest settings, the canopy suits intimate chamber music; higher settings
  • The platform has a steel canopy supported by black green and columns in the ce
  • ed station was provided with a cast-iron glass canopy supported by stanchions on the Up platform bea
  • a circular Nandi mandapa, its umbrella shaped canopy supported by massive square pillars.
  • The canopy supports were built for the Cambrian Railways
  • An adjustable canopy system balances the clarity and reverberance o
  • 3 was originally developed for use in aircraft canopy testing.
  • onsists of a single vault shape with suspended canopy that forms a single element.
  • g survives as a private residence although the canopy that provided shelter to passengers on the pla
  • is composed of the chapel itself, an entrance canopy that incorporates a small bell tower, and a st
  • he great amount of competition observed in the canopy that does not allow lower level plants to deve
  • They have a 360° view in a canopy that is also fitted with four mirrors, one for
  • The crew of three sat in a long canopy that had a smooth transition to the fuselage.
  • Synchronized with ION Orchard's facade and canopy, the walkway will have LED panels, creating a
  • e ladder that allows flames to reach up to the canopy, thinning out giant sequoia stands that would
  • a moderately vigorous grower with a spreading canopy, though the trees do not typically exceed 20 f
  • urbished in 1996, to include the addition of a canopy to block the sun.
  • o 1910; the 3rd base grandstand did not have a canopy to protect the fans from the relentless heat.
  • It is a main canopy to low emergent tree, up to 40 m tall, found i
  • paction and thatch buildup allows the soil and canopy to dry more quickly.
  • sel fuel from the tour boat engines causes its canopy to become discolored.
  • lages itself in dense vegetation in the forest canopy to escape predators.
  • s later fly from the dung pile into the forest canopy to find a host sloth.
  • John Douglas designed a canopy to stand over the site of the well.
  • s poison dart frogs and climbs into the forest canopy to gain a different perspective on the surroun
  • However in the Parish Church is a canopy tomb with no contemporary inscription, where i
  • Canopy Tour - The Canopy Tour, which opened in 2011 a
  • The Canopy Tour reaches heights in excess of 60 feet and
  • rafting, whitewater and flatwater kayaking, a canopy tour, zip-lines, ropes courses, rock climbing,
  • water intercepted by vegetation canopies, and canopy transpiration.
  • found in old growth areas where the thick tree canopy traps moisture.
  • Quercus glaucoides is primarily a canopy tree in its native habitat and can grow up to
  • It also occurs as a smaller canopy tree in kerangas forest on podsols.
  • Karaka is a leafy canopy tree with erect or spreading branches.
  • ern Chile's Pacific coast, where it forms is a canopy tree in the broadleaf forests.
  • C. burckii is a canopy tree, up to 40 m, found in kerangas forests on
  • A. marginata is a canopy tree, up to 45 m tall, fond in mixed peatswamp
  • C. lanceolatum is a canopy tree, up to 45 m, found in kerangas forests on
  • he genus includes approximately 150 species of canopy trees and shrubs, ranging across the montane t
  • at was forest over sandstone-based soils, with canopy trees such as Port Jackson fig (Ficus rubigino
  • A beautiful section of canopy trees over the old rail bed was found there in
  • ms, tropical fruit trees, exotic flowering and canopy trees, bamboos, and miscellaneous exotic trees
  • ding annuals, perennials, flowering trees, and canopy trees.
  • stimulated by more light, other understory and canopy trees/seedlings are usually able to outgrow an
  • Many of these dwellings are parked under canopy type structures for shade.
  • The canopy used for the branch line platform was moved to
  • A large steel and glass canopy used to connect the north and south building d
  • ning streams that are heavily shaded by closed canopy vegetation.
  • tlanta Botanical Garden is home to the Kendeda Canopy Walk, a 600-foot-long (180 m) skywalk that all
  • a number of new attractions including a forest canopy walkway and children's play areas, to cater to
  • a scale model of an 1860s steam engine, a tree canopy walkway, and a variety of wildlife.
  • In addition, the cockpit canopy was small and heavily framed, giving the pilot
  • In December 2009 the stadium's cement canopy was partially torn away by heavy winds in El P
  • A 1960s canopy was removed and the marquee was restored.
  • e platform was rebuilt first, and the original canopy was replaced with a new canopy which extended
  • and during this time, the up (London) platform canopy was shortened slightly.
  • station more comfortable for its uses, a glass canopy was erected in 1924.
  • Its scalloped canopy was one of the most beautiful ever constructed
  • The station building, minus its canopy, was later used as a cheese factory by a compa
  • In 2008 a new glass canopy was placed at the main entrance.
  • The large translucent canopy was the roof of the botanical house
  • he down platform, a large waiting shelter with canopy was provided and a covered footbridge was prov
  • In 1980, a glass fibre reinforced concrete canopy was constructed over the road where it passes
  • This canopy was intended to give the tower a more prominen
  • a.m. when the Blessed Sacrament, covered by a canopy, was moved from the old church on Fair Oaks to
  • This canopy was taken from old Supreme Court which had ori
  • in the shape of a fan, later of an umbrella or canopy, was used as a mark of honour for bishops and
  • Aereogramme, and after the band's third album, Canopy, was recorded, the band split up.
  • ide was open to the elements until 1905 when a canopy was provided, although passengers and their lu
  • The front of the canopy was made of bulletproof glass that was electri
  • n the light fixtures, ceiling panels, entrance canopy, wastebins, and furniture.
  • ed with the simple timber structure with tiled canopy we see today.
  • in the middle to lower portions of the forest canopy, where it slowly and deliberately forages for
  • like the Chestnut-crowned Warbler feed in the canopy whereas the Sunda Warbler prefers the understo
  • The wine glasses were suspended from a canopy which was illuminated.
  • Also the metal canopy which hinges over does not extend far enough t
  • The station has historically had a long canopy, which until 1956, was 924 feet long.
  • from the loss of supporting leaves in the tree canopy, while late season nests are at risk from heav
  • d to provide access to the platforms and a new canopy will be installed over platforms 3-7.
  • Tall hackberry trees make up most of the canopy, with poison ivy on the ground.
  • The rest of the open cut has a concrete canopy with red columns.
  • ell as a mosaic floor in the foyer and a glass canopy with a marble pillar on the outside of the bui
  • ons of up to 8g, during which Yeager broke the canopy with his helmet before regaining control.
  • A steel space-frame canopy with glass skylights covers the outdoor plaza
  • St. Paul seated on a throne, under a trefoiled canopy, with sword in his right hand; an angel above
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