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  • Together they had two sons who survived childhood, a stillborn son, born & died in 1866 and Ma
  • b to the top was rough, marked by a troubled childhood, a failed marriage, and the devastating blow
  • His stutter developed during his childhood, a result of a bout with malaria.
  • Having known each other since childhood, a precise conception date for the band does
  • Widders was also an avid reader during his childhood, a skill that he continues to promote.
  • The poet Paul Groves (1947- ) spent his childhood a mile to the south at The Narth.
  • He was born in Ghana and spent much of his childhood abroad.
  • Childhood absence epilepsy is a fairly common disorder
  • ely, Witty reported that she had experienced childhood abuse from a trusted neighbor since she was
  • on treatment for depression and healing from childhood abuse at Healing for the Nations ministry in
  • suffering delayed shock from the effects of childhood abuse by her own brother.
  • n shown, and recovered memories of traumatic childhood abuse have been corroborated.
  • ourth novel, What Remains, a violent tale of childhood abuse and sexual degradation, enjoyed a cons
  • Related to childhood abuse at the hands of Sykes' stepfather Roll
  • David's story about childhood abuse and family dysfunction has been outlin
  • y said this research fails to model the role childhood abuse, psychological factors, and other infe
  • ey, thinking her nightmares to be related to childhood abuse, but becomes convinced something else
  • frail, suffering chest problems, and since a childhood accident when he hit his head on a marble ta
  • mel, England, or from the fact that he had a childhood accident where he lost two and a half finger
  • espite having only one eye, resulting from a childhood accident with a firework.
  • As a result of a childhood accident, he was blind in one eye and his ot
  • He has no arms, having lost both in a childhood accident.
  • had only got into football as a result of a childhood accident; his mother having been encouraged
  • Anckarstierna spent his childhood accompanying his father on his journeys.
  • severe asthma that often restricted her from childhood activities.
  • Richard Edgeworth - childhood actor - commercials.
  • c medication mainly used in the treatment of childhood acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL).
  • rage as a child prodigy and as a survivor of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
  • ation of aminopterin, a folate antagonist in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
  • tion, where Mason spent several years of his childhood, adjoined Mattawoman.
  • rmity and nonconformity in homosexual men in childhood, adolescence and adulthood".
  • choreographed in 1992, Fagan celebrates his childhood, adolescence, and relationship with his moth
  • up and becoming a man as the temptations of childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood threaten t
  • instilled with archetypal concepts of guilt, childhood, adolescent sexuality, and poignant, nostalg
  • st Fredrik, Bernhard Schmidt engaged in many childhood adventures on the island.
  • Despite Adler's childhood adversities (which included being hit by a c
  • The biography also mentions his childhood affliction with chronic supperative otitis m
  • n was nicknamed "Scoop" by his sister in his childhood, after a comic strip character that he is sa
  • m in human skin, endocrine manifestations of childhood AIDS, optic nerve hypoplasia/Septo-optic dys
  • In his childhood Albert Moore showed an extraordinary love of
  • She moved to Bursa in her early childhood along with her family.
  • tributes little influence as a ligament past childhood, although it may still be important in trans
  • ntains Linda Sparkman's recollections of her childhood, although it does not directly address this
  • arents were atheists, but Philip, from early childhood, always felt that there are spiritual, other
  • His childhood ambition was to become a veterinarian.
  • ttended Leeds Central High School and held a childhood ambition to become a missionary.
  • A natural athlete, Minor's childhood ambition was to be a professional baseball p
  • Actually, Shermon's childhood ambition was to become a lawyer or a nurse.
  • In this program Attenborough fulfills a childhood ambition, developed after reading a book as
  • revolves around Leung attempting to re-live childhood ambitions and is described as "an imaginativ
  • One of Haslegrave's childhood ambitions was Ballet.
  • "Dreaming" is about Scribe's childhood ambitions, which gives it an "autobiographic
  • Duvall) over-competitiveness throughout his childhood, an upbringing which has left permanent ment
  • The film reveals his rather tough childhood, an early parting with parents and various c
  • ickened: The Memoir of a Munchausen by Proxy Childhood, an autobiographical account of the Munchaus
  • John Fullmer spent his childhood and early adult years on his family's farm i
  • "Into the Heart" focuses on the theme of childhood and maturity.
  • bes the adversities of her torn and troubled childhood and continues to affirm her strength and rad
  • ws the narrator, David Meredith, through his childhood and adolescence in interwar Melbourne throug
  • ventually, his crimes are traced back to his childhood and lack of parental guidance, and by the en
  • HME begins to manifest itself in childhood and currently has no cure.
  • Early Childhood and Brain Development: How Experience Shapes
  • o the expression of sexual aggression across childhood and adulthood, with regard to abusers, victi
  • Attacks generally begin in early childhood and last throughout the patients' lifetime.
  • He later wrote about his childhood, and about why he had to be "a refugee for C
  • es also private photos and footages from his childhood, and interviews with his stepfather, Shizoe,
  • ho he has been best friends with since early childhood and who he came out to in second grade, and
  • Since childhood and when not in school, Unanue and his broth
  • He showed talent from his early childhood, and his works indicate that he had a consid
  • Symptoms often begin in early childhood and include excessive tearing, abnormal sens
  • Rockefeller opened to early childhood and intermediate students (grades 4-6) in Au
  • zabeth Jean Williams, Spriggs had an unhappy childhood and grew up entirely without affection, part
  • Throughout our childhood and youth, we are always taught how painstak
  • Symptoms appear during childhood and early death can occur due to organ damag
  • ijay (Krishnam Raju), who is orphaned during childhood and seeks shelter at Rangarao (Kanta Rao)'s
  • , went with joy along the way of evangelical childhood, and with the grace of God attained in this
  • ilda was Henry's sole parent for much of his childhood, and she was instrumental in shaping Henry i
  • a new teacher education curriculum for early childhood and elementary education majors, developed t
  • n interest in books and book collecting from childhood and accumulated a large collection, particul
  • hat eating patterns are established in early childhood and that children should be allowed to decid
  • composer Szymanowski visited Zakopane in his childhood and the Villa Atma became his permanent resi
  • Nothing is known of his childhood and his name cannot be found in the records
  • his brothers Rowland and Nathaniel in their childhood, and undertook responsibility to educate the
  • stions of identity, desire, memory, writing, childhood and celebrity culture are some of the major
  • y 18, the song is a nostalgic remembrance of childhood and young teenage years, from a somewhat jad
  • 's father feeds him with poisoned food since childhood and this makes him resistant to any snake bi
  • st facility bringing together researchers in childhood and adult cancers, and one of the country's
  • d a knack for small-engine repair during his childhood and his institutionalization, Karl lands a j
  • She has boxes from her childhood, and one day she takes out a pop-up book and
  • Jauretche spent his childhood and adolescence in the city of Lincoln befor
  • n lived in a variety of countries during his childhood and youth, including Turkey, England and the
  • She spent most of her childhood and teenage years there, and attended the Se
  • Bushido also raps that his childhood and youth have passed by too fast and now, b
  • Cariera was a very athletic person from her childhood, and she was the part of the cheerleading sq
  • s and symptoms of the disorder appear during childhood and may come and go over time.
  • attached to the Roman Catholic faith of his childhood and presented a house for a chapel to Father
  • Neela learns from Morris about Simon's childhood and is upset he never mentioned it to her.
  • Mann had a normal childhood, and she was the typical teenage girl who en
  • ored by Jimmy Reed, whom he first met in his childhood, and then with the Charles Spiers band.
  • She spent her childhood and youth in the family business before she
  • tal illnesses in adults, have their roots in childhood and / or adolescence.
  • his older siblings, the first three died in childhood and the fourth, Leopold Ferdinand (1713 - 17
  • He spent his childhood and adolescence in Brussels.
  • L at 14 months and gradually dropping during childhood and puberty to adult levels, 0.4-4.0
  • Ferko played piano from childhood, and worked as an organist and conductor in
  • er, because if you answer, you have betrayed childhood and "Looked Ahead" to adulthood.
  • st book, Drugs Are Nice, detailing her early childhood and later romantic relationships with Costes
  • The series explores the childhood and youth of the fictional character Indiana
  • People with SADDAN often live into childhood and adulthood.
  • ew up near Ben Affleck, a close friend since childhood and collaborator on several films, and histo
  • Almost nothing is known of Plockhoy's childhood and early life, but it is reasonable to assu
  • It reveals Oakes's childhood and educational background, his recruitment
  • They had two sons, one of whom died in childhood, and two daughters.
  • tells the story of his hardships during his childhood and his travails during the World War II Jap
  • rvonen was interested in astronomy since his childhood, and in 1921 he became a founding member of
  • beginning with a brief description of Rumi's childhood and youth.
  • grew up poor, as his father died during his childhood and his mother was a barmaid.
  • ng pre-fabricated objects that identify with childhood and reconfiguring them by simply changing th
  • He had a sickly childhood and suffered from tuberculosis in his teens.
  • John was their third son to survive childhood, and was probably born on his father's estat
  • family member whom supported her through her childhood and her start in the business, was diagnosed
  • Throughout the course of his childhood and into his late teens, Jacobs appeared in
  • asks him if he remembers the turtle from his childhood, and describes how he carved initials in the
  • It also tells of O'Mahoney's violent childhood and youth, including the abuse he suffered a
  • ht who "left the wealthy kingdom of Enfance ( Childhood), and came to a wild poor and sterile land c
  • rom innate cerebral palsy, and described his childhood and adolescence with this handicap in the au
  • rt family friend from the time of Wolfgang's childhood, and he replied with a kindly letter filled
  • He spent his childhood and youth in Istanbul.
  • She was hard working and spent much of her childhood and teen years earning money to attend colle
  • in Chicago, where he remained for his entire childhood and much of his adult life.
  • His childhood and the lives of his family members and clos
  • In rare cases, symptoms begin later in childhood and are less severe.
  • arents emigrated to America during his early childhood and settled in Erie County, New York, near B
  • His parents divorced in his childhood and after his father's death in 1822 Corvin
  • singer/songwriter Charlie Winston spent his childhood and youth in Bungay.
  • s has befriended Chloe as she had a troubled childhood and it relates to her loneliness.
  • Perrine Khoury League throughout much of his childhood, and graduated in 1996 from Miami Palmetto S
  • nother of Beaumont's sons, Gervaise, died in childhood, and the circumstances of his death are reco
  • past is revealed to him - she had an unhappy childhood and was raped by a man as a teenager.
  • tality" when thinking of Christmases back in childhood and youth, while other songs have a Christia
  • ness who wrote two religious books, Ursula's Childhood and Beatrice of St. Mawse, published by the
  • l enables boys to enjoy the happiest kind of childhood and youth, and provides them with the finest
  • He lost both his parents in childhood, and moved to stay with an uncle in Austria.
  • Howard had been friends since early childhood and played together in the Mt.
  • The poem is from "Songs of Childhood and other Verses" by Margery Lawrence, publi
  • The Forge (La Forja) tells the story of his childhood and adolescence growing up in Madrid between
  • Danish history and flashbacks to Christian's childhood and subsequent development.
  • rivate tutors in India and France during his childhood and later trained in England as a lawyer.
  • ts, Visual technology, Fashion design, early childhood and one of the area's two instrumental music
  • al disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence
  • n through an intermediary about their shared childhood and declared that her answers were all accur
  • t Girl in Translation was "as accurate to my childhood and upbringing in the world of New York's ga
  • later rented, young Klopstock passed a happy childhood; and more attention having been given to his
  • His parents divorced in his childhood and after World War II he started his actor'
  • addock, was destined for a naval career from childhood and first distinguished himself at the age o
  • ... is an interview with Zborowski about his childhood and youth that is probably the most honest s
  • Abbey stated she has loved Eurovision since childhood and count previous Eurovision entrants such
  • Both sons died in childhood and neither succeeded their father.
  • sly unknown factors related to his difficult childhood and troubled relationship with his father ar
  • It reminds me of my childhood and it's a really cool tune--one of our favo
  • e he faces the dragon, Beowulf remembers his childhood and the wars the Geats endured, which foresh
  • Tver region, keeping the cherished images of childhood and youth of the artist.
  • Childhood and Special Education Grades 1-6 (45 credits
  • lf had no exposure to classical music in his childhood, and so knew what it was like to grow up wit
  • theory, music composition and graphics since childhood, and later he studied philosophy and psychol
  • anning Commission throughout most of Kevin's childhood, and by Kevin's thick Philly accent, I assum
  • Rain is Shion's first companion since childhood, and his weapon.
  • criminal and civil district courts, create a childhood and family learning center, couple the openi
  • He drew a lot during his childhood and adolescence, but left school with few qu
  • in 2001 she was Minister of Social Affairs, Childhood and Family, which she did until 2002. in Jun
  • parated from his younger brother Nachi since childhood and was adopted by the affluent Saiga family
  • spent ten years living in France during his childhood and speaks fluent French, with some Portugue
  • Tiberian spent his childhood and adolescence in Sibiu, Transylvania where
  • ying music with home-made instruments in his childhood, and by his teens was leading a well-regarde
  • She also contends with her terrible childhood, and with the man who bit her and turned her
  • ton, South Carolina where he spent his early childhood and youth.
  • Wellcome Trust blog includes details of his childhood and how synaesthesia has influenced his choi
  • ries feature the history of Kirkstall Abbey, Childhood, and Leeds Social History, as well as tempor
  • d about music herself, playing guitar in her childhood and writing her own songs.
  • Jackson played piano from childhood and studied at Juilliard and New York Univer
  • ty, has been good friends with Kotarou since childhood, and does not have very many other friends.
  • sies come from, looking at the influences of childhood and adolescence, women looking at men, and s
  • He started studying classical music from his childhood and was also a good Football player.He start
  • The play uses flashbacks to an imagined childhood, and lawyers who call for the testimonies of
  • e 'love child' to shun both her impoverished childhood and her mother, and pass herself off to her
  • cence shows his romantic view of the peasant childhood and their environments, expressing nature, s
  • She led a very sheltered childhood and has no knowledge of men or the outside w
  • he Art of Teaching graduate program in early childhood and childhood education at the college since
  • , Ditten (Philip Dorn), has been a fan since childhood and offers to deliver a letter from her to h
  • On Edajima's restless childhood and youthful days.
  • em] out...are tasks that continue into early childhood and indeed are never completely finished'.
  • The girls had known each other since childhood and had been fixated on singing and dancing
  • ean War at his home country during his early childhood and young adolescent years - the very experi
  • Memories; From my Childhood and Girlhood Years.
  • s (1996), The Way of the Lamb: The Spirit of Childhood and the End of Age (1999), Cradle of Redeemi
  • ly remembered for his books on the themes of childhood and adolescence.
  • He had an erratic childhood, and moved to Texas at a young age.
  • d as the first guest to talk about his rough childhood and reconciliation with his abusive father.
  • The Family Book records Queeney's childhood and education, her grasp of languages, astro
  • hard has been active in such issues as early childhood and education, health care, conservation, th
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