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  • The closest a hand held screen can comfortably be viewed
  • te of potentially forming the government, the closest a PCI member, and a woman, got to becoming Pr
  • mergency unit was closed in the 1980s and the closest A&E unit is now at Llantrisant's Royal Glamor
  • This minor road also provides the closest access to the mountain Aran Fawddwy.
  • his station is not wheelchair accessible; the closest accessible station is Massachusetts Avenue on
  • engaged, disturbing the relationships of her closest acquaintances while seeking material favors o
  • bombing raids away from nearby RAF Digby, the closest active fighter airfield.
  • laims to be allergic to alcohol, however, the closest actual condition is alcohol intolerance, caus
  • Garinger High School ( closest, actually located in Shamrock)
  • kill the upstart by convincing his cousin and closest adviser Gaspare to assassinate him.
  • Ousland acted informally as Lian's closest adviser until Lian died.
  • His shoot-from-the-hip style often made his closest advisers cringe even as it endeared him to vo
  • s (or reigning sovereigns), but also to their closest advisers, several of whom also hold high offi
  • ohnson referred to Higginbotham as "one of my closest advisers, sound, reliable, responsible."
  • in trust," their shortlist of the candidate's closest advisers.
  • he European Division, he became one of Hull's closest advisers.
  • succeeded in converting Shi Le and became his closest advisor as he founded the Later Zhao dynasty
  • t his entire papacy his private secretary and closest advisor".
  • tional Security Affairs and Robert McNamara's closest advisor, was a passenger on Flight 22, along
  • st that Karl Rove, President George W. Bush's closest advisor, has almost single-handedly shaped Un
  • t the beginning of 1679 and became the King's closest advisor.
  • Eckard remained one of Henry's closest advisors until his death during a Saxon epide
  • coming one of the most powerful ministers and closest advisors to Bennett in the Socreds' long spel
  • She was rumored to be one of her husband's closest advisors during his tenure as President of Ni
  • ld Moffat -- Harry Hopkins, one of Franklin's closest advisors and architect of the New Deal.
  • Paul I from the throne and became one of the closest advisors to Alexander I.
  • d William Grenville soon became one of Pitt's closest advisors, serving for ten years (1791-1801) a
  • 's interests and eventually became one of his closest advisors.
  • enthroned, Catesby was one of King Richard's closest advisors.
  • the king, Queen Liuvigoto, and four of their closest advisors: Frogellus, Theodomir, Liuvila, and
  • in his kingly duties by his predecessor's two closest advisors: Grand Vizier Ay and General of the
  • Ukkusissat Heliport is the closest aerodrome to the mining site, approximately 2
  • th sculpture in Iona and Northumbria, but its closest affiliation is with the great cross-slabs on
  • dialects, the Central Tamil dialect bears the closest affinity to Brahmin Tamil.
  • ext”, and placed it in Category I. 77 has the closest affinity with Codex Sinaiticus.
  • agnate of the House of Dunkeld, being (a) the closest agnate, and (b) a candidate based on tanistry
  • This manuscript displays a closest agreement with ��75 (in 7 out o
  • ortured to death having being betrayed by his closest aide and sidekick Mangesh "Mangya" Pawar.
  • test local elections, Moon Jae-in, one of the closest aides of Roh, lamented that citizens of Busan
  • The couple and several of their closest aides have been accused of purchasing from th
  • Being the Indian city with the closest air link to the small island-country of Maldi
  • ield in Kent, near to the south coast and the closest airfield to the French coast.
  • F Marston Moor and RAF Church Fenton were the closest airfields to West Yorkshire and would act as
  • The closest airport to Morzine is Geneva Cointrin Interna
  • The closest airport is the Alicante airport, located 70 k
  • ys relevant prices and automatically uses the closest airport to the user's current I.P. address to
  • The closest airport served by scheduled airlines is Montr
  • Bournemouth Airport is the conurbations closest airport and lies 5 miles north of the town ce
  • The closest airport is Angers - Loire Airport, while the
  • nd's North Island, and geographically, is the closest airport in the country to Australia.
  • The closest airport is in Valladolid.
  • The closest airport to Hookerton is Pitt-Greenville Airpo
  • The closest airport to Chalonnes Sur Loire is Angers Airp
  • the M8 motorway north of the village and the closest airport to Rosegreen is Waterford Airport loc
  • Coimbatore Airport is the closest airport.
  • The closest airports to Kilgarvan are Kerry Airport which
  • The closest airports are in Staverton (between Gloucester
  • The closest Allied weapon system in function and purpose
  • nounced that "Ruslan Alikhadzhiev, one of the closest allies of Maskhadov, was captured in a specia
  • Avril/Miraclewoman becomes one of his closest allies and in Issue 16 his lover.
  • They have always been the most loyal and closest allies of Rabbi Moshe, and believed that is n
  • briefly expelled Tyndall, along with his two closest allies in the party Richard Edmonds and John
  • iod of Restoration politics, Northumberland's closest ally at court was Edward Montagu, 2nd Earl of
  • ork despite the fact that Marino's deputy and closest ally, Jess Present, was in fact from Western
  • When the ferry is not in service, the closest alternative is to cross the river downstream
  • e fails to respond within 5 minutes, the next closest ambulance is dispatched as well.
  • be potentially life-threatening, dispatch the closest ambulance and the Calvert ALS Paramedic Unit
  • ne non-emergency in nature, dispatch only the closest ambulance, although once on scene they may re
  • was visited regularly in Jamba by some of his closest American advisors and advocates, including Mi
  • The closest Amtrak station is located in Wilson.
  • The closest Amtrak station is located in Glenwood Springs
  • The closest Amtrak station is located in Selma.
  • ions of semisimple Lie groups - which are the closest analogue of the Peter-Weyl theory in the non-
  • (The closest analogue was Marathon by Jules Witcover.)
  • e inner psychoanalytic circle consists of the closest analytics around Sigmund Freud, including him
  • ficantly from highly conserved regions of our closest ancestors evolutionarily.
  • the July 7 encounter seemed to be by far the closest, and the fragmentation of the comet is though
  • ator Allen Kukovich was considered one of the closest and nastiest in the state.
  • Glastonbury Tor and Brent Knoll which are the closest and probably the most easily identifiable lan
  • e seat for two terms, but was defeated in the closest and most crucial battle of the 2001 election.
  • mes Hepburn, 4th Earl of Bothwell, one of her closest and most trusted Noblemen.
  • It was the closest and costliest race Davis faced in 12 years.
  • urs, Blackheath FC, with whom they played the closest and most exciting matches.
  • at a southerly dead end, and is named for the closest and last intersection with Farm Creek Drive.
  • cing it against their forehead with the thumb closest and their little finger facing skywards.
  • t Republican Laura Kent Donahue in one of the closest and most expensive senate races that election
  • It is one of the closest and brightest barred spiral galaxies in the s
  • on the show), where he would meet some of his closest and most trusted friends: Al Calavicci, a dec
  • 981 contest is noted for providing one of the closest and most exciting voting sequences in Eurovis
  • The closest and most recent quake occurred in Walker, MN
  • Onofrio al Gianicolo in memory of one of his closest and dearest friends.
  • Prince Saionji, one of the Emperor's closest and strongest advisors, attempted to stop the
  • se Berger, (according to Goldman, one of "our closest and most dependable friends") with a copy of
  • The closest any NBA player has gotten to Wilt's total is
  • Young for Congress, and the 2008 race was the closest any Democrat had come to unseating Young sinc
  • best F1 season, and is regarded in F1 as the closest any team mate came to matching Schumacher, pr
  • ith glandular fever, and the race remains the closest any British oarswomen have come to an Olympic
  • The closest anyone has come to breaking the record is Ian
  • er the aforementioned Zeo three-parter is the closest anything like this ever came to happening.
  • It has a perihelion ( closest approach to the Sun) at 41.660 AU and an aphe
  • ighly eccentric orbit which has a perihelion ( closest approach to the Sun) at 39.797 AU and an aphe
  • Mars 1 closest approach to Mars occurred on June 19, 1963 at
  • The closest approach was 9,846 km from the Martian surfac
  • During the closest approach the comet appeared as a circular clo
  • It made its closest approach at 10:51, 12 October 2010 UTC (6:51
  • is a model of the planet Mercury, showing its closest approach to the earth; on the right, is infor
  • It has a perihelion ( closest approach to the Sun) at 34.002 AU and an aphe
  • Cassini coming within 10,000 km of Mimas (the closest approach of the mission).
  • lowing day, about 10 hours before the storm's closest approach to the island, the tropical storm wa
  • It has a perihelion ( closest approach to the Sun) at 42.385 AU and an aphe
  • s in the last century (5 Gm in 1990), but its closest approach in the 21st century will be at 38.3
  • This star will make its closest approach to the Sun in roughly 350,000 years,
  • ic is either radial or else has some point of closest approach to the axis of cylindrical symmetry.
  • It last came to perihelion ( closest approach to the Sun) on 7 October 2006.
  • s, reaching a minimum angle of 3 degrees near closest approach and departing at a phase angle of 11
  • It has a perihelion ( closest approach to the Sun) at 41.339 AU and an aphe
  • According to NASA, it was the second closest approach to Earth in recorded history.
  • dence of a full moon (or a new moon) with the closest approach the Moon makes to the Earth on its e
  • und 4 million years for the probe to make its closest approach to its destination, assuming it will
  • They estimate that the closest approach will happen in 1,360,000 years when
  • ighly eccentric orbit which has a perihelion ( closest approach to the Sun) at 38.858 AU and an aphe
  • ns, and with a distance of 11.2 million km at closest approach is the closest triple asteroid syste
  • Although its closest approach to the Sun is closer than Mars orbit
  • a distance of 240,350 km (149,350 mi) to its closest approach of 2,390 km (1,490 mi).
  • Comet Lulin, a non-periodic comet, makes its closest approach to Earth, peaking in brightness betw
  • It has a perihelion ( closest approach to the Sun) at 30.463 AU and an aphe
  • It has a perihelion ( closest approach to the Sun) at 34.756 AU and an aphe
  • distance between the surfaces at the point of closest approach varies between a few micrometers to
  • ssessing an absolute magnitude of 28.799; its closest approach to Earth was about 45,000 kilometres
  • 27 February 2009, only three days before its closest approach to the Earth.
  • The comet reached perihelion, or closest approach to the sun on October 28, 2007.
  • VII) is a small comet that, in 1983, made the closest approach to the earth (about 5,000,000 km) of
  • It has a perihelion ( closest approach to the Sun) at 41.902 AU and an aphe
  • of Yap at 0000 UTC on April 9, which was its closest approach to the island.
  • In 1994, during the asteroid's closest approach to Earth in two centuries at 5.0 Gm-
  • Giotto had a closest approach to Grigg-Skjellerup of 200 km, much
  • The closest approach occurred about 13,000 years ago when
  • The comet came to perihelion ( closest approach to the Sun) on 24 June 2008 at a dis
  • It has a perihelion ( closest approach to the Sun) at 41.457 AU and an aphe
  • ady passed perihelion a week earlier, and its closest approach to Earth had been a month earlier.
  • ed the second best marks in the shot put, the closest approach to Michael Carter's NFHS record.
  • The closest approach to this resolution by a spectroscopi
  • C/1999 F1 will make its closest approach to Neptune in 2017.
  • The distance of closest approach of Gliese 710 is difficult to comput
  • imilar sight to people then, as the estimated closest approach to Earth was 1.4 AU, but no records
  • orbit at a distance of approximately 4000 km ( closest approach) to 40,000 km, with a semi-major axi
  • und 90° or 270°, and the pericenter (point of closest approach) is forced to oscillate around one o
  • The distance of closest approach, also called the periapse distance a
  • Bermuda, and 35 hours before Fabian made its closest approach, the Bermuda Weather Service issued
  • y of the moon's orbit will increase until, at closest approach, the moon is destroyed by tidal forc
  • As of 2008 this is the third or fourth closest approach.
  • 21 AU, almost crosses the orbit of Uranus at closest approach.
  • her up the color scale, with red denoting the closest approach.
  • scale b can be interpreted as the distance of closest approach.
  • Even though it is small, at its closest approaches JunoCam could achieve 15 km/pixel
  • Michelangelo's closest approaches to Mars are just over 0.6 AU.
  • ation, so a harmonic coordinate system is the closest approximation available in general relativity
  • The closest approximation to an academic life-drawing cla
  • The closest approximation in English could be "crap".
  • lltyd's monastic school of Cor Tewdws was the closest approximation in existence to an institution
  • This version is the closest arcade-to-home console translation in the ser
  • The game is the closest arcade-to-home console translation of the Pun
  • The next closest are Dan Alexander and Andre Bowden with 92.
  • n, along with the 21.Panzer-Division, was the closest armoured unit to the landing beaches.
  • His father was a Gwernian knight, but the closest Arturo ever got to meeting him was receiving
  • sculptor Hermann Ernst Freund, Thorvaldsen's closest associate from 1818 to 1828.
  • He was a prominent negotiator and one of the closest associates of LTTE leader Velupillai Prabhaka
  • His closest associates in the refusenik movement - Natan
  • He was one of the closest associates to longtime leader Todor Zhivkov.
  • With most of his closest associates locked up or dead by early 1932, B
  • e correct year of birth was known by only her closest associates until her actual age was announced
  • It comprised the closest associates of the tsar (the so called "young
  • sonment of the younger Zerilli and one of his closest associates Michael Santo Polizzi, known as "B
  • Many of the singer's closest associates and friends claim that Parsons was
  • As one of the closest associates and supporters of Heinrich von Tie
  • Among his closest associates and sustaining friends, not mentio
  • It remained the closest asteroid to the Sun until 433 Eros and 434 Hu
  • It was also the closest asteroid to the Sun discovered up to that poi
  • this point, but rather by who happened to be closest at the time.
  • When a phone call would come, whoever was closest at the moment would answer, while the neighbo
  • It was the closest attack by northern Tuareg MNJ rebels had made
  • is not available the photo is taken with the closest available shutter speed, but the aperture val
  • o exceeds 3:1, and to direct customers to the closest available checkout.
  • uses in Long Island City where previously the closest bank was over a mile away.
  • reat convenience to the residents because the closest bank at the time was at the Contra Costa Coun
  • The closest battle to Troupville was at Brushy Creek in 1
  • gible voters under age 30 was 64.4% in the 10 closest battleground states and only 47.6% in the res
  • other national cemeteries in Florida, but the closest, Bay Pines National Cemetery, is closed to ca
  • n beyond tall dunes, it is reported to be the closest beach destination to the city of Johannesburg
  • Maidencombe, about 2.5 miles distant, is the closest beach to Coffinswell.
  • Caerfai is the closest beach 1.5 miles (2.4 km) from the cathedral c
  • of Panacea, in Alligator Point, Tallahassee's closest beach, off U.S. 98, in northwestern Florida.
  • Clontarf Beach and Bells Beach are two of the closest beaches to Brisbane City.
  • d just west of the Odenwald hills, one of the closest being Frankenstein with its castle ruin of mo
  • e saw two Dutch national brigs at anchor, the closest being Atalanta.
  • ulation of Joplin has never exceeded 100, the closest being the 75 residents reported from 1896 thr
  • in terms of the closeness of association, the closest being symbiosis, which is often confused with
  • Westville House School is the school closest, being on the outskirts of Ilkley.
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