



  • This is a small, compact annual herb forming clumps a few centimeters wide in rock crevices.
  • Leymus condensatus grows in bunches or clumps, a bunch grass, stays green all year, and has
  • The highest point is at Betchworth Clumps, a wooded area to the south of the Hand-in-Han
  • Adiantum hispidulum grows in tufts or clumps among rocks or from the ground, its fronds ari
  • The fruit grow in tight clumps and sometimes resemble grapes.
  • a rhizomatous perennial grass growing in short clumps and spreading via stolons.
  • This is a perennial grass forming clumps and spreading via rhizomes and stolons.
  • It grows lush leaves in clumps and grows with a more upright habit than most
  • This plant grows in low clumps and has small, thick, gray-green hairy leaves
  • Adult females aggregate in large clumps and lay egg masses on tree branches or under b
  • This leafy perennial herb grows in tall clumps and produces erect stems up to a meter in maxi
  • lly 10) pigment granules which may be found in clumps and are usually found in mature erythrocytes.
  • It is a compact perennial which grows in low clumps and sends up long stems from which globes of b
  • s to create as sweeping natural landscape with clumps and singular specimen parkland trees, with a d
  • Many clumps are being replanted by local volunteers, each
  • is a herbaceous perennial plant that grows in clumps between 10-50 cm tall.
  • an be propagated by dividing and transplanting clumps, by rooting stem cuttings, or by removing plan
  • Deciduous tree clumps can be found around settlements.
  • ; propagation through cuttings is possible and clumps can be divided provided it's done with care.
  • nfluence of gravitational attraction and these clumps do not individually expand, though they contin
  • three-angled stems grow singly or in tufts and clumps, easily reaching one meter tall.
  • This sedge grows in clumps from long rhizomes.
  • Its fronds rise in clumps from rhizomes among rocks or in the soil in sh
  • This perennial grass grows in large, dense clumps from a network of rhizomes.
  • This is a perennial herb forming small clumps in serpentine outcrops.
  • s a perennial bunch grass forming dense, stiff clumps in the soil and spreading outward.
  • m in the wild, but often produce multi-stemmed clumps in gardens.
  • inter temperatures, or by dividing established clumps in spring.
  • e is is a dwarfed perennial herb forming small clumps in the rock litter no taller than about 11 cen
  • The estate also includes some of the Nile Clumps, large clumps of trees on arable farmland, sai
  • 750 acre) estate, which includes the Wittenham Clumps, Little Wittenham Nature Reserve, a conservati
  • Under favourable conditions, the clumps multiply rapidly.
  • The Nile Clumps near Amesbury were also planted to commemorate
  • le-tinted green stems which forms mats and low clumps near water.
  • These clumps of sea-pink withered brown,
  • It produces clumps of stems up to a meter tall.
  • This fern produces clumps of widely arching fronds.
  • The female plants produce clumps of tiny berries.
  • Clumps of Sand Pines (Pinus clausa) constitute the ca
  • ring species and they scatter their eggs among clumps of vegetation.
  • olitary and usually low inside forest at small clumps of flowers.
  • requents bushy ground, hedges of Euphorbia and clumps of Cactus.
  • It is an annual herb producing clumps of slender, erect stems up to 25 centimeters t
  • Carex specifica produces dense clumps of stems up to about 85 centimeters in maximum
  • This sedge produces clumps of stems reaching maximum heights between 80 a
  • It is an annual grass producing narrow clumps of erect stems up to 50 centimeters tall.
  • The Carex cusickii sedge produces clumps of stems up to 1.3 meters tall.
  • Eggs are laid in clumps of up to 7000 but more commonly 100 -1000.
  • This is an annual herb producing clumps of spreading hairless green stems which are in
  • This is a shrub forming clumps of herbage up to several feet tall.
  • It is a perennial grass forming clumps of unbranched stems up to 70 centimeters tall.
  • Plants often grow in clumps of Sphagnum moss, spreading vegetatively via c
  • Carex vesicaria produces clumps of triangular stems up to about a meter in max
  • This sedge produces dense clumps of erect stems up to about 80 centimeters in m
  • This sedge grows from a long rhizome bearing clumps of stems.
  • Many of the X-ray sources are close to the clumps of dark nebulae.
  • e is a large area of pasture interspersed with clumps of trees.
  • This is a rhizomatous perennial herb forming clumps of stems 20 to 60 centimeters tall.
  • This sedge produces clumps of stems up to about 60 centimeters tall.
  • Carex luzulina produces loose to dense clumps of rhizomed stems approaching 90 centimeters i
  • perennial sprouting from a corm and producing clumps of long, narrow leaves.
  • This sedge produces dense clumps of stems approaching a meter in maximum height
  • It forms clumps of hairy, glandular foliage with leaves under
  • This sedge produces clumps of triangular stems up to 90 centimeters long.
  • This sedge produces dense clumps of erect stems up to 1.2 meters in maximum hei
  • This sedge produces clumps of stems up to a meter-3 feet tall, often much
  • This is a small annual herb forming dense clumps of hair-thin stems no more than about 6 centim
  • This is a perennial herb forming clumps of thin, flat stems up to about 20 centimeters
  • Northern Parulas nest in trees in clumps of these mosses, laying 3-7 eggs in a scantily
  • This sedge produces clumps of triangular stems up to 100 or 120 centimete
  • tain 30 to 40 percent carbon but it also forms clumps of soil granules called aggregates.
  • This is a small annual herb forming dense clumps of hair-thin red stems up to about 16 centimet
  • Carex helleri is a sedge producing dense clumps of thin, erect stems 30 to 50 centimeters in m
  • This is a perennial herb forming mats or clumps of stems no more than 30 centimeters long.
  • This sedge produces dense clumps of erect stems over 20 centimeters tall and up
  • xyphysus is is a robust perennial herb forming clumps of erect, leafy stems up to 80 centimeters tal
  • Covering some of the rock outcrops are clumps of Cheddar Pink (Dianthus gratianopolitanus),
  • ad been planted up as parkland, with scattered clumps of trees and singles.
  • This sedge produces clumps of stems approaching a meter in maximum height
  • abystars, is a low annual flowering plant with clumps of needle-like leaves.
  • It produces clumps of glandular, coarsely woolly leaves, each abo
  • g small tufts just a few centimeters high with clumps of short, sharp-pointed leaves.
  • It forms clumps of very thin stringlike stems of smooth bright
  • nt the fibre which then emerges in the form of clumps of sticky droppings - called caecotrophs.
  • Adiantum aethiopicum grows in spreading clumps of fronds from 10 to 45 cm (4-18 in) in height
  • Look out for clumps of hair and rough, raised bumps on the back th
  • This sedge produces loose clumps of stems up to about 35 centimeters in maximum
  • a rhizomatous perennial herb forming grasslike clumps of several erect stems approaching half a mete
  • his is a perennial herb forming thick, tangled clumps of hairy to hairless stems up to a meter in le
  • This is a small perennial herb forming loose clumps of very thin branching stems up to 20 centimet
  • This is a perennial herb growing in clumps of leaves variable in size, shape, and texture
  • n several hundred eggs in the early morning in clumps of plants.
  • his is a mat-forming perennial herb growing in clumps of waxy foliage on short, hairy, glandular ste
  • It has basal clumps of leaves, 2-16 cm, with nodding flowers 6-25
  • This sedge produces clumps of drooping to decumbent stems up to 30 or 40
  • This reedlike sedge produces clumps of narrow stems up to 50 or 60 centimeters tal
  • s a tufting perennial bunchgrass forming tight clumps of erect stems up to about 120 centimeters in
  • Carex jonesii produces clumps of stems up to about 60 centimeters tall, surr
  • ula orestera is a perennial herb forming tough clumps of several stiff, erect stems up to about 26 c
  • y grow up to one metre high and produces basal clumps of round, deeply lobed, dark green, fuzzy leav
  • Carex phaeocephala produces dense clumps of stems up to about 45 centimeters in maximum
  • pwards of 700 eggs, which they attach in small clumps of up to 30 eggs at a time, to rocks or vegeta
  • ll, low-lying annual or perennial herb forming clumps of hairy stems up to 25 centimeters long.
  • tufting perennial bunchgrass which forms large clumps of erect stems up to about 80 centimeters tall
  • It has basal clumps of leaves up to 16 centimeters long with noddi
  • It is a succulent plant producing mats or clumps of lance-shaped, linear, or three-lobed leaves
  • ge grows in colonies of individuals made up of clumps of stems 30 centimeters to one meter-3 feet ta
  • It is a small annual herb forming dense clumps of hairlike reddish brown stems no more than 1
  • Carex mariposana produces dense clumps of stems up to about 90 centimeters in maximum
  • ay grow up to one metre high and produce basal clumps of round, deeply lobed, dark green, fuzzy leav
  • on here is the nagashi somen restaurant, where clumps of somen are sent flowing down a metal trough
  • Carex petasata produces dense clumps of stems up to about 85 centimeters in maximum
  • The thin to thick clumps of stems are covered in linear to somewhat ova
  • nbergia filiformis is an annual herb producing clumps of decumbent stems up to 30 centimeters long w
  • gentle rolling hills with individual trees and clumps of trees.
  • perennial herb or subshrub grows in low matted clumps of woody stem bases anchored to the substrate
  • It is a tiny annual herb forming small, dense clumps of hairlike reddish stems no more than a few c
  • It is a perennial herb forming grasslike clumps of several erect stems up to half a meter in m
  • XMM-Newton supports the presence of in-falling clumps of plasma in τ Sco.
  • Such matted clumps of vegetation are often seen floating down maj
  • Carex filifolia produces clumps of stems which are rounded or triangular, wiry
  • This is a perennial herb forming large clumps of erect stems up to about 80 centimeters tall
  • ed Coldham as a shooting estate, enlarging old clumps of woodland andplanting new blocks, some very
  • d of Nelson's mistress, Emma Hamilton, planted clumps of beech trees on his estate near Amesbury to
  • s 12-18 inches (30 to 45 cm) tall and features clumps of strap-like, arching, glossy, dark green lea
  • The caudex can grow to 1m in diameter with clumps of green-blue, coarse, grass-like and wiry lea
  • The plant grows in clumps of narrow grey-green leaves, and later in the
  • From mid to late Spring it produces dense clumps of white to near-white flowers approximately 1
  • dioecious, with male individuals flowering in clumps of a few flowers surrounded by leaflike bracts
  • in groups during the day under stones, logs or clumps of grass, but emerging in the night to run alo
  • so named due to its shape) where less than 100 clumps of plants survive at the concentration of abou
  • s to another by way of a sea crossing on large clumps of floating vegetation.
  • ts tall woody stem whereas D. petiolaris forms clumps of many basal rosettes from a common perennial
  • as an area of "beautiful prairies, dotted with clumps of trees."
  • virtually treeless, apart from the picturesque clumps of Scots Pine that had been planted on its hil
  • On reproduction, it attaches its eggs in clumps on undersides of large stones.
  • s a mat-forming perennial herb growing in flat clumps on the ground from a woody base.
  • It grows in clumps on the ground in a variety of habitats and is
  • The plant forms clumps or low mats.
  • Propagation is by division of clumps or from seed.
  • Short or long filaments, bent and branched, in clumps or tangled, lacy network.
  • It grows in large clumps or beds exposed during low tide and submerged
  • entale may be short or quite tall, forming low clumps or towering to heights approaching 3 metres (9
  • guelensis is a perennial herb that forms loose clumps or cushions up to 65 mm in diameter.
  • This is a perennial herb forming upright clumps or mats of tough, peeling stems around a woody
  • muirii is a rhizomatous perennial herb forming clumps or mats of stems with hairy green pointed leav
  • The Poem Tree at Wittenham Clumps, Oxfordshire, carved by Joseph Tubb in 1844-45
  • It is a perennial found in low clumps rarely exceeding 20 centimeters in height.
  • Seventeen clumps remain today and are now under preservation or
  • Clumps slowly expand by short stolons to a width of a
  • Most of the 24 species in the genus grow in clumps, some up to 1.5 m tall.
  • It is a perennial grass forming dense clumps sometimes exceeding a meter in height.
  • lender, wiry perennial herb growing in twisted clumps, sometimes clinging to other plants for suppor
  • Opuntia littoralis generally grows in dense clumps spreading several meters wide and up to a mete
  • It grows in clumps that may reach over 4 metres high.
  • Amongst the clumps that have been replanted are those for Swiftsu
  • It includes galaxies with 'blue clumps' that may represent a stage in the maturing of
  • y produces plantlets, eventually forming large clumps that can be over 1 ft (0.3 m) across.
  • e scientific material tends to be delivered in clumps that are hard to absorb".
  • orming a perimeter screen and placed in artful clumps to suggest a natural landscape.
  • is is a small shrub growing in low, spreading clumps under a meter-3 feet in height.
  • is a small, unobtrusive perennial herb forming clumps under 20 centimeters tall, spreading out via t
  • This is a perennial herb growing in clumps up to about 25 centimeters tall.
  • It is an annual sedge forming small clumps up to about 25 centimeters tall.
  • It grows in rather untidy-looking clumps up to 20-30 cm high.
  • usually is 1-2 centimeters across and may have clumps up to 4 inches across.
  • overall form is generally shrubby, with dense clumps up to 3.5 m high, usually with no apparent tru
  • is a perennial herb or subshrub growing in low clumps up to a meter wide, the plants with woody base
  • gs in hemisphere-shaped capsules, singly or in clumps up to six at a time, on leaves and stems of ma
  • Descurainia bourgaeana grows as broom-like clumps with yellow flowers.
  • It can often be found tangled up in clumps with other species of lichen.
  • at binds the soil/pebbles and forms tall thick clumps with high biomass tufts.
  • y ate reeds and sedges by shoveling them up in clumps with its lower incisor teeth.
  • s a perennial bunchgrass growing in small, low clumps with stiff, curved, sharp, hairlike leaves up
  • wing 60 to 130 cm tall with single stems or as clumps with 10 or more stems.
  • stable, and matter coalesces to smaller denser clumps within, which then proceed to collapse and for
  • This perennial bunchgrass grows in clumps without rhizomes or stolons, with erect stems
  • ot suited for small yards as it grows in large clumps, young plants of Golden Bamboo can be grown in