



  • Concomitant administration of bambuterol with corticost
  • to age-related macular degeneration by the concomitant administration of bromfenac (Xibrom).
  • trating the interlayer molecular spaces and concomitant adsorption.
  • Ascending paralysis with concomitant anaesthesia and analgesia.
  • protonation of the glycosidic oxygen with a concomitant attack of a water molecule activated by the
  • ressing blood ties, and encompasses all the concomitant benefits and duties which kinship engenders
  • ssion, as evidenced by CO2 retention with a concomitant decrease in arterial pH (this is referred t
  • f the compact nature of the Union, with its concomitant doctrines of corporate resistance, nullific
  • , ptaquiloside is gradually converted, with concomitant elimination of glucose, into an unstable co
  • sodium into the cell via the ENaC, and the concomitant exit of potassium from the principal cell i
  • of Hertford being head of the river and of concomitant festivities, so I went and saw that not onl
  • oreover R788 increased blood pressure and a concomitant increase in treatment with antihypertensive
  • This along with the concomitant increase in passive water reabsortion due t
  • ase of nuclear factor kappa-B (NF-κB) and a concomitant increase in its inhibitor (IκB).
  • profound reduction in T-cells outweighs the concomitant increased risks of infection and malignancy
  • d either excessive insufflated doses or the concomitant ingestion of other stimulants such as ephed
  • This treatment regimen, with concomitant itraconazole, has been used to prevent recu
  • aftermath of the Eighty Years' War, and the concomitant lifting of the Spanish trade-embargoes on t
  • ase in body fluid volume, with or without a concomitant loss of osmolytes.
  • tional cricket in England in 1970, with the concomitant loss of revenues.
  • ufactured in parts and welded together with concomitant loss of strength at the welds.
  • r, and for the sulfur to be removed via the concomitant loss of volatiles from the serpentinite, te
  • established on 22 May 2007 when a joint and concomitant meeting at ministerial level of the Council
  • This may also cause concomitant night blindness.
  • of the numbing feeling of reality that is a concomitant of this state', and on Kleinian accounts of
  • biliverdin IX alpha, to bilirubin with the concomitant oxidation of a NADH or NADPH cofactor.
  • he pi orbital of the alkene or π-allyl with concomitant pi-backbonding into an empty pi* orbital on
  • this stretch, effective 11 May 1916, with a concomitant promotion to Temporary Captain.
  • cism of Silent Spring and Rachel Carson and concomitant push for DDT to be an industry-sponsored st
  • Beginning in 1950, he also held the concomitant rank of Professor of Pathology.
  • prognathism, resulting in an overbite and a concomitant receding chin.
  • (63%) and monocyte (62%) recruitment with a concomitant reduction in proinflammatory mediator expre
  • d to protest the Iraq war and the perceived concomitant restrictions on civil liberties in the US.
  • responsibility, and communication with the concomitant separation of line and staff duties which h
  • e spread of sub-Saharan agriculture and the concomitant spread of Malaria, and cold adaptation.
  • er's disease), many Alzheimer patients have concomitant synucleinopathy (Lewy bodies) in the brain.
  • If concomitant treatment with a beta blocker has to be sto
  • ed in the intake of small peptides with the concomitant uptake of a proton.
  • It therefore does not require concomitant use of antihistaminic compounds to block th
  • The concomitant use of sibutramine and drugs which inhibit
  • This crisis may be masked by the concomitant use of atropine along with anticholinestera
  • al nature of the e-mailed policy and of the concomitant waiver of an employee's right to access a j
  • Concomitant with this pain is typically flushing, often
  • a pair of phenylhydrazone functionalities, concomitant with the oxidation of the hydroxymethylene
  • undergoing oxidation at the sulfur centers concomitant with reduction of the metal from Mo(VI) to
  • Concomitant with giant cell formation, the surrounding
  • ves the cobalt(I) derivative Co(C5H5)(CO)2, concomitant with loss of one Cp ligand.
  • ignificant acceleration in the pace of life concomitant with a dissolution or collapse of tradition
  • rbon-carbon double bond into a single bond, concomitant with the creation of a new carbon-carbon bo
  • However, concomitant with the economic resurgence of Sheffield i
  • Pat criticizes Carter for doing things "not concomitant with being a young executive" and hopes her