



  • lbene will typically have the chemistry of a conjugated alkene, i.e., a diarylethene.
  • epoxides to trans-dihydrodiols, which can be conjugated and excreted from the body.
  • bolic pathway mainly results in two inactive conjugated and hydroxylated metabolites (called metabol
  • llation is an inherent molecular property in conjugated and aromatic organic molecules and arises fr
  • rather large similar spots, the three upper conjugated as are also the other two ; one or two lower
  • mainly by the ability (or inability) of the conjugated base to stabilize the negative charge.
  • he stabilization of the negative charge on a conjugated base.
  • re specifically, it determines the amount of conjugated bilirubin in the blood.
  • ect in the ability of hepatocytes to secrete conjugated bilirubin into the bile, and is similar to R
  • ecessive disorder that causes an increase of conjugated bilirubin in the serum without elevation of
  • ndrome -- both diseases cause an increase in conjugated bilirubin.
  • It is composed of two chalconoids; the conjugated bonds being the cause of the red color.
  • (Quinones are conjugated but not aromatic).
  • The conjugated carbon atoms respond to deviation from plana
  • They do not have a full conjugated character around the entire ring.
  • olorless symmetric molecule containing three conjugated double bonds.
  • ee-ring structure, one carboxyl-group and a ( conjugated) double bond (Hwang, 1996).
  • and the lipoxins, in that hepoxilins have no conjugated double bonds.
  • the other two nitrogens forming part of the conjugated double bond system.
  • t decline in its sales of Premarin, Prempro ( conjugated equine estrogens) and related hormones, from
  • Premarin ( conjugated estrogen tablets); Estrogen HRT for menopaus
  • After being taken into a woman's body, the conjugated estrogens of Premarin are converted to the a
  • Conjugated fatty acids have two or more conjugated doub
  • Verbs are conjugated for tense and aspect, but not for person.
  • Bilirubin diglucuronide is a conjugated form of bilirubin.
  • bilirubin, making it water-soluble; and the conjugated form is then excreted in urine as urobilinog
  • passive binyanim Pual and Huf'al and in some conjugated forms of verbs whose roots' second and third
  • cycloheptadiene thus produced isomerizes to conjugated heptadiene 3 during the reaction.
  • It is chemically similar to the conjugated linoleic acids, or CLA, which have two.
  • Mammals convert it into rumenic acid, a conjugated linoleic acid, where it shows anticarcinogen
  • Punicic acid is a conjugated linolenic acid or ClnA; i.e. it has three co
  • tant analogues of deep-sea basins located on conjugated margins of ancient rift axes.
  • Topological approach to the chemistry of conjugated molecules, by A. Graovac, I. Gutman, and N.
  • Because of its highly conjugated nature, this organic compound can be analyze
  • ing Castor oil, which creates a semi drying, conjugated, oil/fatty acid) and tall oil (resinous oil
  • nd non-protein antigens generally need to be conjugated or crosslinked to larger, immunogenic, carri
  • as their reactivity more closely resembles a conjugated polyene than an aromatic hydrocarbon.
  • The nonamino part of a conjugated protein is usually called its prosthetic gro
  • A conjugated protein is a protein that functions in inter
  • Some examples of conjugated proteins are lipoproteins, glycoproteins, ph
  • rally the largest and most abundant group of conjugated proteins.
  • romaticity is a chemical property in which a conjugated ring of unsaturated bonds, lone pairs, or em
  • ectrons which can be viewed as extending the conjugated system by resonance.
  • he amino functional groups to form one large conjugated system acting as a chromophore with strong a
  • the fact that the molecule is a homolog of a conjugated system.
  • They also often contain large conjugated systems that limit their solubility.
  • For charge-transfer complexes and conjugated systems the band width is determined by a va
  • antibodies conjugated to linkers for radio immune therapy and diag
  • In research it can be conjugated to dyes for confocal microscopy and used to
  • by which the ubiquitin like protein Nedd8 is conjugated to its target proteins.
  • The molecule is conjugated to a single molecule of reduced glutathione
  • dy to its antigen, where a magnetic label is conjugated to one element of the pair.
  • ers such as methyl jasmonate; it may also be conjugated to amino acids.
  • Conjugated to the poor results of rivals Brugge, this s
  • ints where the dynamics of f is analytically conjugated to an irrational rotation of the complex dis
  • For example, an antibody conjugated to HRP may be used to detect a small amount
  • When using a biotin label, streptavidin conjugated to an enzyme such as horseradish peroxidase
  • specializing in therapeutic agents that are conjugated, to facilitate and enhance drug delivery.
  • he T-cell of interest and a molecule that is conjugated to a marker, which enables the isolation.
  • B is a hydrophobic residue, K is the lysine conjugated to SUMO, x is any amino acid (aa), D or E is
  • relatively unstable and isomerizes into the conjugated trans-2-hexenal.
  • Docosatrienes contain conjugated triene structures generated from DHA as a de
  • irubin in the patient's serum, mainly of the conjugated type.
  • Note Gresley conjugated valve gear located ahead of the piston valve
  • Holcroft's idea for conjugated valve gear were incorporated into Maunsell's
  • gel Gresley to invent and patent the Gresley conjugated valve gear for 3-cylinder locomotives.
  • Gresley conjugated valve gear was used by the American Locomoti
  • The Gresley design of conjugated valve gear suffered from variations in valve
  • 1 was fitted with a German Henschel und Sohn conjugated valve gear mechanism which was judged to be
  • olution, i.e. ψ * is the flipped and complex conjugated version of ψ, i.e. .
  • Here an auxochrome (-OH) is conjugated with the chromophore -NO2.
  • Pethidine's metabolites are further conjugated with glucuronic acid and excreted into the u
  • nd either bound to protein (glycoprotein) or conjugated with lipids (glycolipids).
  • JA conjugated with amino acid isoleucine (Ile) results in
  • When GPA is conjugated with wavelet analysis, then the method is ca
  • such as mast cells and eosinophils, LTA4 is conjugated with the tripeptide glutathione to form the
  • ndican) in the liver, where it is again then conjugated with sulfuric acid or glucoronic acid throug
  • bsequent studies have employed this antibody conjugated with the potent cytotoxic compound duocarmyc