



  • are left by plant roots as a result of their corrosive action on the sediments.
  • the material is relatively unattacked by the corrosive agent, but fine cracks form within it.
  • suit to protect herself from the dangerously corrosive air on planet Saint Valentine.
  • 1,4-Butynediol is corrosive and irritates the skin and eyes.
  • Chromium trioxide is highly toxic, corrosive, and carcinogenic.
  • It is relatively hard to handle, being very corrosive and prone to auto-radiolysis.
  • Material is corrosive, and harmful by inhalation, ingestion or ski
  • At higher concentrations, it is corrosive and may cause burns if not used properly.
  • HF is a highly corrosive and toxic gas, even etching glass surfaces.
  • Propanoic anhydride is strong smelling and corrosive, and will cause burns on contact with skin.
  • Intermediate products of tabun were corrosive, and had to be contained in quartz or silver
  • nverts to hydrofluoric acid, which is highly corrosive and toxic, and requires immediate medical at
  • a source of basic borate salts which can be corrosive, and hydrogen or diborane, which are both fl
  • mical in the late 1960s, which was much less corrosive and more effective.
  • ngerous than salts such as NaF because it is corrosive and volatile, and can result in fatal exposu
  • It is approximately as corrosive as normal tap water, and in varying concentr
  • Tenebra - A high-gravity world with a corrosive atmosphere in Close to Critical.
  • n accelerated corrosion test that produces a corrosive attack to the coated samples in order to pre
  • s as an acid in water, HF is inherently very corrosive, attacking glass.
  • or several years to treat the bridge against corrosive attacks.
  • atches the sides of vehicles, as well as the corrosive, briney Casco Bay air.
  • e back in the 1920s, it was found to leave a corrosive byproduct in the engine.
  • Incineration and accidental fires can create corrosive byproducts like hydrochloric acid and hydrof
  • he Summer of 2010, the band reformed as "The Corrosive Candy" and recorded their debut album under
  • Diethylamine is a corrosive chemical and contact with skin may cause irr
  • Areas where corrosive chemicals may be present e.g.
  • Ethanolamine is a toxic, flammable, corrosive, colorless, viscous liquid with an odor simi
  • Rubidium hydroxide is a corrosive compound that causes immediate burns to the
  • ous compound being both easily flammable and corrosive: contact with skin, inhalation and ingestion
  • Cs2O is hygroscopic, forming the corrosive CsOH on contact with water.
  • nesting in the submarine, causing extensive corrosive damage.
  • ocarbon agents, it will not produce toxic or corrosive decomposition.
  • A subsequent investigation indicated that a corrosive degradation of the pump diodes, due to an un
  • Romeo Zulu, a film that depicted the general corrosive deregulation, greedy cost-cutting corporatio
  • ormers and their victims, and thus about the corrosive effect of the Communist regime), The Widow K
  • equented the bar in question, portraying the corrosive effects of the subculture on relations withi
  • wever, the sensors themselves are subject to corrosive elements and may last only 1-2 years before
  • to scratching, and degrades, especially in a corrosive environment like salt water.
  • tand high-temperature, high-pressure, highly corrosive environments.
  • Corrosive enzymes: Hands produce a corrosive substance
  • points and to discover the composition of a corrosive fluid for biting the lines into steel plates
  • eated, releases phosgene and produces toxic, corrosive fumes if it comes in contact with water.
  • mes in contact with water it produces toxic, corrosive fumes.
  • es, which become his arms in robot mode emit corrosive gases that can dissolve a 2-inch-thick (51 m
  • not suffer from interference or damage from corrosive gases, liquids or solids, or an analyzer tha
  • inhalation due to its high vapour pressure), corrosive, highly flammable, and carcinogenic.
  • wder that is usually stable, but can release corrosive hydrogen fluoride if it decomposes.
  • er they slowly hydrolyze to their respective corrosive hydroxy sulfonic acids.
  • , anti-stat, flame retardant, custom colors, corrosive inhibitors, static-dissipative, among others
  • The hoaxster had written on the eggs in a corrosive ink so to etch the eggs, and reinserted the
  • tale itself is somewhat ambiguous, with the corrosive irony directed at January coupled with a mor
  • perature, forming UO2 and HF, which are very corrosive; it is thus a less favorable form for long-t
  • odlights and examined with passion, pity and corrosive laughter".
  • Sebacoyl chloride is corrosive; like all acyl chlorides, it hydrolyzes in w
  • It is a corrosive liquid and can cause second or third degree
  • Replicator bugs produce a corrosive liquid ("Replicator spray") capable of disso
  • The action of either a tensile stress or a corrosive liquid alone would not be enough to cause fa
  • international regulations and reported as a corrosive liquid.
  • nvironments such as moist air, sea water and corrosive liquids and gases cause environmental stress
  • tween their products and organic solvents or corrosive liquids (e.g.
  • sensors suitable for measuring the level of corrosive liquids in deep tanks or water in reservoirs
  • Platinum may still be required for the most corrosive materials, and porcelain ones are used where
  • of steel metallic materials in contact with corrosive medium.
  • stress levels are drastically reduced in the corrosive medium.
  • nside of the stomach, protecting it from the corrosive nature of gastric acid.
  • Due to their corrosive nature, they should not be put in contact wi
  • Simply put, homocysteine is a ' corrosive' of long-living proteins, i.e., collagen or
  • Formamide is highly corrosive on contact with skin or eyes and may be dead
  • " Movies don't get much more corrosive or gripping than Scott Ziehl's high-energy f
  • For highly corrosive or erosive environments, tungsten carbide or
  • amorphous, black mass of particulate sized, corrosive organisms that travel from planet to planet,
  • WCl6 is an aggressively corrosive oxidant, and hydrolyzes to release hydrogen
  • e of its acidic nature, hydrogen chloride is corrosive, particularly in the presence of moisture.
  • -Ag) this alloy has excellent mechanical and corrosive properties, so the piece will have increased
  • nd cement, but its poor water resistance and corrosive qualities make it unsuitable for constructio
  • Rum could be used to clean away this corrosive residue without making the cannon or firearm
  • The corrosive salt air eliminated the practicality of stee
  • ecoming excessively corroded from the use of corrosive salts in the ammunition primers, and carbon
  • The resulting brown, acidic, and corrosive solution is used as a coagulant in sewage tr
  • Corrosive Sublimate (1971)
  • tact with the UF6 gas (a highly reactive and corrosive substance).
  • campaigned to put labels on all poisonous or corrosive substances to prevent ingestion accidents.
  • rs, especially in the family Clionaidae, use corrosive substances secreted by their archeocytes to
  • temperature and pressure and the presence of corrosive supercritical carbon dioxide in the Venusian
  • The water in the dam in so corrosive that the steel sluices had to be replaced by
  • Oxalates are corrosive to tissue and are powerful irritants.
  • It is corrosive to the skin and eyes.
  • It is too acidic for most end uses, and is corrosive to the skin.
  • Phenol and its vapors are corrosive to the eyes, the skin, and the respiratory t
  • to create hydrofluoric acid which is highly corrosive to many metals.
  • rrounding highways and airports, and is less corrosive to concrete and steel (and other iron alloys
  • ds by saying that science is very definitely corrosive to religious belief, and that he considers t
  • manner, particularly since methanol is more corrosive to standard engine components than ethanol.
  • Although phenol and its vapors are corrosive to the eyes, skin and respiratory tract, and
  • The solutions are quite corrosive towards mild steel (up to 500 MPY on C1010 s
  • n for it to be less in geographic areas with corrosive water contaminants.
  • His shyness, despite inheriting the family's corrosive wit, led Dr Johnson, when they were introduc