



  • The trigonometric functions cosine and sine may be defined on the unit circle as
  • Sine, cosine, and versine of θ in terms of a unit circle, c
  • gles and trigonometric functions such as sine, cosine and tangent.
  • When working with right triangles, sine, cosine, and other trigonometric functions only make s
  • out proof, but proofs for the series for sine, cosine, and inverse tangent were provided a century l
  • Cosine and secant begin their period at 2πk, finish i
  • es exist for Hamming distance between sets and cosine distance between vectors; locality sensitive h
  • f this "head start", it is often said that the cosine function leads the sine function or the sine l
  • sine and tangent functions are odd, while the cosine function is even.
  • This lowpass is modulated by a N cosine functions and converted to N band-passes with
  • The sine and cosine functions are fundamental to the theory of per
  • Proof for the expansion of the sine and cosine functions.
  • Here the smaller of the sine and cosine is required to be considered as the desired (s
  • For the cosine law of optics, see Lambert's cosine law.
  • See also: Lambert's cosine law
  • dot product of two unit vectors is simply the cosine of the angle between them.
  • It uses the fact that the cosine of an angle expresses the relation between the
  • The value of each component is equal to the cosine of the angle formed by the unit vector with th
  • the desired sine and the radius divided by the cosine of the arc.
  • a figure of merit which is an estimate of the cosine of the error in the phase, and D is a scale fa
  • their normalized cross-correlation equals the cosine of the angle between the unit vectors F and T,
  • where the cosine operates on degrees; if the cosine's argument
  • The versed cosine, or vercosine, written
  • Cosine similarity
  • l six standard trigonometric functions - sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant, and cosecant, as
  • r even numbers of points, one includes another cosine term corresponding to the Nyquist frequency.
  • the sine the multiplier and the square of the cosine the divisor, now a group of results is to be d
  • angle, however because these formulas utilize cosine, the azimuth angle will always be positive, an
  • and subtraction theorems for the sine and the cosine to give trigonometric formulae for the sines a
  • This is the main motivation to define the cosine transform over prime finite fields.
  • nometric transforms (DTT), namely the discrete cosine transform and discrete sine transform, which h