



  • enhancing virion release from the cell by counteracting BST2 (also known as tetherin).
  • nation will continue, and that legislation counteracting discrimination in pay will be flouted.
  • as antagonist effects throughout the body, counteracting effects such as itching and constipation,
  • owing the importance of interleukin 10 for counteracting excessive immunity in the human body.
  • onvulsant effects, and are mainly used for counteracting overdose of sedative drugs.
  • Purging is “a way of counteracting overeating,” and can include “vomiting, ex
  • The WikiProject is also a part of the Counteracting systematic bias group aiming to provide a
  • Most stimulants are not effective at counteracting the unconsciousness from GHB.
  • In this way he succeeded in counteracting the threatened deportation of Jews from Sp
  • It was used for counteracting the effects of benzodiazepine tranquillize
  • refore represents an effective approach to counteracting the free radicals arising from exercise.
  • nge teachers to revolutionize education by counteracting the negative impact of stereotypical value
  • ll, giving structural strength, as well as counteracting the osmotic pressure of the cytoplasm.
  • rleukin-10 is also produced by mast cells, counteracting the inflammatory effect that these cells h
  • s been shown in animals to be effective in counteracting the dyskinesias associated with long term
  • ications, and was found to be effective at counteracting the respiratory depression produced by mor
  • marine department, and his contrivance for counteracting the influence of the iron in vessels on th
  • o support the city in the lawsuit (thereby counteracting the influences of the Conservancy) and to
  • finding lost cattle, protecting warriors, counteracting witches, and narrating the history, cosmol