



  • s colourless solid is a useful monomer and cross-linking agent for polymers, especially the polyimi
  • N,N'-Methylenebisacrylamide (MBAm) is a cross-linking agent used during the formation of polymer
  • s also used in the petroleum industry as a cross-linking agent to prepare gels for fracturing fluid
  • Iminium-mediated DNA cross-linking and DNA-protein interstrand cross-linking,
  • amino group to form a Schiff base, causing cross-linking and aggregation of proteins.
  • in of lysine residues in proteins, causing cross-linking and a loss of protein function.
  • bearing its ligands, CD112 and CD155, and cross-linking CD226 with antibodies causes cellular acti
  • Osteolathyrism is a collagen cross-linking deficiency brought on by dietary over-reli
  • HITS-CLIP (High-thoughput sequencing of cross-linking immunoprecipitation) of Argonaute has been
  • silane can be used to induce branching and cross-linking in PDMS molecules, while chlorotrimethylsi
  • have slipped through the editing process, cross-linking newer Entries to older ones and removing b
  • Cross-linking of surface molecules.
  • which essentially involves the cross-linking of the collagen subunits.
  • tional modification involving the covalent cross-linking of Cys228 and Tyr272 and which represents
  • acid cysteine, which facilitates chemical cross-linking of the assembled hard keratins to form a m
  • hardening of a polymer (by proton induced cross-linking), or through the degradation of a proton s
  • be disrupted or destroyed by formaldehyde cross-linking, particularly as the cross-links are likel
  • nol A that is used in epoxy resins for its cross-linking properties.
  • tinin skeletal muscle isoform 3 or F-actin cross-linking protein, is a protein that in humans is en
  • ission and uncontrolled recombinations and cross-linking reactions that are caused by photo-oxidati
  • The decrease in DNA cross-linking seen when alguronic acid is applied to a l
  • built around two parallel streets, with a cross-linking street.
  • s both pre and post-operatively, following cross-linking surgery and as a safer and longer term sol
  • induce damage is through a process called cross-linking that causes intracellular damage and apopt
  • By varying the degree of cross-linking, the fractionation properties of the gel c
  • nificantly since then, with new methods of cross-linking the polyolefin backings and new generation
  • s allow further chemistry to occur such as cross-linking to other polymers or materials.
  • The coacervate is stabilized by cross-linking via lysyl oxidase.
  • d dihydrazide (ADH) is a chemical used for cross-linking water-based emulsions.