



  • Somites form the vertebral column, dermis and skeletal muscle
  • receptor thought to exist only in the glabrous dermis and subcutaneous tissue of humans.
  • where the epidermis easily separates from the dermis causing much pain.
  • Dermis fat grafts
  • Through the heating of the deep dermis, fibroblasts are stimulated to form new collag
  • Dermal bone is formed within the Dermis; Grows by accretion only; outer portion of the
  • e-like extensions (or interdigitations) of the dermis into the epidermis.
  • De-epidermized dermis is structurally identical to dermis and can be
  • Because the dermis' main function is to support the epidermis, th
  • se angle of the wound, passes through the deep dermis of the corner flap, and is re-inserted through
  • icrofilariae form of the parasite found in the dermis of the host is ingested by the black fly.
  • De-epidermized dermis offers the advantage of being able to support
  • l ligament and in the connective tissue of the dermis, particularly in association with sweat glands
  • apillae are part of the uppermost layer of the dermis, the papillary dermis, and the ridges they for
  • is the combined term for the epidermis and the dermis, the two outer layers of the skin.
  • Once inside the dermis, the larvae develop into adults, usually less
  • l fibroblasts.. Histologic sections showed the dermis to be almost devoid of elastin in most areas w