



  • he robot is hungry and he grows in size as he devours a number of machines of increasing size.
  • kami of the Dreamtime, is a baku/yumekui who devours a dream-villain at the film's climax.
  • Also, Stitch devours a chili dog and burps - accompanied by a foul
  • to congregate and intercept Zolgear before it devours all life force on the planet.
  • Cyber Planet Keys first before the black hole devours everything.
  • It devours human beings.
  • gives only a shrill cry of distress, the cat devours it, bones and all.
  • The creature devours the armor-plated fish, before attacking Nigel
  • k, after paralyzing or killing its prey, then devours the liver of its victim.
  • the radio DJs try to trap the Hush before it devours the whole planet.
  • After the father eventually kills and devours the offending rat, he turns into one himself;
  • by Songi and the giant Seru Juggernaut, which devours the entire town and its citizens.
  • 's attack) slays Moebius at the Forge, Raziel devours the Timestreamer's soul before the Elder can
  • Upon contact with other life forms, the Swarm devours them, leaving behind only lifeless husks.
  • ia grabs him and holds them together as a Jag devours them.
  • u is there, - that is to say, a demon, - that devours travelers; and The savages, who wished to div
  • n half a minute to handle a whitefly egg, and devours up to 160 eggs or 12 large nymphs daily.