



  • lar bonding occurs between these phenyllithium dimers and the π-electrons of the phenyl groups in th
  • r binding, but blocks the formation of insulin dimers and hexamers.
  • Neuropilins generally work as dimers and different combinations have different affi
  • nase occurs in two different oligomeric forms: dimers and octamers, in contrast to the exclusively d
  • that the Spt16 subunit interacts with H2A/H2B dimers and mononucleosomes, but not H3/H4 tetramers,
  • Hormone-activated estrogen receptors form dimers, and, since the two forms are coexpressed in m
  • factor alpha polypeptide (PDGF-AB), where the dimers are connected by disulfide bonds.
  • Once activated, these retinoid receptor dimers bind to DNA at retinoic acid response elements
  • has shown that unhindered diaminocarbenes form dimers by acid catalysed dimerisation as shown in the
  • Such damages can include the thymine dimers created by UV rays.
  • At higher temperatures, the Al2Cl6 dimers dissociate into trigonal planar AlCl3, which i
  • In typical dimer models, the dimers do not overlap ("hardcore constraint").
  • through the polymerization of α- and β-tubulin dimers elongating existing microtubules.
  • contamination from unwanted products of primer dimers, hairpins, and alternative primer target seque
  • c Metal: Required for coordination between the dimers in the protein.
  • d, santonic acid does not form hydrogen-bonded dimers in the crystalline phase.
  • duce oxidative stress and formation of thymine dimers in skin.
  • Vincristine binds to tubulin dimers, inhibiting assembly of microtubule structures
  • Such dimers interfere with base pairing during DNA replica
  • rds from Billy Joe Shaver's 1973 'Old Five and Dimers Like Me' were hung on a banner in the front of
  • All nectins and Necls can form homo-cis dimers, meaning a dimer of two alike molecules on the
  • Peroxidases can produce dimers of ferulic acid, in the presence of hydrogen p
  • d that this pyroptosome is largely composed of dimers of the adaptor protein ASC.
  • s relatively stable, four-helix bundles can be dimers of coiled-coil pairs, as in the Rop protein.
  • orresponding to a plasma concentration (of FXI dimers) of approximately 30 nM.
  • helix bound to an octamer of core histones (2 dimers of H2A and H2B, and an H3/H4 tetramer).
  • NHases exist as αβ dimers or α2β2 tetramers and bind one metal atom per
  • protein molecules, instead of disulfide linked dimers or higher order oligomers.
  • r the leading edge of the pseudopod out of MSP dimers resulting in extensions.
  • act with G protein beta subunits to form novel dimers that prevent G protein gamma subunit binding a
  • Two dimers then associate into a tetramer.
  • Two dimers then associate by way of alpha helix, one from
  • his complex acts as a scaffold for α/β tubulin dimers to begin polymerization.
  • resulting in the formation of so-called primer dimers, visible as low-molecular-weight bands on PCR
  • s phosphorylation provokes dissociation of ATM dimers, which is followed by the release of active AT
  • systems are the valence bonds, represented as dimers which live on the lattice bonds.
  • ing the fact that their structures all contain dimers with 4 coordinate gallium atoms and 2 bridging