



  • e gene for prodynorphin is expressed in the endometrium and the striatum, and its gene map locus is
  • is itself progesterone induced gene in the endometrium in Lagomorphs.)
  • with the spiral arteries that penetrate the endometrium in the inner uterus.
  • using progestogen-only contraceptives, the endometrium is thin and atrophic.
  • ave been identified in the urethral glands, endometrium, normal breast tissue and salivary gland ti
  • ical epithelial cellular protrusions of the endometrium of the uterus..
  • sting off dead tissue, such as cells of the endometrium, shed during menstruation.
  • nal contraceptives also have effects on the endometrium that theoretically could affect implantatio
  • If the endometrium was also thin and atrophic during an ovulat
  • and amenorrhea commonly reflect an atrophic endometrium, which means a thin and not developed endom