



  • Dr. Yadav initially expressed qualms about entrusting a debutant director with the film adaptation
  • General Hunter died in 1849, entrusting Abingdon to his brother Bushrod Washington H
  • eam players, they have trouble delegating or entrusting co-workers, or they take on so much that the
  • t between the British and French governments entrusting France Manche and the Channel Tunnel Group w
  • civilian and military office simultaneously, entrusting him with all necessary power to establish th
  • A little later, entrusting his flock of converts to St. Willibrord, he
  • o Bonsignori in the 13th century; instead of entrusting idle funds to merchant bankers for investmen
  • e Essential Shinran: A Buddhist Path of True Entrusting is a compilation of passages from the writin
  • a shrine for the adoration of the Eucharist, entrusting it to the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary.
  • f 1552, Shokyu laid on his death bed then on entrusting Joho with the leadership of the Satomura sch
  • , particularly as a form of thanksgiving and entrusting of oneself to God's mercy.
  • ecided to reissue it in their quarto series, entrusting the work to Dr. Alfred Boretius.
  • development of coinage in the Islamic world, entrusting the first Islamic mint, at Wasit in Iraq, to
  • cal conventions of the grand motet - such as entrusting the initial intonation to a soloist - were n
  • he Via Claudia-Augusta and the Via Altinate, entrusting the area to two bishops instead of often reb
  • hecy and founded the last legion of Britain, entrusting them with their standard; a silver dragon wi
  • the names of 11 annuitants whose care he was entrusting to one Thomas Hesketh, one of whom is named