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  • This envoy, a junior Kandyan Official in the military mad
  • He is also the first non-resident Afghan envoy accredited to Monaco.
  • y - members of the Argentinian Junta, American envoy Alexander Haig, and the Pope.
  • 18 to 1849, among other things, as an official envoy and Minister-resident in Rome and Naples.
  • g to force the Byzantine to release the Mamluk envoy and the former Seljuk Sultan Kaykaus II.
  • in the fall of 1922 to become a deputy Tibetan envoy and a lecturer in Mongolian and Tibetan at the
  • ublish his first poems in The Dublin Magazine, Envoy, and The Bell, edited by Peadar O'Donnell.
  • Meanwhile both a Papal Envoy and a group of fascists within the government
  • He was named the Special Envoy and Permanent Observer to the Council of Europ
  • appointments of General Scott Gration as Sudan envoy and former Ambassador Princeton Lyman as part
  • Brooke, the White Rajah of Sarawak and British envoy, and Siam's King Jessadabodindra had failed, a
  • He became the first Special Envoy and Minister Plenipotentiary of Bulgaria to th
  • cretary Lord Palmerston's offer of the post of envoy and plenipotentiary in China and superintenden
  • Though the Envoy and his followers were hooted and mishandled i
  • Congress ended in 1884, when he was appointed Envoy and Head of the U.S. Legation at Berlin, Germa
  • ian cities; and full co-operation with Special Envoy Anthony Zinni and others in the implementation
  • g to the chroniclers, the populace lynched his envoy Antoninos, before proceeding to kill Valentinu
  • Though the envoy approved and forwarded his intentions, he had
  • y Father, Pope John Paul II has sent a Special Envoy, Archbishop Paul Josef Cordes, to show his con
  • "Wife of Peruvian Envoy Arrives to Join Him Here."
  • eir siege under a truce brokered by an al-Sadr envoy as the Iraqi forces entered the city.
  • s royal service to William was as a diplomatic envoy, as he was heavily involved in the king's disp
  • Envoy Asset Management Ltd
  • Aubrey Mallalieu as Envoy at Ahlden
  • In 1802, he was appointed envoy at the Prussian court.
  • ere purchased through Sir Horace Mann, British envoy at Florence, for Frederick, Prince of Wales, w
  • He was subsequently an envoy at Paris, where he died in 1687.
  • He continued to take assignments as Danish envoy at international conferences on environmental
  • From 1816 to 1818 he was Luxemburg envoy at the German diet, but was recalled, at the i
  • e as the companion of Caterino Zeno, a Persian envoy at that time on a mission to the court of Urbi
  • He was then hired as a press and culture envoy at the Norwegian ambassador in West Germany in
  • He was afterwards appointed the prince's envoy at Paris, where he remained until the decree o
  • C. Kent, the Vatican's receipt of Guerin as an envoy at the time of the Allied landings in France m
  • he nephew of Sir William Hamilton, the British envoy at Naples who formed two collections of Greek
  • Sulayman sent the envoy back with a confirmation of Qutaibah's governo
  • the earthquake struck, UNESCO assigned special envoy Bernard Hadjadj to evaluate damage to artwork.
  • ports in respected national newspapers, the US envoy Bruce P. Jackson was the architect behind both
  • The envoy, Burchard II, Bishop of Halberstadt (Anno's ne
  • is seat is used by US Airways for their newest Envoy business class seat.
  • Maybe vice-regal, viceregal, viceregal envoy, but never vicereine or viceroy.
  • ific War, Yoshizawa was appointed as a special envoy by Prime Minister Fumimaro Konoe to the Nether
  • ommisssioner at Peshawar, and was appointed as envoy by the Viceroy Lord Lytton in the 1878 mission
  • oten Augen is a tragic drama involving a Roman envoy called Arcesius, his beautiful but blind wife
  • hen she tried to land a M. Bedezee, a Prussian envoy carrying some important despatches.
  • ary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali, his Special Envoy, Chairman-in-Office of the Organization for Se
  • 0 it became the residence of the first Belgian envoy, Charles Le Hon.
  • anded tribute goods from Goryeo and the Mongol envoy Chu-ku-yu was killed.
  • Presidential envoy, Colonel Edward M. House; Admiral William S. B
  • As they voyage on the Chaf Envoy deeper into Chiss space, into a treacherous cl
  • nd senior diplomat, in the capacity of special envoy, delegate, chief negotiator, and invited speak
  • e viewed in a separate viewer application, the Envoy Distributable Viewer, which also worked as a w
  • Some have reported success in reading Envoy documents by printing to PostScript from the E
  • l technically at war, King Philip III sent his envoy, Don Juan de Tassis, to congratulate James on
  • He was special envoy, editor-in-chief and executive director of La
  • The first gallery to defect Chelsea, envoy enterprises joined Lower East Side strongholds
  • ome of the better known artists represented by envoy enterprises are Simon Henwood, Jared Buckhiest
  • work of people he admires, in 2005 Dams opened envoy enterprises, an independent contemporary art s
  • nied Prabhakaran in his meeting with Norwegian envoy Erik Solheim, acting as an interpreter; he and
  • He was a diplomat and served as Envoy Extraordinaire and Minister Plenipotentiary to
  • der of the Order of the Bath and was appointed Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to
  • nt Franklin Pierce appointed Dallas in 1856 as Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to
  • Hayashi Gonsuke, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary (da
  • Title: Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary
  • He was an Envoy extraordinary to Spain (1689-1706) and Envoy t
  • He was appointed Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to
  • Hayashi Gonsuke, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary (da
  • In 1797 was appointed envoy extraordinary from Spain to the Holy See, in w
  • advice to appoint Massey as the first Canadian Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to
  • Bligh was promoted to Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to
  • Cheney served as Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to
  • Boothby was appointed Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to
  • ican ambassador to Hungary (his full title was Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary).
  • Persia, and a year later, Minister (afterward Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary) to
  • Curry served as envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to
  • British diplomat, was Her Britannic Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to
  • He also was Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to
  • Satow returned to Japan as Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary on
  • Paul, envoy extraordinary (co-authored with Malcolm Mugger
  • Brazil, he was transferred in December 1858 as Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to
  • ith the exception of a period spent as British Envoy Extraordinary to Spain to Spain from 1679 to 1
  • In 1799 he was appointed Envoy Extraordinary to the Elector Palatine, and Min
  • d was appointed by President Warren Harding as Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to
  • t Benjamin Harrison in 1891, and was appointed Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to
  • Until the end of the war he was Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to
  • He was appointed Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to
  • He was appointed Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to
  • was knighted in 1668, and in 1669 was sent as Envoy Extraordinary to Madrid, becoming Ambassador i
  • Three years later, Howard was made Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to
  • ambassador in Britain, Pinckney also served as Envoy Extraordinary to Spain.
  • In 1922 Bading was appointed U.S. Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to
  • iam McKinley appointed Woodford to the post of Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to
  • He was appointed Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to
  • as followed in June 1851 by his appointment as Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to
  • President Hayes named him envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to
  • ourt and on diplomatic business, being sent as envoy extraordinary to the Elector of Brandenburg in
  • intment by President Benjamin Harrison as U.S. Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to
  • In 1765, he was appointed envoy extraordinary to the Elector of Bavaria and mi
  • overnment, for he was appointed on 2 Dec. 1858 envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to
  • nsul General in New York City (1928-1934), and Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in
  • when he was sent by James II, unwillingly, as envoy extraordinary to France.
  • United States (before the position was called Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary).
  • is delicate mission in 1696, with the title of envoy extraordinary, and he fulfilled his difficult
  • lip Warwick, Robinson acted as resident and as envoy extraordinary, and he was thus in Sweden durin
  • tor, and in 1795 gave him additional powers as envoy extraordinary.
  • Envoy failed to make any headway against PDF, and is
  • An Envoy file could be created by the use of a special
  • Hamlin, John F. The Oxford, Consul & Envoy File.
  • n expresses appreciation for the efforts of UN Envoy Folke Bernadotte after his assassination by me
  • he stepped down to become the Prime Minister's envoy for England's failed bid to host the 2006 FIFA
  • In 1997, he became UNICEF's Envoy for Music and has met and performed for childr
  • He is also UNESCO's special envoy for peace, and has held a major concert in Isr
  • the United Nations Secretary-General's Special Envoy for the Balkans, before taking a sabbatical ye
  • Annan appointed Schwartz as his Deputy Special Envoy for Tsunami Recovery in the wake of the 2004 I
  • Cheick Sidi Diarra * - Special Envoy for Least Developed Countries, Landlocked and
  • the United Nations Secretary General's Special Envoy for AIDS in Africa and is a 20-year veteran of
  • gn Ministry, where he was appointed as special envoy for the Great Lakes (Central Africa).
  • 0, he was appointed the United Kingdom's first Envoy for post-Holocaust issues.
  • nd is noted for her work as a Public Diplomacy Envoy for Women's Health Issues for the U.S. State D
  • Star Trek: Envoy for composing/directing/performing in the Den-
  • presently Pierre Chevalier is also a special envoy for the OSCE
  • In 2002, he was selected to be a special envoy for the United States to Israel and the Palest
  • the UN Secretary-General U Thant as a special envoy for the Middle East peace process, the so-call
  • ent Bill Clinton as the United Nations Special Envoy for Haiti.
  • Former Special Envoy for the Archbishop of Canterbury and Islamic J
  • 2009, Morris was appointed Special Advisor and Envoy for The Premier, The Hon. Galmo Williams for w
  • vember 2009, to serve as United States special envoy for North Korean Human Rights Issues, an ambas
  • r Ghanaian president Jerry Rawlings as its new envoy for Somalia.
  • The U.N.'s top envoy for Somalia warned Thursday that more internat
  • as also been appointed as a special diplomatic envoy for St Kitts and Nevis for sustainable develop
  • mer United States President and United Nations Envoy for Tsunami Recovery Bill Clinton sent his bes
  • James Hastie, a Scottish corporal and British envoy for King Radama I on Madagascar.
  • eral Kofi Annan appointed Ahtisaari as Special Envoy for the Kosovo status process which was to det
  • e United States was represented by the Special Envoy for Eurasian Energy Richard Morningstar and th
  • He was the godfather of the Prussian envoy Friedrich Wilhelm von Thulemeyer.
  • Stormont, answered to Colonel Nathaniel Hooke, envoy from St Germain.
  • s a teacher, and where he met Mori Arinori, an envoy from the Meiji government of Japan, who offere
  • fe of the evil Sultan Ronolo, and the official envoy from Delassia to the Planetary Union.
  • In 90, Ban Chao detained an envoy from Kushan who requested a marriage for his k
  • on May 4 with Meek representing himself as an envoy from the Republic of Oregon.
  • 1847, Wiseman acted as an informal diplomatic envoy from the pope, to ascertain from the governmen
  • U.S. Middle East Envoy George Mitchell has asked Mr. Abbas to begin d
  • U.S. special envoy George Mitchell is making a final effort to br
  • U.S. special envoy George Mitchell is extending his stay in the M
  • U.S. special Middle East envoy George Mitchell left Israel this week without
  • U.S. Middle East envoy George Mitchell called the first round of talk
  • He also criticized Obama anti-semitism envoy Hannah Rosenthal for remarks which "could thre
  • A former south Sudanese envoy has rejected Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi sug
  • Khalil said the U.S. envoy has been very helpful as the referendum commis
  • n't think the United States, John Kerry or any envoy has the right to represent one of the parties
  • , by his wife Mary (1686-1762) daughter of the envoy hon.
  • It follows the Pope's envoy, Hugo(fictitious character), as he investigate
  • er 2006 he met with the United Nations special envoy Ibrahim Gambari in the newly-built capital of
  • On October 11, 1920, Lithuanian envoy in Paris Oscar Milosz asked the League of Nati
  • President Bill Clinton appointed him as U.S. envoy in the implementation of the Pacific Salmon Tr
  • In 1833 he was made an envoy in Munich, and in 1842 became the envoy to the
  • Russian Revolution he was a Serbian diplomatic envoy in St. Petersburg.
  • in Stockholm and in Paris, he was the Prussian envoy in Brussels from 1831, from 1841 in Paris and
  • A Malawian envoy in Maputo was quoted as saying Mozambique fail
  • orean Communist party who had served as senior envoy in Pyongyang's embassy in Beijing.
  • After being Imperial envoy in Rome and Madrid, he fought in 1623 under Jo
  • t Guantanamo Bay, Maj-Gen Jay Hood as military envoy in Islamabad as the appointment would have pro
  • led region-the first such trip by a UN torture envoy in more than a decade.
  • s appointed by the Irish Government as special envoy in Timor-Leste (East Timor).
  • assistance against the rebellion (via Russian envoy in Beijing, G.A. Vlangali, and via the Russian
  • , after Germany occupied Denmark, a Lithuanian envoy in Moscow reported rising hostility from Russi
  • in Cuba and Puerto Rico and the extraordinary envoy in the Philippines.
  • , Ambassador Samuel D. Berger, A Not So Silent Envoy in 1992, and a memoir, Rescue the Ethiopian Je
  • hael of Chernigov, who had murdered the Mongol envoy in Kiev earlier, arrived the Mongol overseers
  • He served as the American envoy in Bern under Presidents Richard Nixon and Ger
  • his first Contemporary Christian album titled ' Envoy' in 1999.
  • s Enemies, Dorimant in The Man of Mode and The Envoy in The Balcony (Aldwych) 1971-72
  • sent to Vienna, where he had already acted as envoy in 1693.
  • Charles Theodore, Elector of Bavaria told his envoy in London that this was owing to Sir Robert's
  • al of Politics of Vietnamese Army to act as an envoy in Command wing in Lower Laos in Winter-Spring
  • Flower asked if he would be an envoy into England.
  • The current Envoy is Alexander Khloponin.
  • However, en route to Washington D.C., the envoy is attacked by pirates in the Caribbean Sea.
  • The Secretary-General's Personal Envoy James A. Baker III would determine if the part
  • The Secretary-General's Personal Envoy James A. Baker III would revise the framework
  • presented by the Secretary-General's Personal Envoy James Baker III for a political solution to th
  • Secretary-General Kofi Annan and his Personal Envoy James Baker III to find a settlement to the lo
  • presented by the Secretary-General's Personal Envoy James Baker III for a political solution to th
  • Secretary-General Kofi Annan and his Personal Envoy James Baker III.
  • exploratory talks with United Nations special envoy Kai Eide, to discuss peace terms.
  • In 1888, the British envoy Lord Sackville-West had been sacked following
  • They seize the Emperor's personal envoy, Lt. Gen. Deresse Dubale, and force him to eat
  • be possible again until 1612, when a new Dutch envoy, Marcellus de Boschouwer, established a treaty
  • After the intervention of a papal envoy, Maximilian was released, but only after spend
  • In January 1947 a special envoy meeting on affairs concerning occupied Austria
  • was Thomas Jefferson, who invited the Tunisian envoy Mellimelli to dine at the White House "precise
  • He accompanied the Persian Envoy Mirza Mohammed Reza Qazvini at Finkenstein Cas
  • As Special Envoy, Mr. Cumber serves as the U.S. representative
  • In 97, Ban Chao commissioned an envoy named Gan Ying to visit Rome.
  • eaving again the next year to serve as special envoy of the government to the Kamerun colony.
  • Therefore he was sent in 1643 as the envoy of the restituted monasteries and chapels of S
  • r Capugiu in Romanian) was designated official envoy of the Ottoman Sultan in medieval Wallachia an
  • Returning to the village, the Gauls meet an envoy of Caesar's who has come to check on the Centu
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