



  • leged ports helps prevent possible privilege escalation and system compromise if the software happen
  • il of France's rejection of the principle of escalation, and retains only the crime of copyright-inf
  • the late 1960s and early 1970s due to price escalation and late delivery, although many of them are
  • omplete in August 2008, after suffering cost escalation and construction delays, and will produce 15
  • ington and London quickly ordered no further escalation, and both parties observed the solar eclipse
  • Aaron Dallison ( Escalation Anger, Ringworm, Abdullah, State of convicti
  • Afraid of a military escalation, Brentano reacted hesitantly - too hesitantl
  • The book shows that the gradual escalation chosen allowed the LBJ Administration to ini
  • This escalation compelled the Navy and Marine Corps command
  • The project also includes an escalation cost of Rs 2.234 billion at the rate of 6 pe
  • Escalation Dynamics Based on Nuclear Doctrines and Forc
  • OS, there is often an attempt at a privilege escalation exploit in order to gain additional control.
  • The escalation from the first such demand was clear, as the
  • n the computer into a zombie - but privilege escalation helps with hiding the attack from the legiti
  • One prediction of the Escalation Hypothesis is that individual species having
  • The Escalation Hypothesis is a theory put forward by Geerat
  • The Escalation hypothesis put forward by Geerat Vermeij spe
  • The sudden escalation in the war made the BU seem like fifth colum
  • ambush at Acca Larentia generated a further escalation in tensions between extremists and extra-par
  • We are engaged in escalation in Afghanistan.
  • He is well known for his opposition to escalation in the Vietnam War.
  • On August 26 warned of an escalation in fighting between al-Qaida and Yemeni auth
  • the reasons of their failure to prevent this escalation in the arms race.
  • On May 21, an escalation in the number of patients with similar sympt
  • The local and national media portrayed this escalation in student protest and resulting violence in
  • nley Karnow, that he saw the only choice was escalation including the use of conventional troops, ca
  • terred from war because of the threat of its escalation into a nuclear conflict, Khrushchev believed
  • Escalation is a 1968 Italian film written and directed
  • particular individual's requirement for dose escalation may be due to tolerance (desensitization of
  • nication; study of project requirements; and escalation mechanism in case of critical issues.
  • mmands of both countries in order to prevent escalation of similar situations in the future.
  • Elephant is even more urgent because of the escalation of the war in Chechnya and growing criminali
  • he Security Council expressed concern at the escalation of the Afghan conflict due to an offensive b
  • were shackled as retribution as part of the escalation of Germany's new Commando Order.
  • With the escalation of U.S. Forces activities in Southeast Asia
  • There was an escalation of violence in 1999 as rival mobs the Four A
  • are confronting challenges posed by a rapid escalation of complexity, is helpful to introspect on c
  • responsibility and opposition to the further escalation of the Vietnam War, Yatron was elected, in 1
  • ly reminiscent of the beginnings of the U.S. escalation of the war in Vietnam.
  • s are used in combat situations to limit the escalation of conflict or where employment of lethal fo
  • from causing acts that may lead to a further escalation of tensions in the region.
  • a became wealthier and more upscale with the escalation of San Francisco property values in the 1980
  • The failure of the treaty led to an escalation of the Northwest Indian War that would conti
  • raig McKearney and Jim Lynagh, who wanted an escalation of the conflict to what they termed "total w
  • Following the escalation of the Darfur conflict in the Sudan, Chad br
  • 7th Fleet in a series which lasted until the escalation of the Vietnam War brought the return of a s
  • f the state, and result in severe delays and escalation of costs of construction.
  • reation of the character in 2010 follows the escalation of the Senkaku Islands dispute as a result o
  • eningrad at the time, argued that the steady escalation of criminal penalties for drug use was "indi
  • lution, the Council expressed concern at the escalation of the Afghan conflict due to an offensive b
  • with the Japanese seizure of Manchuria, his escalation of the war against the Allies during his ter
  • The essay concludes that the massive escalation of the flawed anti-drug strategies of the pa
  • ion Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) to prevent the escalation of ethnic tensions and manage the security s
  • Suicide Operations in Chechnya: An Escalation of the Islamist Struggle
  • Kerschbaumer may have contributed to further escalation of events.
  • He also spoke out repeatedly against the escalation of the Second Sino-Japanese War.
  • gram doesn't revoke privileges, it risks the escalation of privileges.
  • With the escalation of the Sri Lankan Civil War, air operations
  • At that speech, King called for an escalation of non-violent protests to end segregated ac
  • There was concern at the escalation of violence and all parties were urged to sh
  • It is linked to the escalation of the Cold War, the "loss" of China and the
  • gan in 2002 but was not completed due to the escalation of the civil war.
  • In 1951, after the escalation of the Korean War, the NPA was placed under
  • With the escalation of the Sri Lankan Civil War the regiment has
  • After an escalation of killing between settlers and Aborigines a
  • civil war in Ingushetia began in 2007 as an escalation of an insurgency in Ingushetia connected to
  • The recent escalation of violence, violations of international hum
  • i stated that there was no threat of a major escalation of hostilities arising from the transportati
  • The Council then condemned the escalation of the conflict, including territorial incur
  • expressing concern over the potential for an escalation of the tension.
  • as stopped due to security concerns with the escalation of the Sri Lankan Civil War and the Insurrec
  • g or cracking to gain information, Privilege escalation or unauthorized access to a system.
  • l of a computer system or allowing privilege escalation or a denial of service attack.
  • ns are simply one more rung on the ladder of escalation pioneered by Herman Kahn.
  • nd co-founder Tom Mustaine who left to found Escalation Studios.
  • In a Phase I dose escalation study published in June 2006, dasatinib was
  • an international incident, and the military escalation that followed blossomed into the global Seve
  • gesia both result in a similar need for dose escalation, they are nevertheless caused by two distinc
  • y primary membership which later resulted in escalation to a union ministry.
  • deployment of the neutron bomb threatened an escalation to full scale nuclear retaliation, thus canc
  • ll millions of civilians it is unlikely that escalation to a full-scale counter-value war could be p
  • the events of the Spanish Civil War and the escalation towards the outbreak of World War II increas
  • apparently tells Gort that Klaatu considers escalation unnecessary.
  • bitrary remote code execution with privilege escalation vulnerability in widely-deployed software is
  • ctions showed that use of this for privilege escalation was actually possible.
  • , in which case the blame for any subsequent escalation would rest with Caesar.