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  • Among those executed was Vidkun Quisling.
  • This version, which was executed, was an attack from the Estonian west coast.
  • ses, and the innocence of those that had been executed was established soon after by the reappearanc
  • Green was considered a privilege of rank; the executed were spared insults from jeering crowds, and
  • Among the executed were Benito Garcia, the converso who initiall
  • The numerous sketches he executed were largely used in illustrating Childe Haro
  • on August 8, 1942, and he and the five others executed were buried in a potter's field with numbered
  • Among the executed were three boys, ages 13, 14, and 17.
  • James was executed west of Hillsborough, North Carolina on May 1
  • He was captured and executed when the coup was suppressed.
  • In contrast, a finalizer is executed when the internal garbage collection system f
  • last alleged witch in the British Isles to be executed when she is burned at the stake in Dornoch, S
  • spy in the entourage of Alexander the Great, executed when returning to Carthage.
  • Lua can be embedded in WML events which gets executed when those events fire.
  • Statements are executed whenever possible, based on their inputs.
  • He was last but one in line to be executed, where he said his famous last words: I belie
  • and chorus, followed by an Astaire tap solo, executed while confined by and playing a set of drums.
  • ight months, and his supporters at court were executed, while he was confined.
  • hat the original ending had Nadab/Nadin being executed while Ahikar is rehabilitated.
  • al family were either killed in the battle or executed, while a handful (almost all of them women) w
  • d to death; he tried to kill himself, and was executed while he was dying in November 1943.
  • him in 1174 when the latter was captured and executed while fighting in Khwarezm.
  • Munemori was executed, while the remaining Taira either were execut
  • Eleven of them were later found and executed, while seven reached safety in the mountains.
  • He came close to being executed whilst imprisoned.
  • d plays a convicted murderer, scheduled to be executed, whom a socialite marries simply to satisfy a
  • illward, Burkitt and Ellison- were eventually executed; William Muspratt was acquitted on a legal te
  • atenby, the residence of Bridget Gatenby, and executed with Edmund Catherick.
  • Work executed with more or less large stones put together w
  • everal outstanding and varied Ecce Homos, all executed with careful technique and deep emotion.
  • ntings…consist mainly of landscapes dashingly executed with a feeling for clear colour and abrupt ac
  • mount of points, performances have to be well executed with careful attention paid to the synchroniz
  • This finishes a gedan barai executed with the left arm.
  • ight, Sean Larkin and Timothy O'Sullivan were executed with him Enright and O'Sullivan were also fro
  • sculptured foliage are extremely graceful and executed with the most minute delicacy, but the recumb
  • e year one of the ringleaders, Tor Malang, is executed with some of his associates, but the "Crazy F
  • Also executed with the group were Lt. Benedicto Nijaga and
  • Miscellaneous orders for new books &c executed with despatch.
  • He was executed with Edward Bamber and John Woodcock, saying
  • the very cart one of the criminals that were executed with him.
  • icted more realistically, and other areas are executed with looser brushwork.
  • mascus, and Pons was taken prisoner and later executed with most of the other Frankish prisoners.
  • In MS-DOS environments, a program executed with one of the exec functions is always load
  • oston, where printing in all its branches, is executed with neatness, accuracy and dispatch;" by 180
  • His paintings are executed with great care about minute details and stan
  • Cressent's bronze mounts were executed with a sharpness of finish and a grace and vi
  • sical instruments, including the bass pedals, executed with his left foot.
  • He was tried and executed with Robert Middleton, also a priest.
  • Their decorations were executed with more or less deep incisions, a schematic
  • of felony for assisting the priests, and was executed with his companions at Oxford.
  • e city of Dertosa in 506, he was arrested and executed, with his head being sent as a trophy to Sara
  • Nikolai Kibalchich being executed with other revolutionaries
  • He excelled in portraiture; his likenesses, executed with fidelity and skill, are to be met with i
  • pals and freely styled Tudor Gothic detailing executed with modern building materials.
  • nal courtrooms have been added, all have been executed with a high level of craftsmanship, featuring
  • All of his work was executed with expert craftmanship, and exhibits the or
  • ctober, and, in accordance with the agreement executed with J. P. Morgan, Jr., broken up for scrap.
  • of the military attack, with prisoners of war executed, with some tortured and/or massacred, along w
  • t important, they were exquisitely beautiful, executed with technical precision."
  • imney pieces at Chatsworth House, Derbyshire ( executed with Richard Westmacott (the younger), c.1840
  • acks, Bart Davis and his wife Anna Davis were executed with the brothers.
  • He was executed with such people as the French-born Charles H
  • It was executed with several female and male backup dancers,
  • d when they performed the reenactment, it was executed with a striking attention to detail.
  • ched helplessly as four of his teammates were executed with machine guns, then incinerated when a gr
  • s, which depict natural Florida environments, executed with a bold impasto technique.
  • was condemned for his priestly character, and executed with three laymen, John Abbot, Thomas Warcop,
  • ainted figures in ornate Gothic canopies, all executed with rich colors.
  • ired that all prisoners sentenced to death be executed within the walls of the prison in which they
  • A VBScript script must be executed within a host environment, of which there are
  • This counts only the executed within the city itself, and the real number o
  • Recent versions of QGIS can be executed within the GRASS environment, allowing QGIS t
  • A vast majority of them were executed within 10 days of arrest.
  • Prior to 1891, those sentenced to death were executed within the walls of the County Jail in the pr
  • ell and beaten up by the guards, and is to be executed within a few days.
  • As the Online Operating System is executed within a web browser, it is no real operating
  • e insert, delete and update commands could be executed within simple functions like registeruser or
  • operations of limited scale were planned and executed without any losses to the Hellenic Navy.
  • rebellion were caught and seven of them were executed without court-martial.
  • It was executed without backup dancers or live instrumentatio
  • rish republican paramilitaries were summarily executed without any attempt at arrest.
  • The prisoners were not executed without any proceedings, but were "tried" on
  • oing to be given a fair trial, were summarily executed without trial by Fredric Cooper--the then Dep
  • dignitaries of the Haile Selassie regime were executed without a trial.
  • Aliyev claims that the divorce was executed without his consent, and that it was forced b
  • He was summarily executed without trial in Bristol Castle, together wit
  • he Great Purges, however, he was arrested and executed without a trial, 1937.
  • Regimiento Aquino and Chilavert himself were executed without a trial.
  • Though the performance was executed without mistakes in front of an appreciative
  • He subsequently executed works for privates and for the Certosa di Pav
  • h the cribbing of others than through his own executed works.... What he will produce for Harvard's
  • Therefore, the contract, if it had been executed, would have forced the DOD to pay Boeing much
  • The Kang was a family who had been all executed years ago by the government, after having bee
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