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  • In Penetrator, the gamer flies a ship, which can shoot forwards and drop bomb
  • The missile's autopilot then flies a course using inertial guidance toward the ta
  • orde has an interest in aviation, and owns and flies a DH 82 Tiger Moth (referred to indirectly in
  • If startled, it flies a fairly short distance, close to the ground,
  • ent, Igloolik, about 69 km (43 mi) as the crow flies, a rarity in this vast territory.
  • In Gorgon, the player flies a spaceship across a side-scrolling landscape
  • was cited for unsanitary conditions including flies, a mouse infestation and bare-hand contact wit
  • In the series, Bruce looks at and often flies a number of aircraft from across the history o
  • rs to run rather than fly, but if necessary it flies a short distance on rounded wings.
  • le pilot assigned to the 71st Fighter Squadron flies a combat air patrol mission
  • The player flies a ship equipped with a gun and shield to rescu
  • It flies a 60-by-30-metre (200 by 100 ft) flag.
  • prison, the Petrel is lost, and the player now flies a Spider-class tug.
  • ey, which is a team of daredevil aviators that flies a variety of strange flying machines in Reeve'
  • onor, where a disgruntled Japan Airlines pilot flies a Boeing 747 into the United States Capitol.
  • e of the 5th Stormo Caccia Intercettori, which flies a license-built version of the Lockheed Martin
  • It is a side-scroller in which the player flies a heavily armoured helicopter through six stag
  • She flies a Wraith hiveship in season 3's "Misbegotten")
  • ht character of Piggy in Golding's Lord of the Flies, a claim which Golding never confirmed or deni
  • er seemingly alien father, Harry, who promptly flies a group of spaceships to Silent Hill, blowing
  • It was first published without a title in Time Flies: A Reading Diary in 1885.
  • The 190th Fighter Squadron flies A-10 Thunderbolt II tank buster infantry suppo
  • 2000 November 30 - Joe Tanner flies aboard Space Shuttle Endeavour on mission STS-
  • 1994 November 3 - Joe Tanner flies aboard Space Shuttle Atlantis on mission STS-6
  • He is mocked, when suddenly a Pteranodon flies aboard the ship, proving his story to be true.
  • ise her, and then she goes into her coffin and flies about the church in it, trying to frighten him
  • It flies about a great deal during the day but often wi
  • A spaceship flies above them and they realise the Daleks are pla
  • An enormous Gay Pride flag flies above and this prophetic quote recalls the Mos
  • Today the Union Jack still flies above the "British Camp", being raised and low
  • He also has a "Bicycle Kick" in which Liu Kang flies across the screen with a series of multiple ki
  • of the dawn, renews herself every morning and flies across the sky, announcing the arrival of the
  • o a small size and able to talk to animals, he flies across Lapland on the backs of wild geese.
  • One duck flies across the screen at a time, giving the player
  • mutation was not sex-linked and the white-eyed flies actually have decreased amounts of eye pigment
  • lt has been the opposite - that the long-lived flies actually lay more eggs at every stage of life.
  • orm reddish brown pupae which hatch into adult flies after around 20 days.
  • He sees Tom, and Tom flies after the canary, but ends up hitting a church
  • The Mystery Plane Flies Again
  • in 1983 as Farley in the episode "Betty Grable Flies Again" on the adventure program Simon and Simo
  • available on the Eagle When She Flies album - Dolly only
  • om previous albums Facelift, Sap, Dirt, Jar of Flies, Alice in Chains and Unplugged, as well as the
  • It flies all year in the extreme south, and migrates no
  • The moth flies all year round in the south and west and from
  • A genus of flies also was also given the same name and, as a ju
  • e common name Gall Fly (a huge number of other flies also use this common name).
  • researchers believe this effect is due to the flies' altered response to pheromones.
  • stle to Wormwood Scrubs, 100 miles as the crow flies, although not on a regular basis without distu
  • rmally around August) the local rescue service flies an average of 12 missions, mostly directed tow
  • uxton, P. (1955) The Natural History of Tsetse Flies: An Account of the Biology of the Genus Glossi
  • be processed by Electron Beam to control fruit flies and other insects that use these commodities a
  • 233 Total Bases, 2 Sacrifice Hits, 4 Sacrifice Flies and 3 Intentional Walks.
  • 219 Total Bases, 7 Sacrifice Hits, 2 Sacrifice Flies and 3 Intentional Walks.
  • al bases, seven sacrifice hits, four sacrifice flies and seven intentional walks.
  • gging percentage, 231 total bases, 2 sacrifice flies and 4 intentional walks.
  • 29 total bases, 11 sacrifice hits, 8 sacrifice flies and 13 intentional walks.
  • 5 total bases, 12 sacrifice hits, 11 sacrifice flies and 16 intentional walks.
  • 2 Total Bases, 45 Sacrifice Hits, 10 Sacrifice Flies and 2 Intentional Walks.
  • severe hardships like the ravages of disease, flies and lice."
  • 91 total bases, 26 sacrifice hits, 5 sacrifice flies and 5 intentional walks.
  • Many moths, beetles, flies, and other insects are crepuscular as well.
  • lly less obscure British psychedelic bands the Flies and Please, while Jinks later played in Bulldo
  • carry an odor of vinegar with her wherever she flies, and returns to her body during the daytime, o
  • 8 Total Bases, 13 Sacrifice Hits, 28 Sacrifice Flies and 25 Intentional Walks.
  • Flowers are largely visited by flies and beetles; bees do not appear to favor its n
  • 87 Total Bases, 40 Sacrifice Hits, 6 Sacrifice Flies and 18 Intentional Walks.
  • t also including several different families of flies, and even a few thrips.
  • 9 Total Bases, 29 Sacrifice Hits, 41 Sacrifice Flies and 49 Intentional Walks.
  • 19 total bases, 21 sacrifice hits, 8 sacrifice flies and 4 intentional walks.
  • l orders, i.e., Coleoptera (beetles), Diptera ( flies), and Hymenoptera.
  • its own centrifuge to simulate gravity for the flies, and did not require use of the full-size cent
  • It is a carnivore, feeding on millipedes, flies, and Isopods.
  • 2 Total Bases, 33 Sacrifice Hits, 28 Sacrifice Flies and 19 Intentional Walks.
  • 76 Total Bases, 6 Sacrifice Hits, 11 Sacrifice Flies and 26 Intentional Walks.
  • The time flies and Jurek Kiler has already forgotten the fact
  • 7 total bases, 20 sacrifice hits, 19 sacrifice flies and 41 intentional walks.
  • Eastern League in hits, runs scored, sacrifice flies and hit-batters and came second in batting ave
  • sed as a biocontrol agent for Phlebotomus sand flies and mosquitoes.
  • 7 Total Bases, 36 Sacrifice Hits, 20 Sacrifice Flies and 15 Intentional Walks.
  • and how many kilometres an individual drives, flies and rides in different vehicles.
  • h most are believed to be parasitoids (esp. of flies), and a few hyperparasitoids.
  • release different pheromones that attract moth flies, and catch them with their front pairs of legs
  • 221 total bases, 4 sacrifice hits, 6 sacrifice flies and 5 intentional walks.
  • hniques to find nearly identical genes between flies and humans.
  • 8 total bases, 25 sacrifice hits, 39 sacrifice flies and 70 intentional walks.
  • tentially negative environmental impact (dairy flies and odors) on the adjacent Pixley National Wil
  • total bases, 16 sacrifice bunts, 10 sacrifice flies and 49 intentional walks.
  • it resembles a fly, being totally dependent on flies and bees for pollination.
  • Most are stout flies, and are nimble flyers, even compared to other
  • rs, beetles, true bugs, cicadas, aphids, lice, flies and aquatic bugs.
  • irst few days of flowering, this is to attract flies and other carrion feeding insects that it reli
  • ated to the Chironomidae, Simuliidae (or black flies), and Thaumaleidae.
  • will kill various flying insects such as house flies and wasps.
  • ramine has been shown to be genotoxic in fruit flies and associated with an increased risk of breas
  • ly 2000 also documented larvae of Chironomidae flies and Asellus aquaticus crustaceans; A few speci
  • Empididae - dagger flies and balloon flies (including Brachystomatidae)
  • Frogs Flies and Dandelions: The Making of Species, 2002.
  • Carrion flowers attract mostly scavenging flies and beetles as pollinators.
  • This reptile feeds on small insects such as flies and grasshoppers, which it captures in typical
  • n, they find the fallen Moon, ride on it as it flies, and find a way to replace it in the sky.
  • ten standing in their own manure, covered with flies and sores, and suffering from a range of virul
  • provide up to 150 days of control against Horn Flies and Face Flies.
  • It carried newts, snails, Drosophila flies and other insects, bacteria, and two macaque m
  • unched in 1923 and mainly intended for killing flies and mosquitoes, was mineral oil based and manu
  • is locked in the room, where he is swarmed by flies and is found dead of a presumed heart attack o
  • 9 total bases, 15 sacrifice hits, 15 sacrifice flies and 20 intentional walks.
  • es, Lepidoptera (e.g., butterflies and moths), flies and beetles.
  • Renfield Of The Flies And Spiders
  • their contents had to be kept covered against flies and insects...
  • larvae, they hunt many kind of insects - like flies and other wasps.
  • s family is composed of the blowflies, carrion flies and cluster flies.
  • 258 Total Bases, 8 Sacrifice Hits, 4 Sacrifice Flies and 3 Intentional Walks.
  • periments using milk bottles to rear the fruit flies and handheld lenses for observing their traits
  • , a brand-name insecticide widely used against flies and mosquitoes between 1928 and the mid-1950s.
  • A foul smell of rotting meat attracts flies and beetles to pollinate.
  • large families, the Tabanidae (horse and deer flies) and Rhagionidae (snipe flies), and an assortm
  • "I'd always tied flies and made lures so it was just a natural thing.
  • total bases, 110 sacrifice hits, 38 sacrifice flies and 60 intentional walks.
  • ed on any small insects including gnats, fruit flies, ants, small moths, and small mosquitos.
  • cally is unable to fly, does not know this and flies anyway, this operation lead to the maturing of
  • It is effective against mushroom flies, aphids, spider mites, caterpillars, thrips, a
  • The moth flies April to July depending on the location.
  • The larvae of these small flies are active and predatory and are often used fo
  • The adult flies are approximately 1 cm long and are grey in co
  • Unlike many members of this family these flies are generally darker and less colourful though
  • The flies are characterized by silver bands across their
  • In the Old World, Phlebotomus sand flies are primarily responsible for the transmission
  • In one strip, a pair of flies are seen wandering through a strange landscape
  • In the New World, Lutzomyia sand flies are responsible for the transmission of leishm
  • Butterflies, Leafhoppers, Spiders and Soldier Flies are particularly well represented.
  • Adult flies are 1/8-inch long, with yellow and black thora
  • protein in chickens and the homologous gene in flies are so similar that they can actually take eac
  • done during the spring and the autumn when the flies are not abundant.
  • th, but leaves again after he finds that fruit flies are now the dominant species (over beetles and
  • , foraging, flying or crawling insects such as flies are attracted to the cavity formed by the cupp
  • These flies are important in the field of forensic entomol
  • These flies are commonly encountered in the nests of the C
  • "Where Flies Are Born" - 4:41
  • The flies are sand coloured, which offers camouflage to
  • Fruit flies are being bred for longevity by collecting egg
  • These flies are nearly the size of a small hummingbird and
  • Fruit flies are often preferred over other animals due to
  • Lucilia cuprina, like all flies are holometabolous, meaning they go through a
  • While horse flies are large flies, noseeums (sandfleas) and some
  • Endemic to Australasia, the flies are medium-sized, bristly, and long-legged.
  • s can be found inside sunflowers and the adult flies are usually nearby the sunflowers.
  • "Where the Flies Are" (previously on Inky Bloaters)
  • While in this void, Ninja flies around and can dash, slash with his sword, per
  • ed in 1900 that includes an American flag that flies around the clock.
  • agon Rage is a dragon shooter game, where Cael flies around breathing fire, ice, lightning, and gia
  • A black bat flies around randomly, occasionally picking up or dr
  • In this state, Sonic gets off his board and flies around the track in a comet form.
  • As she walks along, a real butterfly flies around her, and she passes blue cut-outs of di
  • n his friends and neighbours are dropping like flies as the poisoning continues to miss-fire, and a
  • f this species may take anywhere from 30 to 60 flies as food to provision each one of her nests; sh
  • "Imperial Task Force Vengeance" - The player flies as a member of the elite Avenger squadron unde
  • ent male-killing bacteria, phorid and degeerid flies, as well as sexually transmitted Coccipolipus
  • loop formation was shown to be lethal in male flies as they were unable to dosage compensate as th
  • The species flies at night and is attracted to light.
  • This species flies at night and is attracted to light.
  • The frog who has captured the most flies at that point is the winner.
  • It flies at dusk, most often at sundown, with an easy,
  • It also flies at night and is attracted to light.
  • The moth flies at night from June to August and is attracted
  • This species flies at night and is attracted to light as well as
  • This species flies at night from August to early October.
  • "The Robin Flies at Dawn" is a special edition of the BBC sit-c
  • On these transit flights, the team flies at the relatively low altitude of 1,000 feet.
  • This flag flies at the city hall of Edmundston, New Brunswick,
  • dying, confesses the whole plot to Hamlet, who flies at Claudius in a fit of rage, killing him, bef
  • The species flies at night and is attracted to light and nectar-
  • The species flies at night in June and July and sometimes a part
  • This moth flies at night from June to August and is attracted
  • a jet engine or rocket-propelled missile that flies at low altitude using an automated guidance sy
  • ring consumption is increased, but Super Sonic flies at 180 MPH and he is practically invincible to
  • The species flies at night and is attracted to light and sugar.
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