



  • Other plans foresaw a high dam immediately above the village.
  • The project foresaw a capacity of 5-7.2 million tonnes of LNG per
  • Operation Turtle on the other hand foresaw a main thrust to the left of the Alban Hills
  • a union of Sweden with Denmark and Norway, he foresaw a limitation of the power of the Swedish nobl
  • assess the relative quality of research, and foresaw a retrenchment in the size of the higher educ
  • He foresaw extending the rail line to service factories,
  • The future that the article foresaw for Ballinger was as the "white hope" leading
  • ance that signified the certitude that Gandhi foresaw for the movement is best described by his cal
  • wn as Culture Minister in the cabinet that he foresaw having to put together.
  • Catholic tradition states that William foresaw his own imminent death “by special revelation
  • lear that through this directive, Sauberzweig foresaw his division taking complete control of the r
  • It foresaw its own destruction, and meant to use the Tru
  • of Constable's business methods, which, as he foresaw, led to disaster.
  • ir member's appointment to the government and foresaw no reason to doubt he would be re-elected in
  • tributary of the Han River, and war scenarios foresaw North Korea releasing flood waters that could
  • The third stage foresaw of installation of two BC-50 units; however,
  • The Agreement foresaw Omega's concentration to the Luxury watches s
  • s general manager Jerry West, who immediately foresaw potential in Bryant's basketball ability duri
  • s general manager Jerry West, who immediately foresaw potential in Bryant's basketball ability duri
  • As God foresaw that Haman himself would be hanged on the gal
  • Antony foresaw that he would not be able to defeat Octavian'
  • God foresaw that the Tabernacle would be made of these tr
  • Gabriel foresaw that the growth of digital technologies would
  • e islands, as the official forecast correctly foresaw that Philippe would stay well to the east.
  • The Polish plan foresaw that the Germans would manage to cut off Gdyn
  • "They foresaw that the concession of a Providence would imp
  • John H. Longstreet's vision foresaw the pathway of expansion.
  • The ESRO TD programme initially foresaw the launch of three satellites: TD-1, TD-2 an
  • Napoleon I foresaw the changes which are now taking place on the
  • Perhaps Morris-Jones also foresaw the final absorption of the National Liberals
  • The UCV foresaw the controversy that would potentially arise
  • The British authorities foresaw the need for a civil judicial system to be es
  • Yramategui foresaw the increasing urban growth around Armand Bay
  • the attack on Pearl Harbor, American planners foresaw the possibility of a two-front war.
  • However, Makhoul foresaw the arrest and had submitted an article to Th
  • ongly against Pu Yi's cooperation with Japan, foresaw the unrest in China and fled to Taiwan in the
  • The 1973 Federal Transport Plan foresaw the upgraded Hamburg-Uelzen-Hanover line as o
  • ang Kai-shek, President Franklin D. Roosevelt foresaw the United States dominating China's sphere o
  • imagined events of the next 200 years, Wagar foresaw the Soviet Union enjoying another 200 years o
  • Experts foresaw the problem as Southern California entered th
  • He also foresaw the potential wealth of ligand-binding reagen
  • The competitive nature of this race foresaw the eventual rise of the Republican Party and
  • Haskins foresaw the huge demand for good-quality pre-prepared
  • This was done because the Sultan foresaw the necessity of exchanging them for the more
  • dmittedly, vast estates, the Marquess rightly foresaw the potential of Cardiff, telling his concern
  • micycle show those Old Testament prophets who foresaw the virgin birth, flanking scenes of the Annu
  • uable that the foreign politician intended or foresaw the consequences".
  • Whitney became enthralled with railroads and foresaw their future role in business and transport.
  • However, there is no evidence that LDDC foresaw this scale of development and nearby Heron Qu
  • size of the French and German armies-that he foresaw would be needed to fight a war lasting many y