



  • union, its own movement to its origin, to its fount, and to the body emitting the effluvium.
  • at the art or science of medicine has been the fount from which all improvements in health have flo
  • Calcite crystals in fossilized clamshell, fount in Fort Drum.
  • Pelikan also makes Pelikan Fount India, a deep black Indian ink which, unlike m
  • Armistead C. Gordon, The Fount of Castaly (Charlottesville, Virginia, 1934)
  • Kyoiku no Omoto (Great Fount of Education) (1894)
  • always talking about craftsmanship-a constant fount of information".
  • tribution to the world of philosophy is as the fount of logical positivism.
  • The Crown, as fount of honour, has the undoubted right to create p
  • O Fount of Life, unfathomable Divine Mercy, envelop th
  • Japan Times: NHK a fount of info, a lot of it from the government Japan
  • O fount of life, immeasurable Divine Mercy,cover the w
  • Though the sovereign remains the fount of justice, he or she cannot unilaterally esta
  • 's honours, they do stem from the Crown as the fount of honour, and so bear on the insignia symbols
  • symbolizing the Canadian monarch's role as the fount of honour.
  • Doctrinally holds the Bible as fount of faith and guidance for life; believes Jesus
  • video device, most of which will be donated to Fount of Mercy, a charity for grassroots organizatio
  • en Elizabeth II, symbolizing her roles as both fount of honour and Commander-in-Chief of the Canadi